
Viewing 181 - 200 of 265 results

Recruitment starts today! · 11:12am Jun 18th, 2015

Greetings fans of Delta Guardian! As you can likely tell by the latest chapter (if you haven't read that yet, then your spoiler warning is now!), there is going to be a large conflict between Zinnia and Darkrai, with Equestria falling into a sort-of civil war (Nightmare vs Non-Nightmare).

However, to do this, I'm gonna need an army. I'm going through a list of cannon characters, of course, but there aren't enough.

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Get hype. · 10:47pm Jan 19th, 2017

That is all.


Pffffffffffhahahahahehehehehe · 6:30pm Sep 13th, 2016

Oh god. My sides literally hurt.

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So After Last Chapter...Who Is Interested In Future CROSSOVERS Out Of Curiousity? · 7:04pm Nov 25th, 2016

So last chapter had some interesting developments. One of which was that Ethan Finally crafted a 'token' for Mysterio. But that got me thinking as to who to keep in mind for future crossovers. The world of Displaced is filled with interesting characters, and while I don't want to spam the story I am crafting with them, I do hope to have some fun times with more interesting characters like I did with Thisguyhere and Maze. So I wanted to

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Gamer Update · 8:40pm Apr 9th, 2016

Published a new chapter for you guys, go and read it! Also, even though its a 12k chapter, it's NOT a displaced crossover. The chapter kinda just grew and grew and got away from me.

I didn't even put everything I wanted to in it...

The heck am I supposed to do with tags?


New story · 11:33am Apr 30th, 2016

Hello everyone,

I have begun working on a new Displaced story based around Borderlands 1, 2 and the pre-sequel and am in need of both prereaders in the future and editor to help with writing it, you will all be credited for any work you do.

If anybody is interested please drop me a PM or leave a comment and I will see what we can sort out.

Thank you
The Dark Brony


Writing time! · 3:54am Aug 29th, 2015

Hellllloooo fellow fimficers!! (And hopefully those interested in DS's progress :pinkiehappy:)

As the school year approaches, so does art and writing season. As in, I draw and write in class because paying attention is for neeerrrrds.

...And I go to a super smart people Academy, so maaaaybe that's why my grades aren't as good as in junior high. Oh well. It's my last year anyways.

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Kenny displaced challenge · 4:39pm Feb 17th, 2017

I'm surprised that no one has done this yet, but someone sould definitely do a displaced of someone as Kenny from southpark.

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remake of the dota 2 techies displaced idea · 8:32am Jun 24th, 2018

dota 2: Squee, Spleen, and Spoon, the Techies, Responses, Lore and techies announcer pack

Genres: AU, human, humanized fantasy Equestria, comedy, adventure, dark and gore

Series: mlp and the moive

Rating: Teen or M

Cover Image:

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Majora's Mask · 12:21am Oct 29th, 2015

Hey guys! I like Majora's Mask for the N64 A LOT! I've been writing a fic about Link from Ocarina of Time. I just need a bit more time on it because I plan on writing a pretty short displaced fic about the adventures of the Hero of Time in Equestria. I won't be able to publish it for a while, because it isn't 1,000 words long yet (embarrassing, I know.). But I will get there, I can't wait.


Progress Update · 3:02pm Jul 25th, 2015

Okay, so the chapter is looking great. It has some elements that might make BoF fans think of some stuff, but it would be great to get their opinion them when it's posted up.

It's about 80% done, so it shouldn't be long now.

For the Endless Gods, I took their lore based on the lines from Breath of Fire IV, some would be familiar with some parts of the story.

Here's some of the ones that I used:

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New Story · 8:16pm Nov 5th, 2015

Ah yes, a new story has been created by yours truly. Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness is here to stay in the Displacedverse. Crossovers will be a fun thing to write with others. I'm thinking of each crossover being a quest of some sort, unless he is the one being summoned... And there will be a lot of crossovers in this story.


Update Schedule · 3:25pm Aug 15th, 2016

In order to instill some sense of balance, I'm going to keep to a bi-weekly update schedule for PXZ, publishing a new chapter every other Sunday until Part 1 is completed.

Following that, here is a list of update dates I shall work hard to uphold from this point forwards:

Act 1, Part 3: August 21st
Act 1, Part 4: September 4th

Act 1, Intermission 1 [Part 1] : September 18th
Act 1, Intermission 1 [Part 2] : October 2nd
Act 1, Intermission 1 [Part 3] : October 16th

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New Story in Mind · 4:05pm Jul 18th, 2018

I'm strongly considering doing another story, though this one would be a different Displaced tale with a very different primary character... the Maverick Hunter known only as Zero. I've seen several stories that had people Displaced as X, though in my personal opinion, while he's a good character, he's.... linear. Even in the games, they didn't even remotely consider giving him the

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Displaced Vote · 1:25am Jun 26th, 2018


kaptin bluddflagg and he's boyz displaced idea · 7:15pm May 17th, 2017

in the deepest part of the ocean there rests a large and mysterious metal box. It is a surprisingly leveled area covered with flora, however, nopony knows why it's there and some pony decided to make rumors about it. One of them was that it may be filled with silver, gold, diamonds, and the like or even such things as weapons, books or a powerful artifact. As the rumors spread around, they got the attention of Ahuizotl and Dr. Caballeron, as well daring do then blah blah blah, let's get to the

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re-make idea of dota 2 Meepo the Geomancer displaced idea · 2:00am Nov 28th, 2018

dota 2: Meepo the Geomancer, Responses, Lore and Meepo Announcer Pack

Genres: AU, dark, adventure, comedy, blood/gore, Narcotics, Violence and fantasy Equestria. (or humanized fantasy Equestria. or just Equestria)

Series: mlp and mlp the movie

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Draft of Chapter 8 (the shoggoth confrontation) is (finally) up on Patreon · 8:52pm May 8th, 2019

THIS IS A BUG. ADMINS HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED. [ Click here for intended Blog Post ]


ch.1 idea of kaptin bluddflagg and he's boyz · 11:39pm Jul 19th, 2017

kaptin bluddflagg: ok Mr.nailbrain were the Zog are we?

Mr.nailbrain: *looking at status reporter's* kap'n, looks like we are underwater.

kaptin bluddflagg: how deep are we?

Mr.nailbrain: *looking at status reporters again* about......9,058ft kap'n.

brikkfist: how we are not dead yet!?

Mr.nailbrain: weird stuff

spookums: I Fink we are inside a big metal box

kaptin bluddflagg: *touching the wall* yup he right. dis feel like metal

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No Longer Displaced - Yes, the print run is happening! · 9:05pm Mar 26th, 2017

Winghorse schemed! Poke that link if you really like NLD for whatever reason and want it in a physical form you can hold--with your hands as well as your hearts. :3

Wing says, "I got enough messages to make it a thing. Science!"

Viewing 181 - 200 of 265 results