
Viewing 21 - 40 of 68 results

The fifth chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is finished. · 5:15am Sep 9th, 2016

Hey again. The fifth chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is finished. Now I know you might be wonder why I made Flitter evil in this universe. Well, RainbowDoubleDash once said that if Hurricane Fluttershy before the first story was finished that Flitter or Cloudchaser would replace Raindrops. So I decided to run with that idea and make Flitter an evil opposite version of Raindrops. She's a pretty nasty piece of work. I'm an going to enjoy using her in the future.

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"Batmare Begins" - The Courage To Dare Now Up!!! · 8:32pm Oct 3rd, 2016

Afternoon my lovely readers and followers! The latest chapter of Batmare Begins, "The Courage To Dare," is now up, and with that the last of this five chapter update has been posted. I hope you've enjoyed this latest smorgasbord of Batmare, and don't you worry, things are only going to pick up and get more exciting from here! Have a nice day everypony, and thank you again one and all for your support!!!


"Batmare Begins" Returns This Sunday · 8:14pm Sep 19th, 2016

Good afternoon everypony! Well, well, well, it has been awhile since I last updated, hasn't it? First of all, I want to thank all of my followers and longtime readers of Batmare Begins for being so patient with me in the interlude since my last update. That out of the way, I am happy to announce that this Sunday, Batmare Begins shall be updating yet again, and boy oh boy do I have a BIG update in store for all of you! In the next two weeks, for the next two Sundays, next two Mondays, and

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The seventh chapter and the epilogue of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is done. · 3:38am Sep 13th, 2016

Here is the final part of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore?. I am definitely going to write a sequel. I have so many ideas I want to do and I purposely left things open so they can be explored later. I think it is important to do that to capture the audiences' imagination and keep them wondering. The biggest plot points to be explored will be the Rangers' identities being exposed and the weirdness surrounding Bon-Bon. I have really grown to like writing Bon-Bon and she's

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"Batmare Begins" - An Inebriated Heist Has Been Posted · 8:16pm Oct 2nd, 2016

Afternoon my lovely readers and followers, just letting you all know that the latest chapter of Batmare Begins, "An Inebriated Heist," has been uploaded for your viewing pleasure!!! The last of the latest batch of updates will be posted tomorrow, and after that there should not be nearly the same amount of waiting for the next chapter as there was for this update, I can promise you that. Hope you enjoy this latest chapter, and have a nice day one and all! :twilightsmile:

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"Batmare Begins" - The Princess and the Prodigy: Part 1 Officially Uploaded! · 10:59pm Aug 14th, 2020

Good evening, my dear watchers and loyal readers! Literally 3 years and 1 day to the day since I last posted a new chapter of "Batmare Begins," I've finally uploaded the first of two new chapters coming to you all this weekend! Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding with me and my terribly slow pace in bringing these two new chapters to you. Let me tell you, there were times I wondered if I really would ever update the story again, but it feels so great now getting to do

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"Batmare Begins" - Troubled Waters is Now Uploaded · 8:07pm Sep 25th, 2016

Afternoon my lovely readers and followers! As promised, the latest chapter of Batmare Begins, "Troubled Waters," is now up for your reading pleasure!!! I hope you thoroughly enjoy it and once again thank you all so much for your patience with my writing pace. Have a nice day everypony, and expect more to come!!! :raritystarry:


The fourth chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is finished. · 6:18am Sep 7th, 2016

Hey again. The fourth chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is finished. Next chapter is where the real action starts. Thinking about it, I think the pacing of this first half was a little slower than it should have been. Oh well. It was a good learning experience at least. Anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 4


The second chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is finished. · 8:46pm Sep 3rd, 2016

Hey again. The second chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is done. I know this seems a bit quick, but I had some time to edit it and thought 'what the heck' and just released it a bit earlier than expected.

