
Viewing 221 - 240 of 282 results

Revolving · 10:19pm Apr 10th, 2020

We rise, we fall, a curve in every step.
We rise, once more, each fall another prep.
We fall, so often, and yet each day we move.
We fall, we rise, to persevere through doom.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


journey to self fullfillment · 10:13pm Sep 4th, 2020

Stuck in a nutshell,
riding on a rut-o-hell,
with a wingless angel and a witless thief,
a journey to surpass the limits of belief.
For what can expect the ones lacking expectations?

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~


What An oddly even day · 9:11pm Apr 24th, 2020

What lie does one lead to impress oneself? Does it coincide with one which is desirable to others as well? Or are the two forces in opposition to one another?
How far does cooperation get you, when you spend more than you receive?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Those little moments · 2:37am Dec 5th, 2020

Distractions are what makes up life. Down to its core. Joy, pleasure, sadness, grief. Whatever it is, it is something to do. And the times where we have nothing to do, is the time where we get closest to that fateful, dreadful moment. That which followed us from the beginning. What we are distracting ourselves from.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Sad Crash · 5:56am Dec 15th, 2018

Stars are wondrous things, but you know all about them already. Will there ever be a time where you know more than you can learn? How many lifetimes would you have to experience? How many roads would you traverse, before you learned all you desired of life?
Funny thing, desire, we believe it is a sensation that will be satisfied once we acquire the object of our want. However, desire is ever present, it only changes what it projects upon.

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dsys to reset · 1:09am Dec 29th, 2018

Long days, extensive nights, our experiences are warped by our minds, by the way we have experienced. The matters which mean little or a lot, or nothing it all, it still holds impact. Every step leads you close, uneven, pristine, or forgettable.

Happy Filthy Friday, and may you step into the new year in a stride to be remembered~.


A void opens up, a door to new possiblities · 11:36pm Mar 15th, 2019

Life is not a road. It is not a linear path to travel down, despite an uncountable myriad possibilities lay nestled between each edge of the path. We do not walk the road, we have been to every part of it, and yet experiencing it for the first time. We craft our own understating of reality through the lens of our ones perspective, a perspective molded by ourselves, and tinted by communion, relations, experiencing, the collective minds blotting out enough of the world that the negative space

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Stiny Fishes on the road · 12:09am Nov 10th, 2018

While threading the road of life, whether in the warm or cold grey light, we will pick up luggage; ballast we carry with us, that weigh us down.
As time goes on, it grows. Guilt, anxiety, and other ailments. Carried for too long, and their scent will grow rotten. But by that point we do not notice its smell, we are used to it.
It is only when we acknowledge that we carry this luggage, that we can discard it. While the scent will linger, the journey will be lighter.

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Re: Your Role · 10:51pm Mar 26th, 2021

For how long can you claim a role in the story?
If your significance declines and you see the others carry on, how long do you convince yourself that you are still important. Your presence has value.
For how many times do you see them require less and less, and your arguments fall shallow on ears twisted away from your words.
Surely, your presence has value...
It surely does, but perhaps in your story, instead of theirs.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Messages Alot on many roads. · 12:38am Jul 20th, 2019

We also have a new story going up today, where Pinkie Pie herself appears to rescue a dear friend from the clutches of dreadful bureaucracy. Quite a filthy one this week, but lovely a goofy at the same time~.

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Rest Raint · 9:43pm May 14th, 2021

Restraint is a skill one learns. Restraint remains a constant through a life, a hidden variable to all. When young, exploring what is hidden brings the greatest adventures. Thus, we push our capabilities, until we reach the limits and find the restraints. However, then we might just try again. A new angle, another method, testing the limits and surpassing them. With age comes wisdom, and one can distinguish ones restraints. Thus, we do not test them, we merely accept them. Despite their nature

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Days of Dusks and nights of nought · 12:57am Nov 17th, 2018

What trouble us can easily stack up, and when you have your gaze aimed forwards, you miss the luggage which weigh you down. However, many of us know it is there, we simply tell ourselves that we can handle it.
For some weights this is true, but if we use the excuse enough, soon we pick up and carry everything, unable to leave any worries behind us.
Acknowledge your weights, and they can be lifted.

Wish you all a Fun Filthy Friday~.


Rolling on memories · 11:36pm Jan 11th, 2019

On hills of grass, rolling beneath the stampede of hooves, they come marching. Strangers to each other, but nonetheless siblings. For they were all moving the same direction, clutching the same goal in their chests. The sun fried them in heat, but they moved on. Sweat drooped down their sides, but they moved on. Eyes glanced backwards...
But could they move on, when what had brought them together, was now chasing them out?

Happy Filthy Friday.


Those Moments We Cling To · 11:24pm Jan 14th, 2022

There is a pleasure to action, a thrill and eager to achieve, doubt and uncertainty in the moment, followed by a grand elation upon its success.
Yet, I find myself treasuring, inaction. There is a luxury to allow yourself respite. Perhaps savouring an anticipation, for something waiting ahead. In those moments, where I have done nothing, and not required to do anything, have I been happy?
Or, do I cherish nothing, all the more, when there is something else, that should be done?

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Ancient Relation · 11:05pm Jan 7th, 2022

What if I existed in place of one of my fore mothers? How would the sensations I feel today, translate to that of a creature in the dawn of life? Minds, senses, and out interpretation of ourselves in the whole of the world has changed dramatically again and again. What of me, as I am now, would exist back then? Perhaps, only the basics. Perhaps, some aspects only coincide tangentially to what I might have experienced. Perhaps, nothing.

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Rummaging for Maturity · 10:57pm Mar 25th, 2022

There are few's judgement which affects me more than my own. In the moment, that feels odd to claim. To some extent, the judgement imposed on me from others shapes the person that I am, to whatever extent I deem to listen to it. Though, that is just it, isn't it? In the end I am arbiter of my own judgement, of what I take to heart. What sticks. In addition, it is responsible for how I weigh my own shortcomings, and how long they remain, and remind. I have the greatest effect on myself, for in

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Dark days of dready meetings · 12:30am Dec 22nd, 2018

Tens of times have we met on the road,
each time we averted our gaze,
who has eyes for those going backwards?

Wish you a Happy Filthy Friday.


A Filthy Relationship · 1:29am Nov 26th, 2022

Today's story is chock full of girlfriend boyfriend teasing, and a ton of scat, toilet play, and waterspouts. So keep out, unless you deign to partake~.

Reduction comes for all, over the years, the word entropy rises to the forefront of the mind. Until one day it cannot be ignored. For some it comes faster than others. Those who have experienced it... it is their job to ease that sensations, for all that come after.

Happy Black Friday.


Scarecrow · 10:53pm Jul 16th, 2021

Some words hold power in the same way the unknown does. I can take comfort in words, every day I see them, they imprint a calm in the knowledge I am aware what each one means. That is, until posed against certain, particular compositions of letters.

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Blast from the Missus · 7:50pm Mar 24th, 2023

Once when I was younger, I looked upon the cities and streets. Eyes growing wide as I turned to my guardian: "But, to think of all this street, that takes so long to build."
"Yes." They responded.
"And look at all these buildings. It takes so much work, from so many people, just to raise a single building, and we have so many of them."
"Yes." They responded.
"Is it not... bewildering, to imagine how much work this all must have taken?"
"Yes." They responded.

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Viewing 221 - 240 of 282 results