Chess Game of the Gods 1,442 members · 87 stories
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Should The Jersey Devil be in The Chess Games of The Gods? He’s not a pony nor a human being. So can I put him in the Chessverse?

That would be fairly interesting. If it's treated as a non human from our world but he had to take a different form when he went to equestria. I'd find it extra amusing if he had to use a human form unless X conditions were met. Then he could us his advanced power set.

That was presuming he was a piece in play. He could be a sponser and give someone his powers. Let's trope inversion but still could be fun. If he's just a character then he needs a good reason to be there that isn't the two above.


I wanted the jersey devil to be a evil chess piece sent by Lucifer.

His appearance is that he has body of dog, head of a ram and wings of a dragon. He is strong, fast, can fly, he can control the wind.

Oh I know. However all the players get their appearance changed. It could just be to that they are all human and need a stronger form, in which case the devil doesn't need it. But what if it's one of the many unspoken rules' that you have to have a form change. Because lucifer is an ass, he gives the devil a human form, and the devil can only use a fraction of his powers as a weak human. This would leave him to have to figure out how to reclaim his original form and his full might, win the game, and get his revenge on lucifer. This would give the devil room for his power to grow, along with some comedy and help reduce the likelyhood of character solves all problems right away and easily because they are op.

It's your story, do what you want. Just throwing some ideas out there to make it different from all the other stories.

For the sake of things, The Jersey Devil will have to be JD for short as he like to be referred and instead of Lucifer I should go with Hela the goddess of Death and he will only appear in Argonian My Dreams as he fights Razor.

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