
Viewing 21 - 40 of 106 results

Rest In Peace, Mr. Sevigny. · 1:53pm Jan 2nd, 2018

At my High school, the History Teachers are pretty close.

Now, they'll need to be closer.

Mr. Sevigny, one of the most well-liked teachers in the school, died suddenly over the weekend.

And he was barely in his thirties.

I'm in shock, I'm so numb. I really liked him, he was the kind of teacher that would make you smile so much, a big Pokemon fan, he was so friendly...just a great guy.

I'll tell you more when I know more.

Rest in Peace, teacher. Rest in peace.


Rest In Peace little K · 3:56pm Aug 10th, 2023

We tried our best, and I know she had a great life, but it won't make this day any easier.

Today, I lost my beautiful Keiti...

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Rest in Peace: Creeper · 2:07am Nov 9th, 2015

There really isn't much for me to say other then the title...

One of the family's cats got hit by a car like... an hour or so ago, died in my sister's arms. Ugh...

I buried him not too long ago, stupid ground was hard as balls and there were roots but... I buried him... least I could do.

I'll miss you Creeper buddy, you were a furry black monster, but you were awesome.

Peace be with you young warrior cat.

Report Dustchu · 383 views · #Creeper #Cat #RIP #Rest In Peace

Unbelievable... · 6:26pm Jun 10th, 2017

Just over a week and already two childhood icons have passed away.

Peter Sallis, the voice of Wallace from Wallace and Gromit (my childhood right here) and now Adam West, the original Batman. :fluttercry:

All I can say is we may be sad they're now gone, but we should celebrate the joy they brought to us, both as children and adults, and that they both lived long and happy lives. :pinkiesad2:

Peter Sallis, I hope they serve Wensleydale where you are now.

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The Passing of a Legend · 7:24pm Nov 12th, 2018

Tragic news, everyone.

It grieves me to announce, that apparently Stanley Martin Lieber - or as we all popularly know him, "Stan Lee" - is dead at age 95.

The cause of death has not yet been announced.

This is in some ways to be expected... in fact I am impressed by the fact that he lived to the age he did... but at the same time, it's a very heartbreaking bit of news.

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Christmas Comic: All I Want For Christmas Is You By Lucy-Tan · 2:43am Dec 20th, 2015


The Poem was created by a man named Ryan Brennan. I didn't write it, but I did commission this.


Happy Holidays! · 2:11am Dec 25th, 2017


God's Love is Backwards. · 4:33pm Oct 25th, 2019

God's ways are so different from ours, and thank God for that! Whenever a child does something good or praiseworthy, good parents will be proud of them. But whenever we go to God in our brokenness and our sinfulness, when we have totally messed things up and it is completely our own fault, God loves us all the more.

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It's not fair... · 7:35pm Oct 23rd, 2015

[11:01:57 AM] Nightmare Errand: (everything ok?)
[11:10:54 AM] Raiden Fireblade: Hi this is dennis' brother peter, Dennis died in his sleep last night

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Opportunity is dead, after 15 years · 9:41pm Feb 13th, 2019

Please, give Opportunity a moment of silence and respect. NASA has declared Oppy as dead as of six hours ago. Fifteen years. Fifteen years is how long Oppy continued its mission, collecting data on the red planet for NASA and roaming the surface of the planet. Fifteen years, when its original mission was planned to only last 90 days. Fifteen years is a long time, folks. Longer than I've been alive. May Opportunity rest in peace, and may it lay in its final resting place for as long as the

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A Final Goodbye · 1:30pm Jul 13th, 2023

Me, my mother, aunt and step-uncle have recently went to the crematorium to give my dad his final goodbye before his body is cremated. I can never be thankful enough for all that he has done for all of us, especially me. He was our rock even during all the difficult times he always found a way to inspire hope and faith in us. I am thankful that he was always there for me, even if there were times we fought with each other. May we see each other again when that day comes, but live free in the

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Turn of the Seasons · 7:40am Nov 29th, 2016

I was strolling through the woods, enjoying the beautiful colors of the fall leaves bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. The songbirds were finishing their last melodies before the starlit sky was to be painted above for the night. It was turning into the perfect time to do something I had long forgotten the joy of... watching the sunset.

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Mad World · 4:40am Nov 14th, 2015

Tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you,
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it's a very, very
Mad world, mad world



How to Practice the Virtue of Chastity · 5:26pm Dec 3rd, 2019


Does God see my Pain? · 5:29pm Mar 2nd, 2019

Suffering is one of life's greatest obstacles to seeing the Goodness of God. Does God see what we suffer? The following words are not my own, but a reflection on this mystery by the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. I share them with the hope that they help you as much as they have helped me. If any of you are in need of prayers for any reason, just let me know in the comments, or feel free to message me, peace.

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The one thing I always think about · 1:15pm Sep 12th, 2019

I don't know about any of you out there or what situations might be spread out before you, but, if you're like me, you find it impossible to think about what might happen next. You always have the troublesome thought poking around here or there that constantly has you fret about the day after tomorrow.

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News. · 7:43pm May 18th, 2023

Heyo, fellow nerds.

Just wanted to give you all an update on the next chapter. It hasn't been written yet, not because I don't know what to write, or my muse is gone. The simple fact is, I just not had a peaceful moment to sit down and write. :twilightsheepish:

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Nature photos to remind everyone that there is beauty in the world · 8:21pm Jun 4th, 2020

With so much negativity and darkness going around, I feel that I can do my part to bring a little light back into our lives. I'm not saying forget or ignore the things that are going wrong, but don't forget that for all the darkness that threatens to swallow us up, there is beauty in this world too. And that this beauty can help us get through the dark.

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Her time has come... · 5:09pm Nov 5th, 2019

To all those who follow me...

My family's Welsh Terrier, Kassie, has reached the point where we need to say goodbye. She's old, blind, and while healthy enough to walk and move, she really can't do much other than eat right now and walk into corners. In fact, she nearly strangled herself using a drawstring bag on a coat rack the other day, which was not a fun thing to come home to and save her from...

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Chadwick Boseman dead at 43 · 7:21am Aug 29th, 2020

Chadwick Boseman has died at 43 after being diagnosed with colon cancer in 2016.

Fuck, man. And to think, he still powered through and did all these movies, visited hospitals and inspired millions of people and children all over the world.

Rest in power, King.

Viewing 21 - 40 of 106 results