I Just Want a Comment 3,690 members · 15,799 stories
Comments ( 322 )
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Group Admin

Neato. Welcome!


I'm ShiningBeacon. I joined the site last year and have enjoyed my time here. I didn't get into the fandom until 2019, so I'm a bit of a newcomer. I started a story then that has since been put on hiatus due too lack of motivation and being generally unhappy with its quality,, but currently I'm working on another story that has been progressing much better. I just wanted some more vocal feedback on what I have put out so far, and this seems like the place to ask for that, so here I am.

Hello everyone! This is valiant wind. I just joined the fandom like, half a year ago? Guess that's super late compared to the most of you guys, but the show did left me a deep impression. I have just finished my first story "Tale of a Grey Tempest", and would love to gain more comment and suggestions for my story. I've been putting a lot of efforts into it and I'm eager to see how that actually worked out.

The link to my story goes https://www.fimfiction.net/story/487230/tale-of-a-gray-tempest

Anyway, I appreciate your attention!:twilightsheepish:

Group Admin


Hi, hi! Feel free to make a new forum post instead of promoting your stories here!

Hello! :twilightsmile:
I'm Spacegirlss12! I like writing horror and AU fics.

Henlo friemnds. (misspelling intentional)
My name is GodzillaSpino, and I have joined because I, too, would like a comment on my story. However, I'm down to do more things than just that if the offer is available.
As of the time of this writing, my story does not include a cameo of my MLPsona or whatever you call it, but pay attention for a blue kirin explicitly mentioned to have the features of a dinosaur called Spinosaurus aegyptiacus.

Hello, I exist

Call me GS. Pleasure to be here.


The name is Gabriel Smedley and I've come here to try to get my story more attention, including comments.

Good days to you all everypony. I am La Jester. I am a brony from Canada and I am a big fan of all that is MLP. But I had discovered the show pretty late, hell, season 7 had just finished before I learned My little Pony existed and I started to watch the first episode on the internet. (Actually, I have a bad tendency to find the best popular medias very long after they are made.)

Now, as for the reason that I am writing fanfiction, well, before that, I had try my hand on actual writing, which mean I was trying to make an actual novel. And so for nearly one year I worked hard to make a book and I had ambition. I wanted to make a complex story that would change how the readers see the world. I was young and arrogant. But I had given up because I was hitting a wall, I wanted to put too much things and realized that my narrative did not felt... organic for a lack of better words.

But then I discovered that site and some of the fanfictions I had read were... just the best things I had ever read. And so I had say to myself: "Heh. Won't it be a better vehicle to express myself?" Until then, I had been working on the same fanfic for two years, (I mean, I hope it had only been 'just' two years), working hard to make it perfect. But in those two years, my story had stay in obscurity and I had receive so little comment on how my writing quality is.

You see, I have always this nagging fear that I don't know how to properly communicate my ideas into a way that feel natural. Even today, I still don't know if my worry is false or true. And then, I had discovered that if most fanfic gain notoriety, it is because they are member of groups just like that one. (Seriously. I am on Fimfiction for more than two years and it took me that much time to figure that out! You can now understand how truly little experience I have on virtual social media.)

So basically, that is why I would like to rely on your help. I want to make a story that could make a change in those that would read it and I want to know if I convey my messages in a properly way. Please, I want you to be the most sincere that you can because I really want to make that story right. Now, to end that on more casual note, hope you will have an plesant reading.

Hey all! I'm new and thought this group would be a great way to start building myself up as a writer here. Glad to meet ya'll :twilightsmile:

Hai everypony, Pacifist Doodler here! ^-^ Aspiring author and artist- I draw my own cover arts and edit my stories. Recipe for disaster. And I review stories as well sometimes- not very short stories. >1000.
Stay awesome,
and have a nice day ✨:twilightsheepish:

Group Admin

Welcome! I see you've joined the Discord server too!


I'm Indigo Lightning Strike. I'm young and a bit of a nutcase at times, but I always mean well. I don't write specific kinds of stories, instead I try to write what interests me at the time. I'm also a big history nerd.

MEGA DERP!!!!!!!

G'day everyone!
My name is Fate Weaver, and I wanted to write a grand introduction of myself, but I'm without ideas right now to do it (I blame video-games for this!)

Because of this, I will just write without thinking, so I'm sorry if I start to babbling too much.

I'm what you call a project of an amateur writer, wishing to polish my skills as I weave tales of multicolored ponies in some setting inspired by D&D or some other Table Top RPG. - Oh, I also write to purge my darkest feelings so that I don't become an angsty person.

Also, I like puppies, little cats and long walks by the beach.

It's Nice to meet you all.
If you want to talk to me and partake in the madness I bring with me, your welcome to send me messages; new friends are always good!
... .... ...
BECAUSE FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC (sorry, I couldn't resist :twilightblush:)

Now, for the things in real life, I'm 27, and I live in Brazil, a fantastic country, if you live away of the big cities (like me); and I'm in the fandom for a few years - I believe I was introduced to the show as a joke around the season 6; and I ended up loving it, but I have never brought myself to partake actively in the fandom... TILL NOW!

Hello there, I'm Thunder Dash. I've been on this site for so long. I'm just diving back into the world of mlp fan fiction. I'm actually a musician, but when I'm not making music, I love to write and roleplay.

Group Admin

Welcome to the group!

Hello TimeLordStudios here my OC's name is blaze star (generic I know) I am a aspiring fanfic writer. I am hoping to have a great time in this group. nice to meet you all.

