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We have seen numerous fanfics about the New Lunar Republic going against the Solar Empire but have there been any that explained how it happened? What was life like before the separation? What caused the separation? What goes on during the wars? What happens at the end?

All these questions will be answered in a collaboration fanfic I hope to start up. I will need everyone's help in this endeavor because I alone can not perfectly portray the many characters in the show the way some of the other authors can. So I am asking all of you to help me with this project! It will finally give the youtube song a proper fanfic to go with it (if none have been made like this already)

Positions needed:

Twilight Sparkle (Unicorn/Alicorn) - JXWheeler

Applejack - JXWheeler

Rarity (Little Miss Rarity) - JXWheeler

Rainbow Dash - Kapuchu

Fluttershy - JXWheeler

Pinkie Pie (Pinkamena) - JXWheeler

Princess Celestia (Regular/Tyrant) - Mixer

Princess Luna - JumpingShinyFrogs

Discord - FenrisianBrony

Spike - JXWheeler

More positions will become available as the story progresses. I hope you guys/girls can help!

Character's roles:

Twilight Sparkle: Questions her mentor's actions but is very hesitant to do anything about it. That is why she is often sad when others see her, despite the fact she follows her orders without fail.

Applejack: She desperately believes that Luna was the reason all this happened and will not rest until she is taken down and peace has returned.

Rarity (Little Miss Rarity): She believes that going against Celestia will ruin her image in the eyes of the big fashion Idols that have all sided with Celestia to save face.

Rainbow Dash: She believes that freedom should be given to all and not just those who are privileged. She blames Celestia for "The Fall" and will do everything in her power to restore peace under the name of Princess Luna.

Fluttershy: She got scared from how Princess Celestia acted around her troops and the citizens, so she fled from her army along with Rainbow Dash to join Princess Luna where she heard things were more tolerable and not so scary.

Pinkie Pie: After being falsely accused of being a spy due to her always happy demeanor, Pinkie Pie was banished from the castle to the Everfree Forest where Princess Luna found her shortly after her own banishment. Pinkie PIe is now a loyal officer of the New Lunar Republic.

Princess Celestia (Regular/Tyrant): After being manipulated by Discord to make stricter and stricter laws to ensure peace, she soon became a tyrant and started to believe herself to be that of a god. She believes everypony has to do what she says because she is the one that protects this land.

Princess Luna: She started questioning her sister's actions little by little ever since Discord's "Reformation". Her suspicions were confirmed once she got banished to the Everfree for confronting her sister about the unfairness of the new laws and such. She started the "New Lunar Republic" in order to try and take control to return the world to one of peace and equality.

Discord: He used Princess Celestia's dormant love for him to his advantage in order to sow the seeds of chaos between the two royal sisters. Once he had succeeded, he disappeared to watch the results of his manipulation. He has no military alignment and helps both sides as needed simply for his amusement.

Spike: He looks up to Twilight as a mother figure, but once he started seeing her question Celestia's motives, he began to question them as well. Now he makes it his duty to try and get Twilight to seek other ways of ending this war rather than following Celestia's orders to the letter.

Side Note: In another thread I am going to give a small preview of one of the main wars that will take place in the fanfic.

Send me a Private Message with a small preview of the character you want to be in the role i've given them. Since I want this to be as close to perfect as possible I will need only the very best!

Side-Side Note: OC's are allowed as long as they choose a side, have a reason, and a good way to fit in with the story. However, do not ONLY write as your OC since I need people for the main cast as well.

Side-Side-Side Note: All these characters are a bit older than the show's canon and take place before the last episode of season 3. Twilight is not an Alicorn and Spike now has the body of a teenage dragon.


While I haven't [sadly] been very active in this at all, this does look interesting. At the very least, I could forward some other authors to you if you like?

I'm interested.

It will finally give the youtube song a proper fanfic to go with it (if none have been made like this already)

I know nothing of this, though.

Can you explain what would be expected of writers? Because the way you lay it out, with different writers taking different characters, makes it sound like you're talking about a role-play session, not a story writing project. So I'm a little confused. I might be interested, but I want to know what I'd be expected to do.

3029245 It would be greatly appreciated if you could!

3029249 Send me a PM with a small preview of what character you want to portray as

3029222 I'm interested and I would love to help you out but I can be your idea guy nothing more I can help with suggestions with your story and we can talk about the story and develop the the flow of the story but I am not going to be the writer or editor.

