
Viewing 21 - 40 of 138 results

run away to the stars web comic · 11:28pm April 13th

this is a really good webcomic made by jayrockin, which the art they made for it as well it's really good. so go read it


My Birthday Present is a crossover · 7:30pm Aug 23rd, 2015

So my good friend Vivid Syntax sent me a birthday present this afternoon... and it looks a little something like this.

Apparently since I'm not cool enough to have an OC like TheVClaw he couldn't commission that, so he just mashed our couples together. Awesome!


Break Away: The Alicorn Amulet Collaboration - now live! · 5:54am Oct 6th, 2017

Some months ago, I talked about Cleverpun's Break Away collaboration. The premise of the story is that the Princesses have come up with a plan to destroy the Alicorn Amulet - it is too powerful to simply be snapped in half, but every time a pony willingly defies its power, it loses a bit of its strength.

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Bad news again. · 4:59pm Jan 10th, 2019

I got up at seven this morning and went to work at nine. No sooner than I had clocked in and started stocking, I got the call from my aunt. My mother, who has been fighting cancer for the last half year, has lost the battle.

My mother has passed away in her sleep.

I hope everyone understands when I say I will be absent for a time while arrangements are made and everyone grieves. Sorry for the further delays.

Report SvenFoxx · 228 views · #Mom #mother #cancer #death #gone #passed #away

Weekly Update · 5:09am Dec 20th, 2019

Got to 2700 words in total for the chapter this week. Would have finished the Diamond Tiara part this week, but for some reason I got really ill for my two days off so I was definitely not in my right mind to write anything truly coherent. Hopefully with how the next week is, busy but not as bad as I expected, I might finish it.

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Guess what I started work on?~ · 4:57pm Jun 5th, 2020

Okay, so... I had this idea for a while regarding a post-season 9 storyline, and I decided to finally go for it as my 100th FimFiction upload. Just so you guys know, I have other projects that I plan to upload later on, which are currently completed on my Patreon page. I just wanted this one to be my 100th since it means a lot to me.

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Stepping Back and Breathing. · 3:55pm May 28th, 2022

Hey, guys. I have to announce that I'm taking a break from this site for a little bit. Nothing's happened here that caused this, it's just...I'm so fed up with the world right now.

My former high school couldn't hire me back for the Fall semester, because of budget issues. (It was disappointing, but something I prepared for.)

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I Can't · 4:08am Nov 21st, 2023

It breaks my heart to write this, but I think you all knew it was coming, even though I liked to believe I didn't.

I said a long time ago that nothing on this account ever gets cancelled or goes on hiatus, that I fully intended to finish every story I started, no matter how long it took. Well, I still fully intend to. It's just, unfortunately, going to take even longer than I anticipated.

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A New Chrisfic! · 12:58am Oct 25th, 2017

I don't usually make back-to-back blogposts, but this is a special occasion. There's a new Chrisfic!

Well, sorta. There's new Chris ponyfiction, anyway!

If you haven't seen it in the past couple of weeks, amazing ponyfic author/editor/jack-of-all-fanfic-trades cleverpun as started publishing chapters of a collab about... well, why don't I let it speak for itself:

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What Am I Even Doing? Important! · 12:26pm Jul 5th, 2016


Hey guys- Why Drifting Away is not here right now · 3:43pm Jun 3rd, 2017

Hey everypony. Sorry that you can't see Drifting Away right now. Rest assured, I have not deleted it. Rather, someone has reported it and gotten it removed (Yeah, 2-in-1, a mod). Sadly there is nothing I can do without messing up some of my story at the moment. My editor and I are trying to resolve this issue, but this same mod has made the last few days for us a living hell. Please be patient while we are working!


Working some more! · 9:25am Apr 24th, 2020

So, in light of my new 100-follower status, I've redesigned my userpage to highlight both my most successful stories, and also some of the less successful pieces which I remain especially proud of. At the moment, I've only written 14 stories in just over a year, and that's including the somewhat dashed-off clop trilogy that got me my start and gave me this millstone of a username, so the distinction is kind of academic, but I'm hoping to just keep on writing new stuff.

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Away for a bit. · 11:38pm Oct 13th, 2019

I'm going on holiday to EGX in London for a week so I wont be working on my fics for a few days. When I come back I'll try to get back into a more regular work and release schedule as I want to keep at these stories until we have an ending.

Especially my Tomb Kings fic as I really want to write that one.

As always, any constructive criticism is appreciated and I will see you all later!


Set Sail Updated · 2:49am Sep 30th, 2019

The updated version of set sail is now live. It doesn't shake up too much that it would require a reread, but it could be interesting to go back and see the changes.

The biggest change, compared to the original, is Arctic's interaction with the Queen. Before, he was fearful and seemingly clueless, now he's much more confident and a bit bold, which I feel fits him better.

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Unraveling the Truth: Violet Myers and the Fake News of her Passing · 1:23pm Nov 28th, 2023

In the age of instant information and social media, rumors can spread like wildfire. One such recent incident involved the false claim that adult film star violet myers passed away fake news. This article delves into the details, separating fact from fiction and addressing common questions surrounding this unfortunate hoax.


  1. The Viral Rumor:

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Hearth's Warming didn't kill me, 14 coming Soon(TM) · 4:44pm Dec 28th, 2017

Ooof. The holidays can be a difficult time for people. I don't know about the rest of you, but sometimes Snowfall Frost's "Say Goodbye to the Holiday" doesn't seem like a horrible idea. At the very least, at least without them on Earth, there's far less world ending consequences (no matter what big businesses may tell you).

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I'm bored, so let's do a Q&A · 4:22am Oct 19th, 2016

...Mostly about Hunters, but I'll take other questions, either about my life or this fandom, or another fandom.

So, come ask me stuff, nerds.


Read · 8:35pm Dec 6th, 2015

Yo. I haven't done anything on here since June. Deleted all my stories, changed accounts, joined some fandoms etc. I dont plan on doin' much here, but if you really want to see some actual content, check out my Deviantart and Google+. Have a good one, y'all. :ajsmug:


Report Soriel · 314 views · #away #gone #active #other #accounts #content

On the Subject of Being Cool · 8:25pm May 17th, 2016

This is what I call an IMPORTANT MATTER. Notice the capital letters, as this is something that might prove FUNDAMENTAL for future reference.

Folks, I have a FAVOR to ask of you. Don't worry, it's NOTHING YOU GOTTA WORK FOR. You'll probably LIKE to help me with this, even. You'll be THANKFUL. Or maybe you WON'T BE, but I seem to fail to GIVE A FUCK.

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Me when I start on a new fic while others sit idle and half complete. · 9:34am Jul 1st, 2017

every single time

Got something coming out in a few hours or less, but that's not what I'm talking about here. What I'm talking about is going to be a sequel to something else I wrote based on a throw away joke that literally no one was asking for but they're getting anyway!

The Bro is go.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 138 results