
Viewing 301 - 320 of 420 results

"The Iron Horse" needs a 2nd Pre-Reader! · 9:11pm Aug 15th, 2015

Hello followers and favers of "The Iron Horse!" So, first off, the next chapter has been written and should go up tomorrow! That's the good news.

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An editing partner and a new chapter. · 5:23pm Sep 1st, 2015

Wanted to mention a couple of important things today, but the most important to me is to say that the resourceful, educated, talented and illustrious Fana Farouche has joined me on Deathless, and is now working tirelessly with me behind the scenes to catch as many of my fumbles and correct as many of my bad decisions as is humanly, or even ponily, possible. I've really enjoyed working with Fana on whipping the story into shape so far, and

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Hope · 3:54am Oct 7th, 2017

As a Spike fan, I have always had the hope to be a member of this site, or just to fellow Spike fans and bronies in general, as someone people would recognize as someone who contributes to the fandom, and for the name SpikeyD, as stupid as it kinda sounds, to mean something to the community. I want to be a name, that when people get a message from, or get a comment on their story and giving them props, that inspires them to do more, to be proud of their work, to not feel

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I think it's time... · 9:23pm May 30th, 2019

I'm done procrastinating. In a few days, I'm planning to publish everything I'm writing, incomplete or not. I'll try to get them edited first, though, so it might still take some time. Should I fail to get them edited, I will publish them as is. I don't have the cover art yet either, so this might be a good time start working on those. If anyone's interested drawing some for me it would be sweet.

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Another Update · 7:57pm Oct 24th, 2023

Hey guys!

Sorry for the long silence, my life has been filled with looking for a new job, so things have been rather hectic these past few weeks. But don't worry, everything is fine. Like every responsible adult, I have prepared for such a scenario, so I can at least live comfortably the rest of the year without things getting hectic. Although I still want a job before then.


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Archer Hunt · 10:41am Jan 30th, 2016

Obviously if you if you are following me, then you will have noticed that I started another story!

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Putting out the call for an editor · 11:50pm Jan 30th, 2016

Well, not too surprising but Of Monsters and Girls got its first rejection from EQD.

Which will eventually work toward my benefit with the story in more ways than one.

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Seek An Editor? + Criticisms · 1:53pm Feb 19th, 2018

Question for you guys.

So the newest comment for Shattered Rainbow Rock has actually brought up a solid point and is something I completely overlooked. A lot of my word choices in this story, but even in my other works leave a lot of repetitiveness and make some characters sound not the way they should. While I do try to keep characters in character as much as I can, I'll admit, I don't think I do entirely well. Which is why my question comes to this.

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Happy kinda late New Year. · 10:40pm Jan 11th, 2018

I'll be honest, I kinda forgot about this while playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Sorry. But anyway, HAPPY KINDA LATE NEW YEAR! It's update time.

First, I have finished the next chapter of Freedom Shall Ring, and a second one is almost halfway done (I think). I just need to wait for edits and finish the second one, then I can continue our adventure into Lady Obsidians property.

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2012: The Lemuracolypse - Part Six: Foreground Lemur · 3:09am Jan 19th, 2018

2012: The Lemuracolypse

Part Six of Twelve - Foreground Lemur

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In Search of Services · 11:09pm Mar 3rd, 2020

Hello all.

Now that I'm getting back to a more even keel on my writing, I've decided it's probably time to cast the net for available editors and art-folks. I've not had a team of peeps to work with or talk to in a while, so this is probably a long time coming.

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I'm free to help with editor position! · 3:45am May 13th, 2016

I've been helping a few small stories with edits and additions over the last week and I just thought I would say I am up to helping out anyone with their stories..

It's just nice to see it develop into something which all can easily get pulled into the story, understanding and possibly experiencing the events as they read along.

I've read so many tales which have kept me and I've learnt alot from them too so I hope I can give some help back if people want/need it :twilightblush:



I swear, there's a life update in here somewhere... · 9:05pm Aug 12th, 2023

...but that poor draft has gone through so many revisions. Life loves to throw curveballs, and this year has been no exception. This summer alone has felt like a whole pile of them dropping on me at once.

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Where are the views coming from? (+ Random thoughts) · 10:32pm Jun 10th, 2018

I have been monitoring my views for a while now for both blogs and stories. It's actually quite easy when I have little to no traffic on my page. Yet, on almost regular basis, my blogs and stories will get a view or two per week. Being fully aware that opening blogs and stories myself will add another view, I have been avoiding to do that. So I doubt it's all my doing. Still, even if the views go up, I never receive any comments or votes. (Up or down) It doesn't seem to matter what the blog is

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Lf an Editor/Proofreader... · 4:44am Oct 4th, 2022

I guess you could consider this an update as I'm looking for a proofreader/editor for the sequel that I have written for this tale:

TWaiving Wanderer, Wonderous World
You are a pegasus stallion living in an underground shelter when something goes wrong and you are forced to go out into the ashen wasteland and fix it. In a world filled with raiders and monstrous ponies can you survive?
Robipony · 16k words  ·  100  5 · 1.1k views

Not sure if there's anyone here who either is a proofreader/editor or knows someone who is, but I figured I'd try.

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A request to look over a minor rewrite for the last chapter of : Dear Diary: Sunset Shimmer's Best Friend. · 1:20pm Jul 19th, 2015

Off an on I've been improving Dear Diary: Sunset Shimmer's Best Friend for the purposes of getting it on EQD. It's close and I need to submit it to the pre-reader HOPEFULLY 1 last time. Everything else is good but I had to make some changes to the last chapter. Mostly minor edits but I also neede to play up Sunset's reactions in the 3rd person section and add something more memorable and impactful for the

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Wanted: Editors. · 2:55pm Jul 23rd, 2016

Yes... I need an editor. But, this is actually for a new fic I have in mind.

"Oh jeez! MrAquino's making another fic? Will everything be put on hold again?"

Actually, yes... yes indeed. All my Tats Pwny-Verse-ish fics will be on hiatus (Except for the Futurama one), though I'll still try to work on the other fics I'm doing. And, if you're wondering, it's simply a crossover/sequel to this beloved film:

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I need some help with a story · 2:44am Aug 31st, 2016

As the title says I need some help with a story I want to write. The story is about Spike becoming the hulk, I actually also have several other stories that will be set in their universe planned out as well. I have most of the story planned out but the problem is when I try to write it down as a story is seems to rigid it feels like I'm just writing so and so did this and so and so did that and it doesn't flow like a good story should. So I'm looking for someone who is interested in helping

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Time to take another crack at this writing thing · 7:52am Jun 28th, 2016

After a year long hiatus. Sure... that is totally what it is. I've decided to throw my hat into the ring once more. Currently I'm looking for an editor, or a prereader, or something, to help with this particular work. But hopefully it's worked out. The thing that triggered this is that i went to CMPC this year and got to talk to one of my favorite writers about making HIE stories. Was a blast. Anyways for the few followers i do have, you likely have a ll forgotten about me. So this is me

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Deleting this account possibly likely · 10:23pm Nov 30th, 2015

As of lately I have been thinking of deleting this account and the group along with it (land of Heroes). Due to promises not being fulfilled on my end with my story, and I don't have a editor to help me anymore because I believe he/she just lost interest or other things, struggling to go to school, and getting a decent job that could allow me to do this. (Yes I know you should never me picky with any job offers, but its hard to find someone willing to work with you and not kill you with getting

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Viewing 301 - 320 of 420 results