3029318 That works too. I could always use more ideas when my initial idea is written out. It won't only be one person writing, each person will write as their respective roles.

Comment posted by Rubyfire377 deleted Mar 7th, 2014

I can try my hand at Discord if you would like, I'll send you a PM quickly.

I'd love to help but I must warn you. I am a SLOW writer. I might try as pinkie or maybe an OC. Will pm you when I can.

3029267 I will organize a writing session in google docs to explain everything once the positions have been filled. Right now im just trying to see who is interested. Each character will have certain characteristics. For example: Twilight is questioning Celestia's actions but is very hesitant about betraying her due to the fact she still loves her as a second mother.

Actually... ill edit the thread to include the stuff.

Okay, I could maybe write as a character, but my forte is mostly in spicing up things. Like, making things sound better. I've heard much of the the whole Lunar Republic and Solar Empire, but haven't read much of it. Send me a PM or something if you want more details or want me in this project of yours, it sounds really interesting.

Forgot to mention this, I'm also good at the older speech that Luna uses.

3029222 I'm already bogged down with another collab, but juggling is something of a talent of mine. I guess I'd like to be Princess Luna, or maybe Rainbow Dash, but I need to know more about how the story is being presented. You've made it sound like an Rp.

3029632 Check the thread again, ive edited it to show their roles.

3029568 Send me a PM of how you write Princess Luna

3029632 Send me a PM of how you portray the character you want.

Comment posted by JumpingShinyFrogs deleted Mar 7th, 2014

This. This is fantastic. *falls to knees* Please let me be a part of it!

3029632 To answer your question about roleplay. It could be seen as that. But in the end it will all add up to one giant story for people to read. We can discuss ideas and such for the story and decide who write when, but that is something that can only be done when the project is underway.

3029810 You know what to do then, let me know in a PM what character/OC you'd like to be.

I'd love to help! What can I do.

3029847 Send me a PM with a preview of the character you want to write as. Use the roles i've given them as a base for the preview.


I know you stated that you will explain more later, but I do have to ask; are the individual writers basically going to be given a prompt/situation/battle and then sent off to write the POV of whatever character they choose?

Because it seems like this is what is being presented, and it sounds like an idea I could get in on if I knew what I would be doing.

3030267 Once all the positions are filled, I will set up a gdoc where we can collaborate on ideas and formulate a story around the ideas we make. I already have an idea for a prologue but we have to collab on it.

Alright then, I think I'll try to get in on this. I have to send a PM with a sample of how I would do the character that I am interested in, right? My guess is that doing both scenarios would probably be a good idea, though I have no idea how long this might get so that might become a little unmanageable.

How do you plan to organise the writing sessions? And when will they take place?

3030410 It can be as long as you want it to be. I just need to see how good you are with that specific character.

3030461 Gdocs, and I will send everyone a PM with the link to the gdoc so they can join in once everything is set.

I know that, but I mean how will it be orchestrated once in the Gdoc? Will it be somewhat turn-based, with each person writing their character's action or...?

Also, when you mention a "preview" of a character, what exactly do you mean?


I mean the length of the entire story.

3030523 It will be quite long, due to the fact there will be many wars and numerous side-stories to expand on what life is like while the war is going on. So with luck possibly over 40 chapters.

3030521 It will be turn-based in a small sense of the word. That will be decided during our collaborations and idea-making.

Preview as in: Pinkie Pie could be seen walking through the Everfree Forest, a small frown on her face as her hair was flat as could be. "Why did she think I was a spy? I was only trying to boost morale..."

Hmm... okay, I'll think about it.

3030594 Please do! We need all the help we can get for this to be the best fanfic ever. I am hoping for Equestria Daily and TVTropes status!

3029222 I'll help. I'll need to learn a bit more about the concepts first, but once I do I can be FlutterShy. :twilightsmile:

3032044 Send me an audition of Fluttershy using the role she is given in this thread via PM. The concepts are still going to be discussed once the gdoc is made.

3033050 That would be greatly appreciated!

3033050 Could you, maybe, help me out a bit then?

3036947 Yay. :yay:
I suppose we can just continue this somewhere else then...

3039473 Well I need help with 2 things right now, this and a story with three ocs of mine. It'd be great if you could help me with both.
PM me sometime I guess. :pinkiesmile:

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