Group Admin

Welcome! o(¬‿^)づ

Hi there! My account here is Underwood, but I also go by PinkPony, based on my first fan-fiction. For me, publishing creative work (art/writing) is like screaming into a void. All this time and passion goes into creating these things that I share for free, to almost no reception. It's draining; makes me question what the point is. Anyone else feel the same?

Hiya folks, I'm The Lone Doctor!

I've been lurking around Fimfiction since 2015, and was pretty much in the fandom on and off since season 5. Same went for the Fimfiction discord server.

Outside of that though, I'm a history buff. I used to watch a heck ton of 1960's, 70's, and some 80's shows when I was a kid, same went for music. I went as far as doing reenacting. My first fic in fact kinda blended my passion for history with fimfiction. In the writing department, that's pretty on and off as well, but I have been a part of some constests for the heck of it, the majority of them were Oroboro's Sunset Shipping contests.

I'm currently on the last two quarters of my time in undergrad for history. Hopefully that means I get some time to write more because of that. I'm also a very big romance junkie. Still read the odd military fic here and there, and anything in between so long as it's good quality writing.

Again, it's a pleasure being here with everyone!


Been hanging around the fandom since 2011 and mostly stuck to rp sites and the occasional image board.
Decided to write some fics since I have too many Ocs to count these days. :'D

Nice meetin' ya.

Hello, I'm King Ice and I've been a member of this website since 2017. I like writing whenever I feel like it. I mostly read Light Novels and mangas. Pleased to meet you all

I am A Random Lonely Dude. I am sitting in my underground house which has a swimming pool. Did I mention that I'm located in India? If not then now you know that there is some of us in India.

I like scifi stuff. Minecraft good, Fortnite good but community bad.

Well hello group, I found this while browsing groups and thought, "Wow, that's a neat idea." And remembered one of my stories had all it's comments thanos snapped out of existence :applecry:

Been writing, off and on, since mid-late 2012. Seen this site go through a lot of changes but at least it looks like it's sense of community has remained. :yay:

Anyway, Nice to meet you all! :twilightsmile:

Hi. I am LightHeart101. I have written a handful of stories, and am working on more. I have been striving to try and put out more stories after a long hiatus. I am not too good at grammar, yet I try my best. I am also part of a reviewing group, and a few other collective groups who publish certain categories of stories, such as OC, or just wanting to get our name out there. I love Comedies and slice of lives.

Heyo! I’m N O - F A C E aka xwildwhirlx, but you can just call me Whirl. I’ve been writing since like 2018, but I’m better at art than writing. *coughIdocommissionscough*

I’m a huge fan of cartoons like Pokemon, Transformers, Kirby, and (of course) MLP. My favorite pony is Fluttershy, and if yours isn’t, you’re a [DATA EXPUNGED] :flutterrage:

Jk. :scootangel: all ponies are created equal (my lawyer forced me to say that)

I like writing crossovers - which tend to get a bit cracky. I tend to write stories in obsessive bursts, then watch my enthusiasm fizzle out for months at a time, but eventually I make progress!

Anyways, it’s always nice to see lovely people writing lovely stories! I’m a tad shy so I might not always comment on yours, but I give a sincere thank you for sharing your work, and another thank you to those who comment on mine! :twilightsmile:

Hope to see you soon!

Hello there! I'm GT, a Christian, member of the Royal Canadian Navy, and hobbyist writer when I have the time. I've been writing for years, but only just recently started writing MLP fanfiction this year. I love the show and everything in it, and I love Equestria and all its possibilities.

Crossovers and character/dialogue-driven stories are my bread and butter, and I like reading stories that have lots of lore, background, and intricate plots.

My favorite pony is Fluttershy (I'm basically her IRL, although I'm slowly emerging from my shell, as it were). Starlight and Tempest are tied for my second-favorite ponies, and Twilight comes in at a veeeeery close third.

Anyway, I'm happy to be here and to share my work with all of you! I hope you enjoy it! :twilightsmile:

Hello, My name is Sane. I work part-time and am lazy the other half. I love to Write but often get a few thousand words into projects and end up caught in one thing or another and give up. But I'm getting better about it, so I've attempted writing an actual fully-fledged story, which is technically a crossover but with a work I've yet to write.

I like character-driven narratives and stories with deep wells of lore.

Favorite pone would be Pinky, I think primarily for reasons that would be a spoiler, oddly enough.

I would love some honest critic of my work as I have no fear of improvement. So check out The bug and the Wanderer if you could. New chapter very soon if that sways in any way.

Hi there, Sane!

I would love some honest critic of my work as I have no fear of improvement. So check out The bug and the Wanderer if you could. New chapter very soon if that sways in any way.

It's better to start a new thread if you want to promote your stories. Not that it's not possible here, but if you start a new thread, people will actually see it in their feed.

Yeah, but I figured It couldn't hurt.

Hello to everyone in thes group, hope you're having a fantastic day! I'm a long time lurker that decide to make an account not to long ago to post horsewords. I write crossovers (shame, i know), but have a few original stories planned. My most popular fic is a crossover with XCOM, one i hope you'll like.

My latest work is a crossover too, and involves a bit more horror than my previous fics.

Irl i'm second year ecology student at my local uni.

English is not my first language, but i hope it doesen't show too much in my stories.

Omg! Hello!

I’m so excited to share my story!

Hello! How did I just now find this group?

Group Admin


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