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A long-standing tradition of official groups entails variations of writing prompt activities. As such, many official groups have an official prompt-tag thread. We do not. I have been here a long while, and have seen many things, but have never been able to figure out why. Are we to say that Scootaloo is not important enough to warrant an active, official prompt-tag thread? I think not! So, here's how we fix it. I know that there are numerous talented authors that are members of this group, and those are who I call upon. Any author of this group who has a story to tell. That is what writing is about, isn't it?

What are Scootaloo Prompt Tags? Well, its like a game and a collaborative group effort. Here's how you contribute:

An individual begins by posting a miniature fic to this thread, between 100-1000 words in length, focusing on Scootaloo. The fic in question is inspired by a one-word prompt. At the end of the fic, the author includes a single word that acts as the prompt for the next author. Once the fic is posted, another individual may comment to claim the prompt. Once the prompt is claimed, this individual has 24 hours to write a mini-fic and post it to this thread. Ensure to include a one-word prompt at the end of the fic, so that the cycle may continue.

Just so we are clear;

The Rules:

* The mini-fic can be written in any style, containing any content. It's not expected to be proofread, but decent spelling and grammar are expected (obviously). If you've never written before, well, now is the time! Try to keep ratings teen or below, and between 100-1000 words. Make sure that the fic maintains focus on our favourite flightless pegasus filly, and that it somehow relates to the prompt. However, every story is individual. A fic need not relate to the fic before it, it must only relate to the prompt.

* Claim prompts with a quick post responding to the most recent post. Just the word "claimed" and the specific prompt will suffice. When you finish, make a post with the mini-fic and the next prompt.

* Your claim is valid for twenty-four (24) hours, to keep someone from accidentally holding things up all day. After this time, another person may post a claim for the same prompt. If you run out of time, and no one else has claimed the prompt, you may comment to reclaim it.

*Each prompt can only be claimed by a single individual

* In the event that confusion occurs, and two fics are posted for the same prompt, the first one posted contains the official next prompt.

* Please include a one word prompt at the end of your fic. Words are powerful, and the many interpretations of a single word are astounding. It is up to your successor to take a prompt where they see fit.

* Everything is posted in this thread.

* This is a casual, communal activity, and most authors appreciate feedback. Even if you aren't contributing (for shame), feel free to read through the collection of mini-fics and supply some feedback. At least leave a "thumbs up" for any that you like!

Need an example? Try this.

Any questions, concerns or suggestions? Please feel free to contact me.

Initial Prompts:
Origins - Claimed by scootaboom
Heat - Claimed by gamexpert1990
Sleep - Claimed by Fritzi

The most recent prompts can be found near the end of the thread!

Choose one and make history!

Important Note to the Mods: If the thread remains active, I would very much appreciate if a moderator could "pin" this thread, so that it does not become lost beneath other threads. My purpose for this activity is to provide a creative and social community within a well-established, but otherwise inactive group. I have our best interest in mind, and I hope it becomes all I know it can be! If this does not become active, a moderator may let this thread fall into obscurity, and I will be profoundly saddened.

Claiming: Sleep

Right group, great start.

Available Prompts:

I think I'll go ahead and try my hand at this...

Claimed: Heat

Apologies for the delay, but let's get this thread started! Here goes nothing:

Prompt: Heat

Scootaloo's mane and tail whipped furiously as she ran against the wind. Her hooves were beating the ground at a steady rhythm, carrying the entirety of her being forward at a steadfast pace. She didn't want to push herself too hard quite yet... These were just the preliminaries, after all.

The path ahead was clear of any other ponies, save for the small audience in the sidelines. Behind her, there were several other runners attempting to pull ahead of the pack. Though they were gaining on the lead racer, Scootaloo wasn't concerned. She still had plenty of energy to burst ahead if anypony were to pass her.

She wasn't near the limits of pushing herself, but she still felt the excitement of competition flow through her. Much like her mentor, the radical Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo lived for the thrill of sports. It was all the training they did together that allowed Scootaloo the chance to gain an early advantage here.

Even though this was only the first heat of the qualifiers, she would show Rainbow Dash just what she was capable of. There was absolutely no chance that Scootaloo would place less than first throughout every qualifying heat. There was also no doubt in her mind that she'd even go on to win the entire event.

Before she could let herself think any further about that, she noticed movement in her peripheral vision. One of the other racers had nearly caught up. With some renewed concentration, a fierce grin, and her eyes narrowed, Scootaloo added extra speed to her movements and pulled ahead once more.

