
Viewing 221 - 229 of 229 results

Signal Boost: Temporary · 4:54am Jan 23rd, 2020

It’s happened again! Another author has risen to the challenge of the Not-A-Contest!


And as you might have guessed from the intro image, the protagonist is a griffon.

Not all opportunities last forever... yet, there are some things that should
FrostTheWolf · 7k words  ·  55  0 · 1.1k views

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Potential Inactivity... · 9:15pm Apr 4th, 2018

I just figured I'd leave this little heads-up for anyone who may, or may not, wonder where I might be disappearing to for a little while...

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What an Interesting Week... · 5:53pm March 31st

Well, I mean, interesting to me. Took care of a few IRL things. Work was busy in... unique ways, lately. Winter doesn't seem to want to go away quite yet (which I'm actually fine with. Already sick of Mr. Sun). Had a quiet celebration for my wife's birthday and our Anniversary (got her a CD and some books she wanted). We've been officially married for 8 years now, living together for almost 5 (well, at least OFFICIALLY). Kinda proud of that, even though these are still rookie numbers. Finished

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Mixed Feelings as the Final Month of the Year Draws Near... · 10:00pm Nov 24th, 2023

The dead of winter approaches rapidly to what would normally be a comfortable and optimistic time for me, as it was most years, but things are beginning to change whether I like it or not. I'm not gonna bitch too much about it. It's just a mix of online and IRL stuff that's bumming me out, at the end of the day, and it's definitely dumbass first world problems. I'll say one thing. It's always depressing to see a shop you've visited for years and years to finally close down.

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Dashie’s (Very Important) Waifu Tier List · 10:54pm Feb 26th, 2022

This contains spoilers for Fallout Equestria: Commonwealth, Ace Attorney: Justice for All, and Fallout 4. You have been warned.

A waifu is a term that’s often used to describe fictional girls who you’d want to be in a relationship with. Now, I’ve been getting awfully attached to a lot of fictional characters as of late, so I figured that even though TRG Colosseum is today, what’s a better usage of my time than ranking all my waifus in a tier list?

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I Normally Don't Write a Blog This Soon, But... · 4:29am February 22nd

It's been nothing but good news today! On the IRL front, the Citizenship Ceremony my Wife had to attend (online) was a success! She's officially recognized as a Canadian Citizen now, and I couldn't be happier or prouder of her hard work up to now. On a more personal interest front, I learned that both SMT5 is getting a supersized update/overhaul and is being ported to... EVERYTHING! Which means I can FINALLY play it after the years of it taunting me on the Switch for so long. I also learned

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Okay... · 4:04pm Nov 12th, 2015

So if I'm snarky/rude or giddy/slap-happy, I purely blame my lack of sleep last night. And the night before. And the night before that. And so on. I... am a light sleeper. If I hear-a-loud-noise/feel-something/see-a-bright-light, I will likely wake up. It also takes an hour or so of staying still to get to sleep... Blegh, it doesn't help when a certain someone I will not name decides to watch a movie/tv at normal volume.


because i have nothing better to do · 12:08am Mar 3rd, 2016

All About Me Meme/ Challenge!
Full Name: ****** *** ********* (huehuehue not saying)
Future Career: probably something in medicine. maybe forensics. idk i like lots o stuff
Birthday: again not saying
Boyfriend/gf: i have a kinda bf irl but i might break up with him
Height: 5'11"ish
Favorite Color: blue! any shade really, but i do like teal/ turquoise (like Sunset's eyes)
Girl Best Friends: Trinity (IRL)
Boy Best Friend: Ian (IRL)

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Which side of history are you on? · 11:31am February 15th

Viewing 221 - 229 of 229 results