
Viewing 21 - 40 of 46 results

Chapter 5: Unmarked Time · 11:36pm Jul 23rd, 2019

Unmarked Time chapter 5 is now available to read. Flopsy Mopsy's battle with Tirek didn't end as planned, but she gets a second chance at a foe she truly detested and had failed to properly take out last time. Round 2 of DJ FM vs Discord begins NOW!

TKnight of Equestria IV: Unmarked Time
Tirek is stealing pony magic. DJ Flopsy Mopsy aka The Songbird, reluctant secret hero, is heading for Canterlot for a record deal. While the princesses have a plan for Tirek, DJ FM carries out a pragmatic one. Then she meets Discord—again.
scifipony · 19k words  ·  13  3 · 557 views

Your Suggested Weekend Reading · 1:46am Sep 29th, 2018

This is where I suggest a story and try to convince you to read it this weekend. Today, I'd like to suggest Filly, Separated. The SF great, Kim Stanley Robinson, told me while giving pointers on writing that the most important thing to know is the message you are trying to get across. If you select something that tears into your soul, you'll give the

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New Story: Unmarked Time · 1:56pm Jun 26th, 2019

Unmarked Time is a new Knight of Equestria novella. DJ FM, the Songbird, travels to Canterlot to meet with Sapphire Shores at Eohippus Records expecting to sign a recording deal. It's supposed to be the start of the next phase of her music career. That pesky other unasked-for unwanted career, you know, the one where her PCD (Princess Compulsive Disorder) causes her to

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Chapter 2: Unmarked Time · 11:49pm Jul 2nd, 2019

Unmarked Time chapter 2 is now available to read. Things are looking up for Flopsy Mopsy, but then an iconic scene from Jurassic Park comes to mind.

TKnight of Equestria IV: Unmarked Time
Tirek is stealing pony magic. DJ Flopsy Mopsy aka The Songbird, reluctant secret hero, is heading for Canterlot for a record deal. While the princesses have a plan for Tirek, DJ FM carries out a pragmatic one. Then she meets Discord—again.
scifipony · 19k words  ·  13  3 · 557 views

In case you missed it, I've published a new story! · 2:04am Dec 12th, 2018

Discordant Harmony is the second in the Knight of Equestria series. Each story is written to be standalone, so you can start with any story in the series. As you might guess, in this one Flopsy Mopsy encounters Discord. We get an insight into how both of them think.

EKnight of Equestria II: Discordant Harmony
Then I encountered Discord turning Ponyville into the Chaos Capital of the world. I wasn't buying his changes made ponies more fun, and I told him as much, which meant I had a part to play in the drama.
scifipony · 7k words  ·  18  3 · 607 views

Do You "Like" the Story? · 6:34pm May 5th, 2019

Hey, Reader! May I make a selfish request? Pizzicato and Changelings has been in publication for five weeks now, with chapter 10 of 14 posted. The “Changelings” and the musical term in the story should hint at what it is about. It’s part of an

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Chapter 4: Unmarked Time · 10:23pm Jul 16th, 2019

Unmarked Time chapter 4 is now available to read. Badly pummeled Flopsy Mopsy has a plan, and it involves royally pissing Lord Tirek off. Round 2 of DJ FM vs LT! begins NOW!

TKnight of Equestria IV: Unmarked Time
Tirek is stealing pony magic. DJ Flopsy Mopsy aka The Songbird, reluctant secret hero, is heading for Canterlot for a record deal. While the princesses have a plan for Tirek, DJ FM carries out a pragmatic one. Then she meets Discord—again.
scifipony · 19k words  ·  13  3 · 557 views

Tuesday and a New Chapter! · 12:16am May 1st, 2019

Crystals! In Radioactive, Flopsy Mopsy demonstrates just how evil she is to a very critical audience.... Read chapter nine of:

EKnight of Equestria III: Pizzicato and Changelings
Vinyl Scratch lands a gig for DJ Flopsy Mopsy: the public party for the royal Canterlot Wedding—in a stadium-sized venue! Handling this taxes her fledgling abilities, but, when she thinks she owns all the hooves, all Tartarus beaks loose.
scifipony · 28k words  ·  19  3 · 711 views

March update · 11:30am Mar 24th, 2017

Soooooooooooooooo March officially sucked.

I officially got nothing but a 2500 word short done which should be up and edited before the end of the month, along with a 5K follow-up fic which I am doing. But unlike with what I was planning I have no chapter of chains (or Songbird 2). The month has been one large stress fuelled shitstorm thanks to work which eventually resulted in what bordered on a nervous breakdown.

