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NicLove #1 · Oct 2nd, 2018 · · 1 ·

I Thought of something

Can I WE have some-one Mix-up make a image of a O.C. Halloween Party

Open for a week, (untell the 8th )

We each give one O.C. (with there image) and what costume

"( You have ONLY ONE Week, (untell the 8th ) to give your O.C. and Costume )"

After that you would have to ask Mix-up

and one of us Mix-upmakes the image of the group

p.s. Maybe it can be are Banner for the Month

Edit: Mix-up is the one doing it
Please tipe I'm IN at the start of your post with your O.C.'s Name, Image and Costume

1) NicLove: SunFlower-Knot as a Flower Fairy Princess
2) CrimsonRose97: Crimson Rose as Jack Skellington

3) Quillian Inkheart: Quillian Inkheart as Ink Demon Bendy

Hey Tigress, wanna have our OCs hanging out? :pinkiesmile: I think we agreed on Moonlight poking Quill with a toy sword, if it can be done. :pinkiehappy:

4) Little Tigress: Moonlight as Xena warrior princess

5) Kaiju4ever: Abigor as a devil
6) The Boss: Maria as Sister Sara
7) Grim_Grin: Cherry Stem as Dressed as Taffyda
8) Robipony: Roseate as a Mermaid / Siren
9) Mr Tech: UnName as the Ring-Girl cuter
10) Mix-up: Mix-Up in leaderhosen
11) ModernSilver: Darkened Quill as Espeon
12) BeastBrony: Critical Thought as Alucard
13) Samellan: Copper Alloy as... a Surprise
14) JimmyHook19: Jimmy Hook as Somnambula
15) Thatmartian: Canvas as a WarlockWarlock
16) Kikio3000: Kiki as Circus-Baby holding Pikachu-Plushie with a Pink Flower
17) Epsilon-Delta: Allette the bat-pony as a Black-Mage
18) TallFry: Boltsinger as a Count Bat-Pony

19) TheMajorTechie: BreadCrab as a Wizard

Unicon: 4
Pegasus: 3
Earth: 5
Bat: 4
Alicorn: 2
Other: 1

That is actually a beautiful idea. :raritystarry: Everybody donates a little bit towards the finished product, I'd say.

Group Contributor

I could do it as a commission, but everyone would need to pitch in to make work, but the more there are the less it would cost for each person.

here is the link to my DA gallery in the link bellow.

That is an awesome idea XD

Wait do you want make it ?

Let's do it. I just need to think of a costume for mine. Surprisingly, that's the hard part.

Group Contributor

Scratch that, I will do it for free, on the condition that I only put a day's work into it, with no corrections allowed once it's done, some be sure of what you want and that I want NicLove to take care of managing each of the entires to determine what they want for a scene as a whole. I will need an image of the OC (quick a description at the very least) and what costume people want them dress : nothing to complicated please. I will do the image in semi MLP style with shadings no art lines, it will not be top quality work on my part but serviceable. if some want to make a particular scene you would need to agree on the between yourselves before transmuting it over to Nic.

it will all be in one scene, no individual image for anyone.

Ok, Can you give us a Week to see how many wants to be part of this ?
6605344 6605394 6605419

Name (with link it iamge): How about.. SunFlower-Knot
You can pick an other one if you don't want to do her

Costume: Flower Fairy Princess

Description: She was smothered by her Mom's love all her life (being her fist and all), she was diagnosticed with high case of Asperger when she was 5 years old (she's like Luna Love-Good) (as her Zama was diagnosticed with high functioning Autistic when she was 7 years old)
She never understand why some kids didn't like her, why they called her hybrid, (the west ofenders were the Orangiste family).
Her parents told her that there are some ponies who are not cool with ponies marring and having kids with some one of a other race.
she tried to not let this make her down, and succeeded, she never let them get to her.

Do you have Question ?

Group Contributor

okay, no problem, just as long as I don't need to do the PR on this one doing a collective can be hectic.

Jest come back in ONE Week
And look at the first Comment (mine) 6605320

1) NicLove: SunFlower-Knot as a Flower Fairy Princess
2) Quillian Inkheart: Quillian Inkheart as Ink Demon Bendy
3) CrimsonRose97: Crimson Rose as Jack Skellington
4) Kaiju4ever: Abigor as a devil
5) Little Tigress: Moonlight as Xena warrior princess

6605344 6605353 6605394
Which O.C. and what Costume

Quillian Inkheart

Ink Demon Bendy - Pic 1 / Pic 2 / Pic 3 / Pic 4 / Pic 5

I'd like for him to have a sign like in Picture 2, maybe propped up against him, that says one of the Bendy quotes, whichever one you like most.:


Is that reasonable?


My oc is Crimson Rose as Jack Skellington lol

Umm.. the name of the O.C. ?

Group Admin

How 'bout throw in a breadcrab? (It's my character in D&D, so yeah.)