Yeah, Scootaloo was going to make her mentor proud today.

Next prompt: Grounded

Sorry for not getting mine in. Unexpected things happened

Life seems to have a way of remaining "unexpected". I hope everything is okay.


One of the other racers had nearly caught up.

"Nearly" being the key word. Other racers gon' get rekt.

Available Prompts:

4317397 Everything is fine. Just church, school, and drama. Normal day stuff that keeps you occupied. It was surprising because it happened on the weekends, weekends here are normally quiet and peaceful (keep in mind I am FAR away from clubs and a big city. SMALL TOWN FTW)

Claiming: Sleep

Here's my first shot writing a fanfiction short. It actually started out inspired by the "Heat" prompt but it still qualifies as sleep too. Since I'm not yet experienced with writing fanfics, any feedback is greatly appreciated.


The scorching summer sun was nearly unbearable. As Scootaloo tore through Sweet Apple Acres on her scooter, she could feel the sweltering rays beat down on her back and soak into her orange coat. She stopped to wipe the sweat from her brow, and panted from the exhausting heat. She moved under the welcome shade of an apple tree, and did not notice the young filly above her in the high branches.

Apple Bloom was napping on an apple branch when she was awoken by her friend's approach. She swung her head down to greet her pal.

"Hey there, Scootaloo, how's it goin'?"

"Gah!" exclaimed Scootaloo. "Apple Bloom! I didn't see you up there."

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. "Well DUH. You were starin' at the ground like you were about to pass out from heat stroke. What are you doin' out today? It's been a record heat wave all week!"

Scootaloo grinned. "I came to see if you wanted to come swimming with me down at the down at the lake. If you don't have chores, that is."

Apple Bloom yawned. "Nah, right now our trees can't produce 'cause of the drought 'n all, but Applejack says the weather team is comin' tomorrow to bring some storm clouds in an' water the trees. I'm supposed to stay cool in the shade today, but I guess swimming would be okay."

"Great!" Scootaloo jumped up and buzzed in the air with anticipation. "Then let's get out of here! Maybe we could even get our cutie marks in stunt diving! How awesome would that be?"

Apple Bloom hopped down from her perch. "Yeah, definitely. An' where's Sweetie Belle? I bet she would love to come too!"

"Ugh." Scootaloo flapped her wings with exasperation. "She's spending the day with Rarity at the spa. Like mud baths could beat practicing flips off the diving board."

"Well then, what are we waitin' for?" Apple Bloom asked. "To the lake!"

"Yeah!" Scootaloo brushed her mane and strapped on her helmet. "Hop on my scooter."

As the two arrived at the lake, they heard a familiar shriek of laughter. Scootaloo perked up immediately. Flying with familiar grace over the cool, tranquil water was none other than...

"Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo gasped, fumbling with her helmet as she scampered to the lake shore. " Omigosh, Apple Bloom, it's Rainbow Dash! How do I look? Oh NO, I forgot to wash my mane. Do you think she sees us?"

Apple Bloom squinted and covered her eyes with a hoof, peering up at the sky. "I don't think so. What's she doing, flying so high anyways?"

"Psssh." Scootaloo waved a hoof. "That's just because of how insanely AWESOME she is. Do you think she's gonna do a trick? How about it? Gooooo Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo called.

Clearly enthused and captivated by the sight of her idol, Scootaloo did not fully understand Rainbow's intent until she saw Rainbow Dash halt in midair.

Apple Bloom looked worried. "You don't think she would really..."

"CANNON BAAAAAAALL!!!!!!" Shouted Rainbow as she tucked in her legs and plummeted towards the ground at superpony velocity.

"She's gonna hit the lake!" Apple Bloom screamed. "Scootaloo get out of the way!"

Scootaloo's heart was racing and her eyes were as wide as saucers. Her pupils shone like diamonds as she gaped with astonishment. Apple Bloom tried to tug Scootaloo away from the shore, but it was too late.

Rainbow Dash hit the water with the force of a nuclear missle, and the lake exploded in the mother of all splashes. Rainbow sent a tsunami of water 40 feet in the air, which swelled towards the shore.

Apple Bloom had time to say, "Oh, ponyfeathers," before she and Scootaloo were swept away in the massive wave. She gasped for air, clutching Scootaloo's hoof tightly. The great flood of water washed them all back to the orchard, where Apple Bloom was tending to the trees.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom lay in the soaking grass. Apple Bloom pounded her chest to get the water out, and turned to Scootaloo's lifeless form.

