
Viewing 21 - 40 of 93 results

I'ma open Splintershard up to public prereading in June. · 8:51am May 17th, 2020

All the chapters that are gonna go up on June 10 are prolly gonna be pasted into a GDoc. I'd just like a chance to tweak things beforehand, given the size of this project. :twilightsmile:


Donating a large portion of my music library to my public library · 12:07am Nov 20th, 2018

I realized that I have a lot of CDs that I don't use and have no use for other than to back up my digital library. I'm just creating a list here since I don't have my regular laptop to keep this on.

Johnny Cash
16 Biggest Hits Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash
Johnny Cash: original Masters Collection
Now Here's Johnny Cash
Bitter Tears
Johnny Cash: The Gospel Collection
Cash: Ultimate Gospel
Johnny Cash Remixed
Artist's Choice: Johnny Cash

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First Draft Complete · 1:05am Sep 12th, 2021

I have completed the entire first draft of The Runaway Bodyguard. It is 180,000 words long. I had planned for a novel half that length, but the best characters take over and only a fool decides not to listen and write down what they have to say.

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Public Service Announcement from JCP and Emma Downs · 10:25am Oct 25th, 2016

A month or so ago my mom was diagnosed with Vikings Disease which causes bones and joints to curl up to the point where they can't be used anymore. There is no known cure for it. My mom got it from an injury at her job where she shattered her shoulder bones and all of the bones in her wrist. This caused her body to sustain a lot of trauma that triggered the recessive genetic disorder.

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A Public Apology to Present Perfect and State of the Author: 3/24/18 · 10:29pm Mar 24th, 2018

...Wow, doing a lot of these lately. Says quite a bit more about me than I'm willing to admit? Am I a blunt easily triggered SJW, or someone who calls people out on their bullshit when I see it?

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Free story ideas for you · 10:01pm Apr 18th, 2019

It took me years to come to this realization, but the fact is, I come up with more stories than I can write. The end result will be that some of my ideas won't get written. That saddens me.

This is why I'm opening up My GDoc of ideas to the public.

If you have a hard time coming up with ideas, feel free to take any of them.


Public Masturbation is Fun · 5:43am Jan 17th, 2018

So I wrote a fic about it. Here it is:

[Adult story embed hidden]

It's in the second person. I'm not really sure why. It just came out that way.


And now my tale is told · 4:48pm Mar 2nd, 2023

I have finished my first MLP:FiM fic. It's currently in the approval queue. *impatiently trotting in place*

When it's live I will provide a link here.


Public Sex With an Invisible Stallion? · 4:43am Feb 25th, 2018

Because why the fuck not, that's pretty damn hot.

[Adult story embed hidden]

Give it a read, and feel free to let me know what you think!


Could you imagine what would happen if Ethan Smith got ahold of a plasmid? · 4:34am Oct 16th, 2016

Well this is just the idea that popped in my head. Could any of you just imagine what would happen if Ethan Smith somehow got teleported to rapture and got a hold of a plasmid?


The GATE - Happy Hearth's Warming Eve · 11:27pm Dec 24th, 2019

And Chanukah, Christmas, Festivus, and Kwanza, too! Pick your cup o' cheer. The GIFT GATE is back in daily publication. You may want to read one or two of the previous chapters to reorient yourself in the story to where Celestia has agreed to raise the sun. The final chapter isn't as complete as I hoped, and that one may have some delays, but that's over a week away. Enjoy.


This Is For You · 6:36am Apr 25th, 2020

Hello all :pinkiehappy:

My little gift for the amazing treat of being featured will be a Q&A for you all to get those questions like: "Why don't you update more?" or "Have you ever tried writing something good?" off of your mind :derpytongue2:

I've never really done anything of the sort before, so I figured this would be a treat for all of you wonderful readers that were curious about anything*.

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Mickey is now public domain, that means Epic Mickey 3 can be real · 6:27am January 2nd


BronyCon 2016 and Real Life Update · 2:16pm Jul 6th, 2016

Good morning everypony! This blog post isn't very much show related, but every once in awhile I like to fill people in on real life stuff going on with me. Certainly got a big one for ya'll this morning. About a week and a half ago, I had the distinct pleasure of graduating from Western Michigan University's graduate school after two years of studying there with a Master's in Public History secured! :yay:

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Don't Give Up · 1:44pm May 8th, 2018

Life's going to reach those points where things are going to seem bleak and pointless, your mind's going to delve into dark territory and you're going to start thinking about what all you've done and if it's worth anything... if your life is worth anything. Emotions take control, what little you've done might be targeted and you'll end up feeling like everything you've done, no matter how small, doesn't make your life worth it...

Worth living.

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Brony Science Journal · 10:22pm Jul 18th, 2018

Announcing the launch of the Journal of Equestrian Science, possibly the first publication devoted to the scientific study of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This was an idea which came out of Needling Haystack's panel at Nightmare Nights Dallas last year, (check out his YouTube channel). It is the also the work of

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GDocs of my stories · 4:29pm Feb 8th, 2017

I've reread most of my fics yet again and made some edits to them. This blog is mostly for my own needs so I have a central index of my stories for my ease of access. Anypony else is, of course, also free to read them and even make edits to them if they so desire. They're all public access.

Published stories:

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Posting schedule for Ms. Glimmer and the Do-Nothing Prince. · 3:18am Jul 26th, 2023

I will post at least one chapter per week, sometimes a set of related chapters when I feel that's necessary. I am not committing to a day, but will post randomly in order to catch readers who show up only on specific days. When I have enough chapters posted, I will notify Equestria Daily that I have a sequel posted to a Fanfiction story post, which will hopefully increase the readership.

Meanwhile, are you enjoying it yet? If so, comment on the story! Like it, if you dare.


Wraithy Public Message Service: Horror Music · 5:40pm Oct 3rd, 2015

In horror, it's what you don't see that is far scarier than what you do.

I think this is true for the music as well.

I far prefer the slow, quiet tracks to the louder ones. Not to say I don't like loud musical stings, roaring guitars, and squealing choirs, but something soft and gentle unnerves me more. And if you want to make any soft and slow horror track scarier, just splice in footsteps.

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A mistake was made. · 5:01pm Jun 4th, 2022

Welp, folks, I feel like crap now. I just realized the books I was browsing through amazon for to get a feel for price range were physical books, and the $15.00 price I thought was cheap next to what I was seeing was, in fact, money-grubbing levels of expensive for an e-book. You have my most heartfelt apologies for that. I don't buy many books nowadays, so I was out of the loop. I've submitted something to amazon to change the price from $15.00 to $8.00, which falls more in line with

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 93 results