Costume is literally just what it looks like. I don't think it's very easy for a walking loaf of bread to wear a costume. :P

You would have to ask 6605476

or have a pony as a breadcrab

Group Admin

Alrighty then.

Group Admin

Are you able to do breadcrabs?

That sounds like an amazing idea! I'd like to participate! :rainbowkiss:

OC: Moonlight (ignore the plush version:twilightblush:)

Costume: I'd like her dress up as the warrior princess, please :3

6605320 I like this idea. Is this still open or are OC no longer being submitted?

can anyone join?
I might be intrested.

Group Contributor

that depends do you trust enough on me to pull it off. keep in mind it has to be simple to do.

Group Admin

Yes, I trust you.

I drew the original version of breadcrab in MS Paint, so how bad can it possibly be?


Character's name is Maria, was part of a HIE story I was working on a while ago that got left on the cutting room floor. I still drew some concept art for her though.

I'd like to dress her up as Sister Sara, from the western 'Two Mules for Sister Sara'.

How about Cherry Stem

Dressed as Taffyda

6605320 How about my OC, Roseate Grimsbane...

Link to DA image folder: Here. <-- If you want to see more images of her.

As a...

*Starts rummaging around in a whole bunch of boxes.*

A mermaid/siren outfit, perhaps.

What ?
Stell open
Closed in ONE Week

Yes you can
Please give image of O.C. and costume

6606527 I added it. You can see it in the post just above your last post (the one I am responding to). :pinkiesmile:

I mean joining the drawing party, but here's mine I suppose.

lol, you had to pick the most creepy looking chick to be your costume.

Boy, I salute ya *holds up a mug of hard cider*

I am more than capable of drawing this myself along with a few others, I just wanna draw somthing with someone.
*holds up a bottle of apple cider*

Also, if you want, it can be this instead:

You're NOT the one making the image
maybe next year

6605835 is the one making the image

Maybe... Welp good luck

Group Contributor

Well might as well throw my own OC in the lot while I'm at it, after all I am going be the one doing it all. He will be wearing leaderhosen this year

Lol either way. I'll look awesome

Group Admin


Wait, so Mix-up is drawing all of the OC's and their costumes? Isn't that like... a ton of work though?

(kinda why I am offering to help) :twilightsheepish:

Group Admin

I wouldn't expect any artist to take on such a grand task free off charge. But, to each their own I guess.

Group Contributor

Yes, it will be a lot of work, so I dedicated an entire day for it and that is why I am asking for SIMPLE costumes designs for each OC. I have to consider the art style that I am going to use, the quality of the work along with the background that is going to be create for to. But after so much practice with doing digital art in the past five months, I can now do drawings in less then haft the time I did last year, with a lot less time wasted in making corrections too. Plus, I have put a lot of practice in my backgrounds as of late so I am overall efficient in everything I do and it all the more characters in a scene there are the less attention I have to put in the background. So in the end it's no real sweat for me. But, if you can provide me a drawing or sketch of what you can your OC would look like in a costume it would spare me a lot of work for from designing it. I hope this help you to better understand how it will be done.

Group Admin

That'a a good way of looking at it. However, no offence but I don't think this looks like a one day job. More people are going to find out about having their OC drawn for free and they will join this thread. Ultimately having you work even more and for what? No payment whatsoever.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that you're doing this. But as an artist who's accepting commissions, don't you think you're being a bit too generous?

Hey Tigress, wanna have our OCs hanging out? :pinkiesmile: I think we agreed on Moonlight poking Quill with a toy sword, if it can be done. :pinkiehappy:

O hai, friend. :twilightsmile:

Just leaving this here:

Group Admin

Hi, Quill! Sup?

*insert thumbs up Gif here!*
... I don't actually have any in my folder, and it's bothering me... *goes to find some*

Not too much; finding a job is hard in this economy and the usual blah. You?

Group Admin

Working hard at college. Tests are soooo annoying. Apart from that I'm still drawing cute stuff!

*insert another Thumbs Up Gif here*
(Seriously, I need like, ten of those...)

Glad to hear it. Yeah, College isn't a cake-walk. I went for Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, so psychology classes; those were quite the challenge...

Group Contributor

Thank you Quillian Inkheart

Not really, I see this as a way to promote my work around here and to better home in my skills, which is already bearing fruit for me as far as I am concern. As for the work load, I have plenty of leeway to work with what I can do, and I very much know my limits and I haven't settle on what will be the scene yet, it could be a party simple party, from seeing everypony trick or treating, or just showing up everyone holding their bags in front at a house entrance. My goal in this project is to make an good art work as efficiently as possible, which at the moment I am trying .

But, if some people would like to have have their OC in costume alone, I am certainly not adverse to the idea, as I am certainly available for being commissioned for it if they really want to. But then again, I didn't really plan this all that well, and the goal isn't just about hopping for future commissions alone, but to be faster and smarter in my work, and for that to reach that goal I need to do more art.

I hope this this answers your question well

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