Scootaloo's normally rosy completion was eerily palid, and she wasn't breathing.

Apple Bloom tried to shake Scootaloo awake. "Sweet Celestia, Scootaloo, wake up! Sis! Get a doctor." Tears welled in Apple Bloom's eyes.

Just then, Scootaloo sputtered. She coughed up water and mumbled incomprehensibly.

"What? What was that now?" asked Apple Bloom hysterially.

Scootaloo's eyes shot open. "That. Was. AWESOME!"

Apple Bloom whacked Scootaloo on the head.

"Ow, Apple Bloom, what was that for?"

Apple Bloom drew Scootaloo into a tight embrace. "Don't you EVER scare me like that again, you hear?"

Applejack, meanwhile, finally closed her wide open mouth and regained the ability to speak. "Apple Bloom! What is the meanin' of this? Ah TOLD y'all to stay safe today."

Apple Bloom stood up. "Sis, the only thing you told me was to STAY COOL today. And look!" Apple Bloom laughed, wringing the frigid lake water from her mane. "I ain't never been colder in my life!"

Scootaloo leaped up. "And the trees are all watered, too!" She gestured to the flooded orchard. "Best day ever!"

Oops, I almost forgot. The next prompt is "Infiltrate."

Group Admin

4317915 - whoa. That was dark for a second! That's not bad at all for a first try. :)

There is an art to writing "Slice of Life" works, one which initially seems simple. Assuming so would be the gravest of mistakes. There exists a certain mindset and diction required to write a fic in such a manner that it can almost be imagined as a scene from the show itself. You have certainly achieved that effect here. If I were to recommend anything, it would be to flesh out minute descriptions.Try your hand at figurative language, such as similes and metaphors. What may seem like an excess of description into any one aspect can help enhance immersion exponentially. The most important effect of this would be tailoring the pacing as a result, finalizing the "Slice of Life" atmosphere. Of course, their are limitations to how much of this can realistically be accomplished in a prompted mini-fic. To match the sentiment of 4318385, fairly impressive for a first run.

Available Prompts:

I guess i'll try.

Claim : Origins

Prompt : Origins

There was nothing for Scootaloo but cold and hate.
It is how it all began, as the evil laught of a mad mare could be heard.
The cold was comforting. All things should be cold, for warmth would only bring pain.
Pain that the cold numbed.

Confusion and fear were there too. she didn't like them. she didn't thrust them.
She didn't thrust anything, for she was alone.
An old mare tale. Nopony would believe these. Not unless one became real.
And so she was, on a stormy summer night. Alone.

Something was close. Fear of death.
Not hers. Foals. Fools.
She couldn't understand.
She wasn't born yesterday.

The world could meet its end. She would be there.
Waiting for it. Calling it. Bringing It.
Was life worth the suffering ?
Ponies would think so, for it was their purpose.

Begging for warmth even in their last moments.
There was no point trying to reason with them.
She could take it. She could save them from the warmth.
A cold embrace. An icy grip. An eternal rest.

It hurt. Life was warm. It bled onto her, staining her.
She tasted the warmth. She didn't like it.
She returned it. So much for showing mercy.
Yet, there was something interesting in it, a part that wasn't really warm.

Maybe if the world didn't end tonight.
Maybe she wouldn't freeze it tomorrow.
There would always be time for that.
For now, she wanted to try this "Cool" part of life.

I can't remember reading this one before for origin Story.
Guess i tried some "foreshadowing" here. (I should probably learn to write before trying fancy things)

Next prompt : Speed

It is a minority that uses activities such as this to try experimental styles and writing, despite the fact that the shortened nature and community exposure provide the perfect venue. Poetry, verse and prose, reminiscent of this work, would be very welcome. I hope you inspire others not just to participate, but to try something a bit different.

