Random is Allowed Here 392 members · 2,234 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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Group Admin

I'm going to ask a question - no matter how random or weird it is - and people must answer it.
Ok, people are encouraged to answer it. It is a random group, after all. Expect things like that.

In this case, the question is sensible: What was the weirdest or oddest moment of your life?

EDIT: My oddest moment was . . . Hold on, I don't have many.

591505 The time me and my friends went crabbing in gorilla suits.

When I saw a bird fly into my classroom through the open window, take a pencil, and leave. Oh, and it picked at my friend's bow tie hair. She wears those kinds of things.

Group Admin

Oh, you and your friends, Regidar.
I guess the birds like pencils to finish off their nest decorations. :rainbowlaugh:

Well, I thought

random was allowed.

591505 One of my weirdest moments was when this guy rode his dirtbike through the lobby of the movie theater I worked at. Everyone was so stunned, we just watched him ride out through the exit without stopping him.

Group Admin

Where are my damn sides . . . :rainbowlaugh:

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