Humanized Ponies! 3,472 members · 5,605 stories
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It occurred to me that you had said something similar in your original post, and so I expected you to bring me up to speed. Which you just did, as I had hoped. Yay!

5333955 All though, I have to say that this is the headcanon I have now. I haven’t gotten around to actually write something based on this. But it will happen.

Octavia is russian, and Vinyl... she gives me a bit of an Eminem-vibe, so she's caucasian as well. And Discord... well, he's the spirit of chaous, but except for having different colors of his eyes, he basically looks like a middle-°aged german businessman with to much tan.

Nope I am not black. But you seem to be confusing the issue of poor phrasing with the issue of raceplaining. If you've read my posts, you can notice that it's not the latter.


And Discord... well, he's the spirit of chaous, but except for having different colors of his eyes, he basically looks like a middle-°aged german businessman with to much tan.

LOL, now I can't stop seeing Discord as Nigel Farage.

I know he's not German, but lmao. Maybe it's just word associations.


Maybe you should leave it to the actual black people to decide what is offensive to us. Just a thought.

Since you can't understand the difference between advising you on terrible phrasing, and raceplaining to you... on a site devoted to wordsmithing... then you are free to assume it's the latter and go on your merry way.

5334850 That... yeah, that's him.


Twilight: Black
Rarity: White
Fluttershy: Korean
Pinkie: Black
Rainbow Dash: Mexican
AppleJack: White

I got pics of all of them if anyone wants to see.


Working off what I used for A Bushel of Apples and Human after all:

Twilight: Indian.
Applejack: Caucasian. Sort of the Salt-of-the-earth Scots-Irish.
Rainbow Dash: Greek.
Rarity: Chinese
Fluttershy: French
Pinkie Pie: German

Lyra: Italian
Cheerilee: Chinese
Trixie: Creole

Personal head cannon? Well, since I'm 1: Japanese and 2: in Hawaii, Mines is different than the usual.
Like, default race for me is ambiguous, since it's really hard to tell sometimes.

Twilight: Japanese-Korean. (She reminds me of a friend of mine who was Japanese Korean)
Rainbow Dash: Filipino
Applejack: Scots-Irish/German
Rarity: Chinese
Fluttershy: Japanese
Pinkie Pie: Portuguese

5378445 Sure, bring 'em on!
5379395 cool. And quite the unique take.

I personally headcanon Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy as Caucasian, Rainbow as Asian/Caucasian and Twilight as Indian. ,

Applejack: Scots Irish

Twilight Sparkle: Japanese

Rainbow Dash: Italian

Pinkie Pie: German

Fluttershy: Swedish

Rarity: French

5327922 I see them all as being white.

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