
Viewing 241 - 260 of 277 results

Legions of the Past · 2:38am February 10th

Sometimes I miss the old days, sometimes I forget there were any other days. The present belongs to those alive, and it always has, though few get to enjoy that gift. Few compared to the past ruled by legions upon legions of souls, innumerable, yet locked to their times. I stand with my back against an army of ghosts, and I smile.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Wash your Hands, Filthy Friday · 10:26pm Mar 20th, 2020

Time comes as many would call it, too often for our own good. Too often are we made aware of it, acknowledge it. That is when it holds dominion over us. For mankind is a species of intellect, where issues are waged in the abyss of the conscious and unconscious, such have we isolated ourselves from the world.
Even when it pierces our defenses, it is our own thoughts and machinations about the outside, that haunt us the most.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

Keep clean and safe.


"Friends in a bind" · 9:24pm May 5th, 2023

We continue the tale of Twilight and the surprise party that never happened, how will we get through to her?

Time makes fools of us all, for in the end we are a product of the now, and the now never lasts. Those in the past may as well be on a different planet for all the connection we have to them, yet some we place on pedestals for what they have done. That will one day be us. Yet, the past also shapes our now, the most relevant factor to the present.

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Days Of Importance · 10:04pm Aug 7th, 2020

As days blends into months, our perception picks up speed, as years go by each day becomes an ever diminishing part of our lives. What was once a week feels as but a day, and hours shave as minutes once did.
And yet, some days lasts, if we make it so.

Happy Filthy Friday, and a Happy Vore Day~.


A Form of Anniversary · 1:39am Feb 11th, 2023

We have a new story out this week, where the human Rarity and Applejack (also human) have been together for a whole year, and that simply has to be celebrated.
Find the story below, but know it is quite filthy~.

Sometimes it is just sad. Sometimes you just want to hurt people, as if it would sate the cosmic balance. Sometimes everything falls apart around you, despite your words, despite your struggle, despite you.
We try to keep that a "Sometimes".

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A kneading Experience · 3:18am March 30th

Sometimes I just want to bake bread. What kind? One I can knead, one which I can force all the thoughts and distresses of the day to day into, one that not only is capable of taking the force, but will grow from it, will mature and develop until it is presentable. I strive to do the same.
One day I will develop gluten.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A nightmare of ambitions · 11:00pm Oct 30th, 2020

Wash your hooves, and get some candy ready~. You never know who will come visit.

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Big News. BIG. FUKKIN'. NEWS. · 4:52am Oct 22nd, 2017

As of Monday morning when I post Chapter Fifty-Three of A Thief's Tale: Road To

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The Beauty of Ringo Roadagain · 1:17pm Feb 25th, 2019


Madness Project Nexus Classic Soundtrack Roadtrip Through the Apocolypse · 12:03am Jan 21st, 2019


Frightmare night · 3:12am Oct 29th, 2022

I took part of a nightmare night artpack for the spooky season, check it out~.

Perhaps it is for the best to linger in the chiaroscuro, the twilight of what is visible and not, what is real and imaginary. To not be seen, but to be able to see what you wanted as real, enough. Perhaps saying so is giving up, to not fall into complete safety, to not stride into the light. But in light or darkness, one is blind. Vision is bred from shadows.

Happy nightmare night~.


Poniverse Mascot Summerpalooza 2.0 Contest Extension! · 10:16pm Jul 31st, 2016

Good afternoon everypony! Just got a quick update for ya'll about the Poniverse Mascot Summerpalooza 2.0 contest. As of this date, the original contest end date of August 5 (this upcoming Friday) is officially being extended by three weeks to midnight on Friday, August 26. To those of you who haven't gotten entries in yet or need more time to revise your entries that have already been entered, this should give you more than enough time to do whatever you need to do before the

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Release Schedule News · 4:45am Nov 6th, 2017

Nothing big is going to change, and I'm not going to extend the schedule at all, so don't freak out or anything. The thing is that I work a night shift, and when I post my chapters, it's on my long weekend off. I generally go to sleep Monday morning after forgetting to post a new chapter for A Thief's Tale, so new chapters are going to be released Sunday night/Monday morning at twelve o'clock midnight.

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The Open Road hype blog! · 3:41pm Jul 31st, 2020

Since it’s coming in a few days, it’s time to hype The Open Road! Thing is I’ve always sucked at hyping stuff lmao, but dammit I’ll try. I’ve shown it off before, but I’ll throw the cover art in here again, as well as the description, an excerpt from the first chapter, and a thematically appropriate song that you’ll likely ignore.

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I'm doing these in threes, but I forgot · 5:14pm Jan 18th, 2020

I forgot to make a blog post regarding the release of Re: Chapter Nine, but that's partially because I've been doing a rework of chapter 14 because important chapter. Now, not only do I feel like half of the chapter makes more sense, I also added 6k to the damned thing and it took me 1: All night to read it 2: All night to rewrite significant portions 3: Stay sober enough to get shit done. If you'd like to read Re: Chapter 14 with its tonal changes and reworking of the sex scene, all I

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Poniverse Mascot Summerpalooza 2.0 Contest!!! · 6:15pm Jun 17th, 2016


Possible Cancellation · 4:45am Feb 24th, 2018

I see little to no point in continuing My Brother's Keeper, and I don't think it's because it's not doing well.

I just don't like it.

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Check Out This Story! · 10:19pm Feb 10th, 2018

Okay, I want you guys to do a favor for me.

If you are a Transformers and Equestria Girls fan, go check out Bricklayer's TF story. So far, it is looking great, its a new story, I think you guys will like it, I know for sure I am liking it, and I think you guys might get some entertainment out of it too. I think he deserves as much likes as you can offer him!

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Month of nightmares · 12:46am Nov 2nd, 2019

Shadows grow, reaching past their limits, stretching towards the horizon. They all harken back to the vanishing point, a destination as distant as it is fictive, yet we rely on it every moment of observing the world. Every step, towards an abyss without end, beginning, nor reality.
Perhaps it is so, because for there to be existence, we require contrast to make it out.
Else, we would stare at but a blank canvas, lacking the marvel chiaroscuro grants us.

Happy nightmare night~.


So I Commissioned Some Coverart · 12:41pm Oct 26th, 2017

Viewing 241 - 260 of 277 results