
Viewing 301 - 320 of 337 results

Season 1 Finale · 3:34pm May 28th, 2016

Ok Everyone so Season 1 of Radiants Adventures has finally concluded and will return in August with the season 2 premier. Season 1 was a huge success and Season 2 will be action packed with new characters and new adventures.

Things to look forward to in Season 2:
- Radiant finally gains control of his monstrous new form.
- Sugar Skull discovers a disturbing secret about her parents.
- New OC's and Characters.
- Someone important to the series will die.

See You All in August


Podcast Starts now · 3:50am Mar 27th, 2016


New Grimmdark Story · 12:16am Mar 17th, 2016

Trigger Warning.

So I'm writting a suicide grimmdark. Now this wouldnt be anything new except that except for me replacing my name with a mlp charecters and the whole black eye incident. Everything else that happens is based of off my battle with depression and my several attempts at suicide. So while this story will be tear jerking keep in mind that its based of off actuall acounts That i went through.

Your Obident Servent,


Episode 5 in two Parts · 12:08am May 5th, 2016

Ok everyone if you have been following me for a while now you know that I have issues were depression will hit me and these episodes last a couple days. Well as it stands now I wont be able to release the full Episode 5 at once so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna release it in 2 parts. After all I promised an episode a week and a short episode is better then no episode. Do not worry chapters 6-10 will be at-least 6000 words and the EQG sequal will also be 6,00 a chapter so In a few Chapter 5

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New OC and Profile. · 2:55pm May 11th, 2016

Hey Everyone so I have been in a rockin mood all day thanks to the Friendship Games Soundtrack and support from my physical friends I hang out with and my FimFic friends (Seafoam Swirl, Lord of Nothing, Ryuku the Creative, Hinata Linn, and many others) So I introduce Velvet Bronco The newest addition to the Apple Family. He is a sturdy and strong farm hand with a heart of gold. He WILL be getting a story...eventually right now i have a backlog of projects to do. So I hope every enjoys my new

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About Meh · 11:06pm Jan 9th, 2016

Hello Everyone Radiant Sword here just wanted to say hi to anyone who views my friend heres page. You guys should follow him.
Knock it off Radiant its not nice to badger people into doing things.
Why not we do it all the time.
Thats not the Point Adagio. People should follow me if they I have stories I need to finish for upload.
Oh ya and how many of those "Stories" involve what word was it...oh ya Clop

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Possibly My First Failed Story? · 2:31pm Mar 7th, 2016

Ok so chapter 1 of my new story Thr Case of the Broken Quill just went up and it has 4 dislikes and 1 like so I just have one question if you have read it. Is it that bad and what should i do in the upcoming chapters to make it better? Or is this story just shit and doomed to fail?


New Song: In the Orchards · 7:42am May 9th, 2016

Hello my dear today marks another year
Time goes on but the message is still clear
The time we spent together brought us a joy that was so sincere
Why did it have to end why am I left her alone and filled with fear

Your voice still echoing in my mind
Burning your image into every picture that I find
Your smile still bright and shinning
Still bright and shining deeply in my mind
I still remember the day it all began
That magical day we spent in the orchard hand in hand

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Need help with Part one of Canterlot Chronicles · 11:14am May 26th, 2017

Yes, I'm about to begin proofreading and editing all five chapters of the Sean's Equestrian Adventures story.
Now in require help, so if you can please comment and I'll invite you all to google docs so you can help. Everyone who assists will be given a thank you in the Epilogue as well as have their names put into the story description. I'll be doing this till around 4:30 am Eastern Standard Time so I encourage you all to join.


Good News Everyone · 2:04pm Feb 27th, 2016

Ok everyone so All I want just concluded with a rather abrupt ending, well this was intentional, I actually left the opening vague because I'm making a Sequel (Takes place a month after the incident on the CHS Rooftops in chapter 4) However the sequel won't be for several months as My writing will be slowed by 4 factors.