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The first chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is finished. · 7:24pm Sep 2nd, 2016

The first chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is done. This is my first Lunaverse story and just like me it is a weird and out there one. The basic idea for the fic came from the fact that the original Lunaverse's Corona was inspired from Lord Zedd from Power Rangers. I posted a thread on the Lunaverse's group forum about what if the Luna 6 were Power Ranger/Sentai. I liked the idea and the whole story snowballed from there. I am thinking of a sequel. I will start

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"Batmare Begins" - Dinner With The Kickers is Up!!! · 8:34pm Sep 26th, 2016

Afternoon everyone, just letting ya'll know that the second (and longest) of my five most current updates for Batmare Begins, "Dinner With The Kickers," is now up for your viewing pleasure! Believe me, this was a HARD chapter to write, and I think you'll see why, but hopefully it also makes for an enjoyable read. Have a nice day everypony!

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"Batmare Begins" - Epiphany Now Up! · 8:04pm Sep 27th, 2016

Afternoon everyone! Just letting you all know that the third chapter update (of five upcoming ones) is now up for Batmare Begins; "Epiphany" will be the last update till this Sunday. I hope you've enjoyed the current batch so far, and look forward to sharing the rest with you later this week. Have a nice afternoon everypony!


The sixth chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is finished. · 6:11am Sep 11th, 2016

Hey again. The sixth chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is finished. You might be wondering why Zecora is a good guy in this when she is a, supposed, bad guy in the normal Lunaverse. I tried really hard to think of a way for her to have the same role, but failed completely. I just couldn't find a place for her on the bad guys team. I could just cut her out completely, but I don't like ignoring problems. So, in the end, I just made her a good guy and I think it worked

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The third chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is finished. · 7:44pm Sep 4th, 2016

Hey again. I know this is a little fast, but I really want to get the later action chapters. Things are really going to step up in craziness next chapter. My original idea for Twilight is that she would be like Bulk and Skull and annoy Trixie and her friends while trying to learn the identities of the Galaxy Rangers. I threw out that idea because it didn't feel right. Thank goodness I did. I always say it is important to listen to your writer's instincts. They are usually right.

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Chapter 16 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 8:55am Jan 23rd, 2017

Hey again. Chapter 16 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. Okay, I admit I play the level of technology in this universe pretty fast and loose like the show does. Despite everything, this fic is still basically a cartoon. That is why Trixie was able to survive being exploded back in the first story or gets her head banged into a desk for little effect. Whatever works for a gag. Anway, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

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Chapter 6 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 5:41am Oct 24th, 2016

Hello again. The sixth chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. I wasn't actually planning on making this chapter like this at first. But with Vinyl's attack, I needed a follow-up. So I thought "Why not have Pokey do some investigating and that could lead into Notary getting her powers?" It also helped build up Notary character as well. This version of Notary is a bit different from the Lunaverse one and is inspired by the Terminator. I really like creepy, silent

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Chapter 23 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 8:26am May 13th, 2017

Hey again. Chapter 23 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. The story is slowly starting to wrap up. I think it should be done at chapter 30 or so. With an epilogue of course. As I said before, I will write a side story or two before moving on to part 3 that will wrap up the Corona saga. Raindrops will play a big part in it. I think I finally found a good place for her in the series. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

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Chapter 19 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 9:43am Mar 12th, 2017

Chapter 19 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. I have been thinking that I might write one or two one-shots after I finish this story. I have some big ideas for the third part and there are some things I want to explore before doing it. One idea I want to do is a story where Lyra and Bon-Bon have their tenth anniversary of the day they met and hijinks ensue. I like writing their relationship and want to expand on it more. The other idea I won't say yet because it

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How? Why... How did I not know these comics existed? · 2:42am April 18th


Chapter 3 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done! · 5:25am Oct 5th, 2016

Chapter 3 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done! Things really start hitting the fan this chapter. You might be wondering why I made Vinyl a bad guy in this story. The reason is I wanted to create a reverse Octavia/Lyra character. I thought that it might be interesting if Vinyl was with Greengrass instead of Octavia in this continuity. I like mixing things up like this and I find her a lot of fun to write. I also think she has a nice dynamic with Lyra. Oh, and yes this

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 68 results