Friendship is Magic: the Gathering 250 members · 46 stories
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As he said... He only won by "cheating". XD

Ajani, though, buddy... when it comes to survival against an uber-beast of a dragon... *pats his shoulder* I don't think "cheating" is the right term. I mean, it's not as if your life is a card game... *snicker*

... I so want to see something of Ajani meeting Ditzy Doo and Dinky, now. -_-" I don't even know how that would work in your 'verse. Aside from Dinky wanting to pet the big kitty in her child curiosity.

Mr. Cat would, of course, be used to such treatment.

And leonin actually dodge Pinkie's Ban by virtue of their feline components, so Ajani would be able to explore Ungula unchanged.

Heh. Still love that story. "Mr. Cat." :D

Pinkie's Ban... I forgot about that. -_-"

So... I guess that sorta leaves Pinkie Pie a little suspicious... Fellow about the size of a Manticore walks into town, all dressed in that white cloak and carrying axes.

... don't touch the cloak, Rarity... He likes it as is... Keeps it as is.

I... Just had a stupid crack-fic idea.

Nicol Bolas discovers the Magic of Friendship... and completely misses the point in effort to harness and harvest that power. XD

No one can ever seem to pass the Trial of Laughter.

Thing is, he's smart... I don't think he'd really... miss the point.

Still, the design of those Eternals. Damn awesome.

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