
Viewing 21 - 40 of 531 results

Taking a Break... · 6:13pm Sep 4th, 2021

So the last few weeks, I've noticed that I've been having a hard time feeling motivated to write. This is probably due to the various different projects I've been working on (that haven't been published) as well as writing for Zone 15 and I've just been feeling a bit burnt out.

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Report Robipony · 135 views · #Update #Break

I'm sorry guys... · 7:56pm Sep 5th, 2018

Hello, It's me, Demonic Wing

I wanted to inform you that I will not be able to translate the next chapter, the point is that I am going to Wroclaw [One of cities in Poland] for medical examinations, the point is, the doctors in the hospital suspect that I may have problems with my heart, so that's why I have go to Wrocław. Honestly... I'm a bit scared, but... it should not be that bad.

Good bye :)


Four Years of Writing (Small Break) · 5:03pm Jul 18th, 2017

Hey there, guys and gals. Guess this would have happened sooner or later. I think I've hit a burnout in my writing. Now that doesn't mean I'm giving up on writing forever. I think this stems from four years of continuous writing. Like... I've done this writing for nonstop for four years. :twilightsheepish: I think it's time I took a small break on writing for now. And of course, this does not mean I'm going to stop writing for my stories. I just have had too many things to focus on at once.

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Report Feather Note · 275 views · #Writing #Break

Vacation notice · 11:11pm Jun 21st, 2019

To the readers of Pile up that love the story, the story will be on hiatus for the next 15 days as I will be in Arizona and away from my Xbox one which I use to write new chapters. My flight will be leaving tomorrow 7:00am eastern time but I have to wake up and get ready at 4:30am eastern time. I most likely won’t touch down in Phoenix until 1:00pm and then it’s another 3 hour drive to my moms house from there. I am bringing an Xbox 360 with me but I don’t know if it can be used for making

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Whoopee. · 8:19pm Dec 17th, 2016

I'm sick again.

So happy.
My brain feels like mush, only, it also feels like mush that's been beat up and thrown in a blender, then trampled by a herd of wild rhinos.
Now do you know how I feel? Probably not, but that's not important.

The important stuff is as follows:

-I'm going to be taking a break for a week, so that means no chapter updates for you small group of folks who like my stories :twilightblush:
-Maybe a week, maybe more. My body does need to rest... :I

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I’m taking a break. · 1:27am Dec 24th, 2017

Story writing is getting a little stressful for me. I’m scared you guys aren’t liking my ideas. I thought this place was safe for people to share their ideas but now I realize I’m probably not cut out for this. I’m taking a break. I’m sorry but it’s all really hard. 😥😥😥


Taking today off... · 2:26pm Jun 11th, 2018

I think today, I'll take a day off of Fim or anything related to MLP or my computer/phone. I just need a day to myself (then again, it's not like I don't do that already). No readin', no writin', no 'rithmatic. Just a day where I can do practically nothing. What are your feelings about these kinds of days?

Report TRIBOT 4000 · 203 views · #taking #a #break

Summer break · 12:37pm Jul 26th, 2023

Hello everybody! since I'll be finishing school (and moving into year 10) after today I've decided to take a break from the website. But I will check in once in a while and maybe even answer questions if you have any. I will hopefully return in September! :twilightblush: - the star bringer


another break in · 8:21pm Mar 22nd, 2018

those thieves struck again! This time they rummaged through my moms car and stole her watch. $200 worth!

what is with kids these days?!?:flutterrage:


Taking a break · 5:20am Jan 8th, 2020

My latest chapter is on pause until I can come up with a decent plot. not to mention I had to deal with a lot of stuff before new years.

On Christmas morning, one of my uncles passed away so we had to spend most of the time saying final prayers and making funeral arrangements, after that I was swamped with baking orders for my moms customers and I truly HATE baking!! (sorry Pinkie) I've been so busy IRL that I barely have time to write, let alone think of what to write.

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Yet Another Update Blog · 3:01am Dec 10th, 2016

Hi, all. So, long story short, the fall semester is coming to an end at my college. This means I have a whole month with lots of free time for writing. Expect a general increase in my writing output. I'm going to finish up In the Clouds, and then begin work on another short multi-chapter fic. Oh, also convert my latest piece of original fiction (the last one from that creative writing class) into horsewords. I'm not sure if it fits the tone of MLP very well, but AUs and darkfics are

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The Perspective, Promise, Problem, and Polemic of Page Breaks · 4:53pm Jul 23rd, 2016

The [­page_break] code is a not-immediately-obvious, but still widely used, feature available to Fimfiction bloggers, which creates a stylish cut-off to your blog previews, and generates a lovely green button inviting readers to click on it to receive the next instalment. This changes from standard ivy-green to a more alluring lime-green when you move your mouse pointer in place. Isn’t that cute?

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I need a Break. · 7:40pm Aug 13th, 2017

You know, as much as I'd like for today's blog post to be a happy one, it can't be. Life on this site for me right now isn't healthy. All the drama surrounding the latest episode, needed as it was, brought out a really ugly segment of the fandom. It's just driving me mad. If you've been on my Discord chat channel, the Prancing Pony, you'd know just how bad it is. I've already blown up at least one person due to this, and to be honest I'm afraid I'll blow up at someone else.

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Report The Bricklayer · 404 views · #taking #a #break #from #this #site

Lagging my way to the worst winter break I've had in years · 10:20pm Dec 22nd, 2016

I'm posting this during the tiny window of internet access that I currently have, and speaking of internet, it's been literally down all freakin' day.

Way to go, Comcast.



2022 Game awards · 5:47am Dec 9th, 2022

So, if anyone saw the game awards near the end the guy who want to nominate Bill Clinton got arrested. xD the funniest thing of the 2022 incident of all time.


With Summer Break comes the Great Revival... · 6:53am Jun 2nd, 2018

What I mean is, with all this extra time on my hands, I'm planning on taking some fics out of hiatus. Here's a roster of stories that I'll be (hopefully) working on.

The Amazing Adventures of Butter Knife (& Friends!)
What If...
Split Conscience
Equestrian Human
Shattered Rainbow

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Tired. Wishing I Was Writing. · 1:31pm Jul 24th, 2018

Pretty much what it says up in the title. In recent months, I've been feeling almost incessantly tired. My imagination has taken a hit, and I'm not feeling like the same person I used to be. Several associates of mine elsewhere on the Internet speculated that I'm dealing with a case of burnout, and I'm inclined to agree. I admit that RL issues, primarily financial ones, are a contributing factor on top of that.

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New Job · 9:25pm Jun 22nd, 2021

So I have been offered a new job, with work from Mondays to Wednesdays. This will mean that I won't be able to do daily writing as usual, but I will do what I can. I will start work on Wednesday 23rd June as a taster and see how it will go from there.

To get by, I may alternate between to the two main stories that I have been progressing on (GME and RUG)

Wish me luck and thank you for your support with my time on Fimfic.



Dasher said if I didn't post this he would. · 6:19am Oct 7th, 2021

Meme template!


Thank You · 1:07pm Jul 3rd, 2022

Never before has one of my stories become this loved or this popular, well aside from my TheRussianBadger story, but that was a shitpost, so it doesn't really count. I am honestly proud of what I have made and I thank you all for supporting my story. I will be taking a short break to let my burn out simmer down so I can ensure I am at peak efficiency. So do not worry comrades, I shall return. Once again, thank you all, and glory to the union.

Viewing 21 - 40 of 531 results