
Viewing 221 - 240 of 327 results

One pod at a time · 12:55am Jan 23rd, 2021

Three peas in a pod laid resting,
while the morning sun laid cresting,
the pod opened a creak,
from the peas no a peep,
as the first pea tumbled through.

In their slumber, more space felt welcome,
though keeping still neither did seldom,
and so with a bump,
an impromptu jump,
and the second pea tumbled through.

The third pea had all space it'd desire,
fading off in the dream court's choir,
but without a support,
the pod would contort,
so the third pea, tumbled through.

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And so we spinn a new wheel · 2:11am Jan 4th, 2020

Perception and interpretation: Key to the establishment of connection, between living beings, and said beings to their surrounding. Two creatures holds different perspectives, yet if they share the same interpretation, they can communicate and relate to one another. Perception is grown from birth, the moment we gain an understanding of the world around us. Interpretation is taught, and lays as the foundation for our communication and triumph.

Happy new decennium~.


Who is the beast · 8:56pm Jan 17th, 2020

A human sees flowers, all in a row, they lean in and smell them, make time as they go.
A beast sees flowers, down their list, they grasp and pick them, leaving dew in mist.
Down the list goes, the judge reads them all, passes the beast a sentence, to lay down the law.
The human keeps walking, away the judge gaze, for crime is the act of beasts, abstained the human's ways.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


2012: The Lemuracolypse - Part Five: Building the Nocturne · 9:34pm Jan 17th, 2018

2012: The Lemuracolypse

Part Five of Twelve - Building the Nocturne

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The terror of the Possible Review · 1:29am Jun 8th, 2020

For weeks I had problems sleeping. I would reach for my phone and check this site, hoping to catch the moment IT happened. I had posted my story up for review and finally noticed the reviewer was reading it. My mind buzzed. Would it be good? Would it be garbage? I had to know. Somehow this would finally tell me the worth of my story. Definitive proof, as it were, what it was. My heart and brain latched onto this idea like a lifeline and would not let go.

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Friday od many thoughts · 1:23am Dec 8th, 2018

Is the wander down the road of life mandatory? Is it an undeniable urge seeded within the infant before its conception? Is it the common goal of a grand subconscious? Perhaps it is not a choice, perhaps we cannot leave the path. Kept on it by the machinations of an affecting force.
Or perhaps it does not exist until it is viewed. The moment the veil is pulled and we look down, we become able to see the road for what it is.
Until then, let us keep gazing at the overhang of stars.

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The Philosophy of ONE PUNCH MAN – Wisecrack Edition · 5:42pm Aug 10th, 2018


Lonesome. · 12:33am Feb 16th, 2019

Dark, is the road, stretching beyond our vision. Few see its end, some are wise to it, yet once you have reached that point, your journey is set to change. Wherever we saunter, endings come. Even our time on the road. Thoughts to be considered, but not consumed by.

Today's post brought to you by the absent of the mark after K, because sometimes keyboards break.

Have a Great Fithy Friday~.


Screaming Into the Void · 2:19am Jun 6th, 2018

screaming into the void
mindless thoughts from pandora

What will someone see if they look into my eyes?

Hope? Blues and greens intertwined, a brightness and attention that feeds light inwards and out? The conscious watchfulness of a listener hand in hand with the hermeneutic disassembly of my ego? Id?

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Grandness Awaiting · 11:13pm Oct 16th, 2020

Wash your hands~.

To seek gemstones one does not uncover glimmer and scintillant forms. There lay not grandeur nestled beneath your feet, waiting for a palm to reach it. A gem is as its element, dirt. Rocks and filth crust it, dulled to a point where treasure hunters would pass it by. But one who truly seeks gemstones is patient, meticulous, and pours in the effort to polish rocks into things of beauty.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A look behind · 12:18am Mar 9th, 2019

Days pass as footsteps, the prints on the road below us, those we never get to see, which we never experience fully. Each step precedes another, always a focus on the new, yet all we see of the days are the diffuse outlines we entertain within our recollection. Even if we were to turn, the past of the road is shrouded, cast in dusk of neglect. Yet, many spends their days marveling at this very abyss, while others could care less, for the road is unending, and there are always more steps to be

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Glad Midsummer · 10:47pm Jun 25th, 2021

What is dance? A celebration of life and togetherness? A gesture to the elements? A distraction? It functions this way, as many tasks do. The practitioner is engulfed in the act, disappearing into their focus. At the same time, they rob the focus from the watcher, interlocking them in a chain of distractive influence, allowing the world around them to fade away. To dance then, is meaningless.
However, the first interpretation was right on the money.

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Of a new year's summer · 12:23am Jun 15th, 2019

We continue this week with another chapter in the "Of the year" series. Within, we see how the festivities culminates, and if all is going according to plan.

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Tail Tendrils and Configured Cyborgs · 11:50pm Feb 22nd, 2019

Long we await, in times passing where not experienced. I would dread, turning back on my road, and getting a glimpse of my footprints, seeing how many of them were spent in the emptiness of unaction. Yet, it is with these moment we can create, express, and live. Without them, there would be no live. Without negative space, there is no road.

Wishing you all a Happy Filthy Friday~.


Contemplative Friday · 5:43am Sep 22nd, 2018

This a time for contemplation, where the winds of change peruse us on their brief passby, flying by the sidewalk of the road of life.
Hooves clatter to the ground, and in it we can find peace, lost in the noise of daily life as to not think of where we are going, merely that we are moving forwards, with the winds at our backs.

Have a fantastic Filthy Friday everyone and pone, and a wonderous weekend~.


The Duty of Deja vu · 9:03pm Jun 4th, 2022

Today we have a new story about a changeling, left to their own devices in the aftermath of the canterlot struggle, and the lewd ways he recovers and satisfies their hunger.

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At Talon's Edge · 9:04pm Jun 4th, 2022

Today comes the first of a 2 parter, a treacherously lewd and filthy combat contest between griffons. You could say it is a cockfight. With slightly higher stakes, and more actual cocks.

Why. Because?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


The View, One Mindset Over · 1:22am Aug 3rd, 2019

Today we have a warm, comfortable tale brewing, one only coming round every once in a while. To cherish and care and for.

What is lost won't leave our side. Transient encounters leave n impact, and what we attribute a short length in reality has sown its root within our minds and beings long before. Some see clouds of greed, othes see a flurry of opportunity.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Updates: On WAtS, Readings, Event Horizon, and Stories. · 9:55pm May 27th, 2020

So as of today, I've finished The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli, and The Dictator's Handbook: Why Good Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics. I've been taking careful notes of the three books I've read total (of which there is 61 pages and almost 20k words of), and of future events in War Against the Sun as well. Rest assured, it will come, but probably not as soon as you expect.

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Endless Strife for progress · 12:28am Mar 19th, 2022

One can strive without strife.
There will be pressure, there will be resistance, though without it, there is stagnation.
Would I wade through the waterfall, were there no current?
Would I rest in a dry valley?
There will come a time, there will require action, though in constant use, it wears thin.
One can strive without strife.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

Viewing 221 - 240 of 327 results