
Viewing 21 - 40 of 55 results

Been a hot minute · 10:56pm Jul 1st, 2023

Long time no see every pony! Yeah I'd say around 2017 or maybe a little before that my interest in this franchise started to drop a bit. Got really into a few other franchises but G5 is somewhat luring me back. I still make fanfics just mostly other franchises like Danganronpa mostly with V3 specifically, helluva boss, and a few others here and there on ao3. Want to check them out their here here.

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The Dreams of a Yawning Graduate · 12:48pm May 14th, 2016

Hey Eagles! I haven't done one of these type of blogs in a while. With "Raise You Like a Phoenix" and trying to wrap that up and finals, and graduation and all that stuff. Well, here's some inspired projects that may or may not become a story. I'm still writing some of my older stories and most of these won't come out in forever. So let's get in it!

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Coming soon... · 12:13am Apr 28th, 2018

Hi! I just wanted to let you know about the future stories I have planned and some other things.

As you may know or may not know, I have problems of depression and sadness, and that's keeping me from writing anything. But I'll try to make up for it and release more content soom.

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Plans moving Forward · 1:32am Feb 26th, 2020

First of all, there are still quite a few chapters that are left in regards to Adventures in Eroquestria, I don’t know how many exactly, that’s mostly up to the readers. After Adventures in Eroquestria wraps up I’ll get to work on a sexy cyberpunk Equestria setting with Applejack and Fluttershy as the main characters, after that will be Spike and Starlight Glimmer in the Fetishquestria setting I’ve been thinking about. I’m also in talks with

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Great Idea! >:D ((Spoilers for future story, ahead!!!)) · 5:24am Feb 11th, 2022

I just had a great idea for an in-the-works story as I try to slog through ADHD and bipolar finishing currently posted stories!!

Don't read this if you don't want to know what story I'm going to write and what's going to happen...

So, as many folks here may know, I'm certainly a fan-fiction crossover writer.

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Next story preview! · 8:43pm Aug 5th, 2021

Hey everyone! I'm taking a moment to update you all and show I've got some more works up my sleeve. The next one, I went the extra mile and personally commissioned the cover art to it myself. You can have a gander at it below!

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Welcome to Horsing around:The attempt at an MLP blog by a complete new write fren. #2 Story updates and more! · 2:40pm Aug 6th, 2022

To those who care to read (all three of you), I have tried to release a chapter a day. If you read the description of the story, I mentioned 'mini' fan fiction. To elaborate further, while these aren't self-contained, some stories won't be connected to a greater plot. I have a loosely based thread of ideas and stories, but for the sake of time and to put me on a somewhat organized path, the current 'plan' is this.

1. Finish 'A little trust goes a long way.'

2. ????

3. Profit.

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So What's Next? · 7:27pm Feb 4th, 2021

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

Not too long ago, I have just finished writing "Discord Teaches Philosophy: On Love." I confess I didn't imagine that it would take me about six months to complete it, but I'm happy that I was able to pull it off. So by now, I assume some of you are wondering what I'm planning on doing next.

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Might be Time to Bring Back One of the Greatest... · 6:35am Mar 6th, 2018

Hello everyone!

So I have been thinking, I thought it might be time to bring back one of our greatest comedy stars in history to Ponyville.

His name is...


When I was younger, I watched "Family Matters" all the time and Steve Urkel brought me so much joy.

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Future Projects · 2:51am Dec 2nd, 2016

Hey guys. So I have somethings I wanna let you in on. Whenever I'm not writing, working or watching football, what do I do? Come up with weird MLP/EQG scenarios and fanfics. So, here's what I got for the future. Keep in mind. some of these titles are subjet to change when the final products are made.


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Join Woona's Army of the Night! (a.k.a. pre-readers please???) · 3:10pm May 12th, 2015

I've got a couple of stories coming up that I'd love a few pre-readers for. They're both crossovers, so familiarity with the source material would be an advantage.

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Update on Stories! · 12:02am Oct 13th, 2017

I've decided what I'm going to write about!

I'm writing the backstories of my 3 MLP Ocs:

• Ezra the Inky Changeling,
• Leala the Beagle Pony,
• Beryl Pie the Pinkie Pie clone!! :heart:

Thanks for your patience, now you have these to look forward to! :raritywink:


Changes to "One Winter's Day" · 11:04pm Dec 13th, 2016

So, as some pointed out about my story, One Winter's Day, it wasn't exactly 'done'. The story had mostly a beginning and sort of end, and not much of a middle.

I hadn't wanted it to be very long, afraid I would make it super long. Guess I made it too short instead. So now, I've added more and hopefully it feels better for everyone else too.

Enjoy the holidays folks!


Near Future Story? · 9:26pm Aug 10th, 2017

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

Currently, I am going to be focusing on “The Lioness and the Unicorn” for a while until the thing is finished. But in the mean time, I have been thinking about stories that I may do once that story is done. To which, I want to get some of your opinions on the idea that I came up with today.

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Question For My Followers · 10:25pm Mar 5th, 2021

Hey everyone. I've got a quick question for you regarding potential interest in an upcoming story idea I've had. This would be a new long, multi-chapter story, another crossover, but not Danganronpa. This one would be Star Trek. Without getting into too many details, it would involve Twilight Sparkle (pony Twi not Sci-Twi) trying to find her way home to Equestria, while serving in Starfleet, set in the 24th century era of Trek(TNG/DS9/VOY), and I would do my best to blend the two universes much

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I Want You! · 7:23pm Sep 1st, 2022

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

For those who don't know, I currently have 99 stories that I have posted. This alone is quite a milestone where the years of experimentation, testing other genres, and picking up both requests and co-authoring stories have come. More so is knowing how accepting and even surprising this audience really is, willing to accept stuff that I normally wouldn't think you would.

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May the 4th. · 3:51pm May 4th, 2021's Star Wars Day. And at least for me, it's off to a good start. The Bad Batch series premiered on Disney+, and delivered a solid first episode. Not only did we get to see the death of Depa Billaba to Order 66, and the start of the origins of Caleb Dume/Kanan Jarrus, we get lots of epic action from Clone Force 99. (I won't go any further because it would have heavy spoilers for those who haven't watched it.)

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Update: April 2017 · 1:36am Apr 19th, 2017

Hey everyone. Just a quick update because I have some interesting stuff to announce. That, and to get my whining excuses from a year ago off my user page.


First and foremost, yes, I'm still writing Undead Robot Bug Crusaders. I've hit a small road (writer's) block, but I'm confident I'll get over it soon. But in the meantime, I've had time to work on some other things I've been writing.

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More stories! · 7:28am Jul 20th, 2015

I have a couple new stories in the works. One is a serious, dark story, focused in action and hostage retrieval. The other is a funny light-hearted one off, a bit of a sequel to my first story. They will all contain callbacks to each other. Also here is a line or two from the new stories for a teaser.

Story one: The dark rescue one

Celestia threw one of the ponies against a tower, killing his instantly

Story two: the funny light-hearted one

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A Question I Need Answered · 9:28am Sep 25th, 2020

Right, so, don't really know if anyone is gonna answer this, I'd really appreciate it though. Out of the several stories I've created on this site, Indomitable was a surprise, combining two fanbases without making things overly complicated, and yet it went really well. Everyone was supportive, starting small comment threads like my horrid interpretation of chess to Monster Hunter lore, it was alot of fun!

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 55 results