1. Personal things going on in my life.

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Lyrics that Explain my Life #2 · 7:37am Feb 24th, 2016

My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every no-o-o-te
Make me your radio
And turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo

Gym Class Heroes baby!
If I was just another dusty record on the shelf
Would you blow me off and play me like everybody else?
If I asked you to scratch my back, could you manage that?
Like yea [scratched], check it Travie, I can handle that

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I Fucked Up · 8:49am Mar 22nd, 2016

Ok so a very personal story just went up. Its about a sensitive topic for both me and teens and kids everywhere. It brought back memeories i wish i had forgot. so yeah. I'm in a depressed mood now. On the upside the rarity clopfic will be done soon.


New Song: Perfect Rage · 7:45pm Mar 9th, 2016

[Soft Singing]

All my life people have told me I was nothing
That my life was pointless with no meaning
That's when you came along and fucked me up more
I put up with your shit for six long years
Six years of this fucking hell
Now you're gone and my heart's in pieces
My mind bends and breaks at the thought of you
You’re a serpent of my hate
Now I lay here and Accept my fate.

Fuck you and everything you stand for.
Now that you're gone my life has forever changed

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New OC New Profile · 3:17pm Mar 2nd, 2016

Wassup Its ya boy Tempo here although now I go by Either Sword, Or Radi. Accompanying my new profile is a picture provided showing of How Radiant looks. and while his wings cover his cutie mark at that angle its Two Swords clashing with glowing blades and sparkles around the outside. So ya Just given y'all a quick update Peace.


Homophobia Bullshit. · 4:15am Mar 8th, 2016

Ok so its been several hours since my story "The Tale of Desert Star" was uploaded and the feedback has so far been negative so its rant time. 5 people in total have sgiwn disaproval of the story with no valid evidence on why they disliked it so I'm gonna assume these people are Homophobic because I know it's not my story. Every story I have written has been met with moderately positive reviews and feedback. Now the 4 people who disliked my story are assumed to be Homophobic in which case shame

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New Glasses! · 9:49pm Apr 2nd, 2016

Hey everyone my new glasses cam today so now i can write and type better than ever so over the next few days I plan on releasing the last two clop fics in Rom-Clop Series 1. To commemorate the completion of the series and my much anticipated return. I changed my profile avatar to reveal the "Real" Radiant Sword. So please enjoy my up coming stories and I look foreword to talking to you all. Radiant has Returned.

Luna's Loyal Servant,
-Radiant Sword


The Lunar Warrior Teaser (Work in Progress) · 4:36pm Mar 19th, 2016

The Evil prince charged at Luna. In her weakened state she was unable to defend herself. As he galloped closer she closed her eyes ready to accept her fate. A loud piercing sound resonates in her ears. After not feeling anything for a few seconds she opens her eyes. The sight before her breaks her to the very core. Before her stands the human as he stares at her with blood running from his mouth as the prince thrusts his horn deeper. He smiles before the horn is forcefully ripped out as blood

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New Story Sneak Peak. · 6:40am May 9th, 2016

It was a beautiful Friday afternoon as you put your books away in your locker and head out the front of the school. You always loved the weekend partying, drinking, and video games was a normal weekend for you and your friends. On your way home you pass a telephone poll with a flyer stapled to it that reads “Big Yard Sale at thirteen Forty-Eight E. Clinton Rd, This weekend Only.” Curious at what they were selling you pull out your phone to check your bank account. Thankfully your paycheck came

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Art Gallery Update! AWESOME Turing Test Fanart and Updated Chapter Illustrations! · 1:33am Jul 30th, 2016

Hey everyone! Just here to let you know that the gallery for The Iron Horse has been updated! Two new chapter illustrations have been added but first, I need to say HOLY S:yay:T, THAT'S BEEPING AWESOME!!

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New Band & New Fluttershy Story · 1:02am Jun 21st, 2016

Ok so after reading my most recent Romantic Equestria Story a very helpful reader pointed out that its paced to fast so I'm gonna rename the story as something else and re write a lighter hearted Fluttershy story. Don't work for those who like Th Color Pink I will not be deleting it. I just won't be associating it with the Romantic Equestria Series so stay tuned for the newest installment The Rainbow Dash Story in which you the reader are a Josh gates/ Nathan Drake kinda charecter since Rainbow

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Viewing 301 - 320 of 337 results