
Viewing 21 - 37 of 37 results

I won a writing contest! (somehow) · 11:03pm Aug 9th, 2020

So those of you who read my stuff may have noticed a certain link in the description of my latest story. This leads directly to the Right Back At It Again! 2020 Shipping Competition, a contest hosted by FamousLastWords. The goal of the contest was to write about a ship that was popular during the early seasons of the show, these spanning 1-4.

Well, I gave it a shot, and here are the results:

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AMA answers! · 3:33pm Sep 11th, 2016


Printed Fiction, Maybe Stuff, and Bronycon '19 (Or, this is an Important Blog about Potential Pipe Dreams, Please Read) · 9:52pm Mar 23rd, 2019

I actually haven't considered this, and maybe I really should have. Anyway, for months there's been talk of Bronycon organizing a bookstore where you can purchase fanfiction hard copies. Now, the idea of a fanfiction hard copy is really neat to me. I've always wanted personal copies of some of my stories! I still have no idea if I could make it to this year's Bronycon, sadly. I really want to, but the whole thing is up in the air, especially because I'm going to have a lot of stuff on my plate

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250+ Follower AMA · 9:28pm Dec 29th, 2016

My only rules are (as per my last AMA):

1) SFW questions only. I won't give out my personal info either.
2) You can't ask me to spoil my stories and if you are talking about something in my stories, please use the spoiler function.

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Regarding Bibliography (Or Something Similar) · 6:29pm Jul 17th, 2020

Hi guys! I had a question for some of y'all. I've been teasing that true crime-y/NSFW gore story project for a while. It's currently 7/11 chapters into it's first act. I have the eighth on the backburner while I work on Enemy of Mine first, of course. I don't normally do research on stories or for their content beyond "How can I make a pun out of this?" and "How does this thing work?" because I generally do not need to. Fantasy story research doesn't generally fall in the realm of

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Something Something Lunbra Something · 12:25am Mar 15th, 2019

Okay, hi everyone. It's Pi Day. I forgot about that and had no pie today. Then again, maybe I should blame dyscalculia again. I have no clue. I've been... not doing so well? I'unno. Ice Star is a bitter bean. Not much is new. What will be new is a new chapter of Enemy of Mine that I am close to done with, writing stage-wise.

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Read It Now Reviews #87 – What Went Wrong?, A Curious Case of Immortality, Rainbow Dash Comes Out To Her Friends, The Challenge, Proverbial Roses · 10:06pm Jul 14th, 2016

Howdy folks!

With BronyCon in the rearview mirror, I’ve been feeling productive of late. While waiting on Thursday night for my roommates to arrive at the hotel, I started editing an old writeoff story of mine, and managed to finish it off and post it yesterday afternoon:

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200+ Follower AMA · 2:25pm Sep 3rd, 2016

It's more like an Ask Me Almost Anything but whatever. Thanks so much for 200 clicks of that watch button, all the comments and upvotes, as well as everything else. :rainbowwild:

It means a lot to me, having my writing and other crazy (often meme-filled) antics supported.

So post a question or two here in the comments section and a few days later, I'll post another blog with answers to them.

Icy's Only Rules Are:

1) SFW questions only. I won't give out my personal info either.

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User @Ice Star in a Nutshell · 12:26am May 15th, 2018

bcuz i'm fking hilarious

also i posted this in her server so like u should totally join and see it in all it's glory or something (ask Ixu for the invite)


Hey, thanks for... · 1:12am Oct 14th, 2018

...making So Maybe among the highest rated Raven stories on the site! I just noticed that and had no idea that it was a Thing. So, thanks!

There's actually more Raven in the latest Enemy of Mine chapter, if anyone cares.

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My Hand Slipped (or, Two New Stories) · 2:00am May 30th, 2020

EHorrible Words
The first worst part of loving somepony is that you eventually have to tell them. The second worst thing is that they will leave you.
Ice Star · 1k words  ·  155  8 · 3.3k views

I tried doing a thing for a prompt collab. Here's the full version, because I had enough brain worms to type out random nonsense when I should be doing other things. Please enjoy it, and remember that one like means one child will be eaten, as per my bio.

ELittle Candle
Little candle, why must you try and be so bright?
LackLustre · 1.2k words  ·  94  2 · 2.3k views

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Back to writing! ALSO GOOD ART! · 3:34pm Feb 24th, 2019

I've FINALLY got my new computer all set up and back from it's data transfer. Horse words should resume shortly. Enemy of Mine is certainly my top priority, writing-wise, and I've probably been set back by y'know, not having a computer. However, I might do a quick one shot or two to flex my writing powers, get used to the new keyboard, etc. Highly unlikely to be anything magnificent, but words are nice. Also, I would like to show off something potentially related to new stories.

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This is totally a thing now. · 10:01pm May 17th, 2017

If you've bothered to look at Equestria Daily recently, unlike me who pretty much never checks the site, you may have noticed a thing.

I actually got featured on EqD! My first feature! It's here!

Granted, I've submitted my stuff before and been rejected all the other times - again, very good reasons to do so. I'm looking at you, comma errors.

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Before I forget · 7:26pm Apr 1st, 2018

I preread another thing a bit ago. (But wasn't listed as one?)

Luna, newly returned from her exile, takes Twilight along on a pilgrimage into her own past.
Cynewulf · 26k words  ·  284  9 · 3.3k views

It's good but I'm really tied and can't think of nice things to say right now, but if you like worldbuilding, adventures, and Luna, this story awaits you.

To Lunangrad!


Let's Talk About Inspiration · 2:50pm Jul 20th, 2018

If you've read the latest interview from the Royal Canterlot Library, then you already know a bit about the story I'll be talking about. But what you might not know is that before I had a FimFiction account, I liked to read stories on the site still, and was fairly familiar with a few things and locating the Good Shit. This was a bit before I started writing, and the beginnings of the

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tl;dr and spoliers everywhere · 4:10pm Jul 27th, 2017

Wow. A thing happened.

An important thing.

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

Look how fucking introspective I sound.




Just need to breathe here.

Favorable Alignment? My precious baby of a novel? It's done?

It's quite a surprise... If you look at the statistics, I pumped out 360k in a year, on this story alone, so it took a year to write this, eh? Not really.

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Things You Should Read that I Didn't Write (Shocker): Coffee Edition! · 2:24am Jan 15th, 2018

Viewing 21 - 37 of 37 results