Available Prompts:


Scootaloo adjusted her position on the top of the half-pipe, rocking her scooter back and forth. "Goggles? Check." She glanced down. "Helmet? Check." She held up her walkie talkie and pressed the button. "Radio communication?" She looked over, and Apple Bloom gave her the nod. "Check." She slid her goggles down. "Then it's go time," she said.
"I still think this is a bad idea," Sweetie Belle protested.
"And that's why I didn't ask you," Scootaloo said snarkily. She did one more wiggle just for positioning, and then launched herself down the ramp, her tiny wings buzzing furiously.
She figuratively flew down the ramp, her wheels screaming from the speed. When she hit the other side, she was going fast enough to get airborne, just as planned. She kept flapping her wings as hard as she could, trying to draw out her upwards flight for as long as she could. When she had nearly reached the apex of her parabola, she put her hind hooves on her scooter and pushed off, pushing herself even higher.
Rainbow Dash's cloudominium came within reach. She stretched out her hooves and caught on the edge. Her hooves slipped, and Scootaloo gasped. Scrabbling for grip, she finally managed to regain traction. Slowly, surely, she pulled herself up.
She lay on her back, panting. She pulled up her walkie talkie. "Got up here," Scootaloo said. "Wasn't bad at all."
"Good job!" Apple Bloom's voice came back. "Now go finish your mission!"
Scootaloo chuckled as she rolled over and pushed herself to her hooves. Apple Bloom was having way too much fun with this.
She crept closer to Rainbow's house, feeling horribly out of place with her orange coat on the white clouds. She made it to the window, and peered inside. It seemed to be empty, so she quickly slid it up and slid inside. Now that she'd infiltrated Rainbow's house, she looked around.
Posters of Wonderbolts adorned her walls. Many of them were pictures of her, signed by Rainbow Dash herself. Scootaloo briefly wondered if she could take one, and then shook her head. She had something else to focus on.
She crept around and made it to the door. She looked around, but heard nothing. She slunk down the hallway and opened the next door.
She grinned. Rainbow Dash's bedroom. "Jackpot," she said.
She started with the nightstand near her bed. It was full of random junk, but not what she sought. Under the bed was next, but there was only a few magazines and a ticket stub.
Scootaloo tried the closet next. Inside were a few outfits, a few Wonderbolt jumpsuits, and the costumes she'd worn for Nightmare Night. Rainbow didn't really accumulate a lot of junk.
Scootaloo grinned. A perk of living on the ground: she could keep as much stuff as she wanted without worrying about it getting too heavy and falling through.
She stood up and scanned the room again. And then her eyes lit up as she saw Rainbow Dash's bed again. Scootaloo pulled the covers off and flipped the pillow.
There it was.
Scootaloo picked it up almost reverently. "The newest Daring Do book," she whispered. She reached for her walkie talkie again. "Found it!"
"Good!" Apple Bloom answered. "Then get back down here!"
Scootaloo nodded, then remembered that Apple Bloom couldn't see her. "Right," she said. She quickly pulled the covers back over the pillow, tucked the book under her foreleg, and quickly made her way back to the door. She glanced behind her, making sure that she had left no trace of her being there.
And bumped right into something. Or, rather, somepony.
Scootaloo dropped backwards onto her haunches and the book tumbled out. "R- Rainbow Dash!"
Rainbow Dash looked at Scootaloo, looked at the book, and raised an eyebrow. "Oh," she said. "You wanted the newest Daring Do book, personally sent to me, did you?"
"Y- yeah?" Scootaloo squirmed. This was not going according to plan.
Rainbow Dash stepped forward, making Scootaloo scoot backwards. She kicked the door shut behind her. "I've got bad news, Scootaloo."
"What?" Scootaloo nearly whispered.
"You've reached the bad end," Rainbow Dash intoned. "Your punishment is an afternoon... with the tickle monster!"
Scootaloo's eyes widened. "Rainbow Dash, no-!"
But it was too late. Rainbow Dash tackled Scootaloo to the ground, rolling with her, and tickling every part she could reach with her hooves and wings and whatever else she could get. Scootaloo squirmed and laughed.


Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle stared in horror at the walkie talkie as mysterious noises emanated from it.
"No, Rainbow- Rainbow! Rainbow, I'm- I'm gonna pee! Rainbow!"
And finally, the sounds stopped.
The two fillies stared blankly at it, then each other.
"So," Sweetie Belle said slowly. "Does that mean she failed?"

4306283Paragliding. The word may be unfamiliar to most, conjuring an image of a exotic thrill seeking adrenaline junky to others. Its not particularly more dangerous than, say skydiving or base jumping, but I firmly believe Scootaloo would choose this. Please shower the video and content creators, not me, with praise. I had no part in making this video, song or sport a reality nor do I claim to be; I'm just sharing something cool. Its scary, its stupid and liberating.

Thank you, please don't auto-block this; I tried to keep it about Scootaloo loving a sport.

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