
Viewing 21 - 25 of 25 results

Yes, I'm still alive... · 11:12pm Mar 12th, 2019


Hi there. It's been a while. · 2:22pm Oct 2nd, 2018

I realized I hadn't really posted a blog in a while and figured it was time for an update.

So, I've been working on another BCU fic which I'm trying to get done because it may kick off Phase 3 (Maybe. It depends on which one of us authors gets our story done first). After that, "Consequences" will resume in earnest and get back on schedule. I finally feel able to take this on after the 20 year friendship I mentioned elsewhere self-destructed.

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Hmmmm... · 3:36pm Feb 8th, 2019

I had a thought last night with the announcement that the next major EQG special, "Spring Breakdown," is due to air March 30th.

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Schedule changes · 2:36pm Apr 5th, 2018

Okay, so when I finished In the Days That Followed, I had set myself a loose schedule of what remaining unfinished and as yet unwritten stories I was going to tackle next. I needed to finish A Is For..., and I promised myself that I'd write the "missing" fantasy sequences from Sunset Sexytimes as a thank you to the readers who liked it and got it into the Featured box for almost a full week. Following that, I was going to turn my attention to the circus-themed Equestrian

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Let's Talk Sunset's Apartment - UPDATE · 3:32pm Aug 21st, 2019

So way WAAAAAAAY back, I did a blog analyzing what we could see of Sunset's apartment, along with some speculation about how she paid for it. I considered this incomplete because we almost always saw Sunset's apartment from the same angle, and never saw one of the walls, so we couldn't confirm some of my speculations.

With the release of the "Costume Conundrum" short, I finally got some answers.

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Viewing 21 - 25 of 25 results