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The things to come · 9:52am Aug 25th, 2017

Good morning my little ponies!

Long-time no see! I need to find a way to get more blogging done on FimFiction, I just never have a clue what to write about in all honestly. Any way this is a little update to let you all know I am not dead, in fact I have finally picked up the slack I have had because quite honestly I was tired of letting depression winning.

Below the page break you can read more about what is coming up and what I am working on.

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Chapter 6: Unmarked Time (COMPLETE) · 12:37am Jul 31st, 2019

Unmarked Time chapter 6 is now available to read, completing the story. At a public audience, Flopsy Mopsy tells Princess Celestia she will bare any punishment her actions deserve. The princess warns her that she will get what she deserves as Princess Luna watches on.

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Happy New Year - Last Chapter of Discordant Harmony Published · 12:03am Jan 2nd, 2019

<pop> <fizz> Here’s to wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year. We’ve a lot to look forward to, especially season 9 premiering in just a few month’s time! Go ahead and read Knight of Equestria: Discordant Harmony if you have not done so. It’s complete. Meanwhile, I’m doing the last edits on Knight of Equestria: Pizzicato and Changelings, which I hope to release before the end of the

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Tuesday Evening and a New Chapter! · 1:15am May 15th, 2019

Flopsy Mopsy realizes she's transgressed against a princess. Now she will face her Judgement. Read chapter thirteen of:

EKnight of Equestria III: Pizzicato and Changelings
Vinyl Scratch lands a gig for DJ Flopsy Mopsy: the public party for the royal Canterlot Wedding—in a stadium-sized venue! Handling this taxes her fledgling abilities, but, when she thinks she owns all the hooves, all Tartarus beaks loose.
scifipony · 28k words  ·  19  3 · 711 views

One more chapter to left...


Tuesday and a New Chapter! · 11:30pm Apr 9th, 2019

In I Fancy Him, Flopsy Mopsy gets about the task of preparing for her performance. Unfortunately, one of the lighting FX unicorns is a stallion named Ghost Zapper. She had crushed on him in high school. Hard. Kinda difficult to conduct business when you voice comes out as a squeak... Read chapter three of:

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Chapter 3: Unmarked Time · 11:18pm Jul 9th, 2019

Unmarked Time chapter 3 is now available to read. Flopsy Mopsy does battle with monsters, one of which she realizes is herself.

TKnight of Equestria IV: Unmarked Time
Tirek is stealing pony magic. DJ Flopsy Mopsy aka The Songbird, reluctant secret hero, is heading for Canterlot for a record deal. While the princesses have a plan for Tirek, DJ FM carries out a pragmatic one. Then she meets Discord—again.
scifipony · 19k words  ·  13  3 · 557 views

Describing each character who debuted in the MLP movie with one adjective · 3:27pm Jul 1st, 2020

Tempest Shadow - badass
Grubber - lame
Storm King - banal
Capper - cool
Capt. Celaeno - incredible
Princess Skystar - eccentric
Queen Novo - useless
Songbird Serenade - inspirational


Random poll, impregnation on stage · 4:21am Aug 8th, 2017

Random, meaningless poll: Who should get impregnated on stage? Cause.
Feel free to comment.
Technically this poll has movie spoilers if you consider the name of a character to be a spoiler.


Why Flopsy Mopsy, hidden hero, she who will become Songbird Serenade? · 8:22pm Jan 17th, 2019

In The Movie, Songbird Serenade is a generic celebrity with a noticeably foreign accent, nothing more than a MacGuffin—but her song in the movie, especially in the scene where's she's singing it in a cage and Twilight rolls by, hints at a rich though unpleasant past as an immigrant.

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New Story for "Music Ponies Day" at Equestria Daily · 7:31am May 27th, 2020

Because Octavia and Vinyl Scratch day at Equestria Daily is also to be about other music ponies like Coloratura, Sapphire Shores, and Songbird Serenade, I finished and released another Songbird (Flopsy Mopsy) Serenade story. It’s Knight of Equestria V: Girls' Night Out. It is strictly slice-of-life, but if you

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Your Suggested Weekend Reading · 9:52pm Oct 26th, 2018

The Crucible. That's the moment you're faced with terror, danger, or ruin. How you would react, you can only speculate upon, but you will react in the crucible in ways that define who you really are and who you will become. When Flopsy Mopsy encounters Nightmare Moon on the morning of the 1000th Sun Celebration and sees Princess Celestia murdered, she too reacts. She had thought she would follow in Vinyl Scratch's hoof steps as a DJ, but her moment in the

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 46 results