
Viewing 21 - 27 of 27 results

Read It Now Reviews #114 – Snowed In, Deathbed Confession, This is Not a Drill, A Slice of (Cake) Life, Mint Condition · 7:26pm May 28th, 2018

Happy Memorial Day! I was planning on having a story ready for today, but ended up getting distracted with reading pony fanfics instead. But hey, six of one, half a dozen of the other, right?

Today’s stories:

Snowed In by OkemosBrony

Deathbed Confession by Dreadnought

This is Not a Drill by Tumbleweed

A Slice of (Cake) Life by Epic Yarn

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Am I an evil person? · 1:07am January 21st

Many years ago, I lived together with a person who called herself my "mother". She was evil and also mentally ill. A few days ago, on Thursday, I came to think about her, because I was thinking about the mistake I made in January of 2017 and how my extreme reaction there must have been because of a mental illness.

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New Year's Eve and what happened after. · 2:53am January 13th

The first 10 days of the year were rather terrible. New Year's Eve was still okay, compared to the next ten days. I had lunch and dinner and I watched a few movies while awaiting the new year; "Spirited Away", because that's my friend's favourite movie and we watched it together a few times, and "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", because we watched the whole trilogy together when I visited her two years ago. And I was, surprisingly, done with dinner before midnight (even

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What was the Cause? · 1:37am May 19th

Something I don't know yet is the cause of the mistake I made more than seven years ago..... I know how the consequences happened. This mistake caused a conflict that affected my mental health. It confused me and made me say stupid things that hurt my friend. I felt guilty about this, the guilt was building up and it caused me to have angry, aggressive outbursts when

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Letters to Cozy Glow: A few explanations and clarifications about the nature of the story · 8:39pm May 17th, 2019

I think I need to share a few more infos about "Letters to Cozy Glow". In the two weeks that passed since the last chapter, I noticed that the views on the story essentially froze. And the overall views grow much slower than I expected it for this story, so I'm thinking a lot of my readers might go into it with wrong expectations.
Seeing this, I figured it would be a good idea to clarify a bit what kind of story it is.

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Mistakes from the past that still affect today..... · 4:46pm Dec 23rd, 2023

Since she blocked me, so many thoughts are going through my head..... Almost seven years ago, an event happened that shattered me so much, that I turned into the worst friend possible for a while, because of the mental problems it brought me. Everything was wonderful at that time; my writing was growing fast, I had found the best friend I could wish for and I had my dream position as a quest writer of "Legends of

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Things You Should Read that I Didn't Write (Shocker): Coffee Edition! · 2:24am Jan 15th, 2018

Viewing 21 - 27 of 27 results