Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 100 members · 91 stories
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I know.
Come to think of it, I've also been wondering that lately.

Well, maybe give him a mention, like once he negotiated with Shredder once when Karai was little.

Ooooh, that's a good one.

A little redundant but good nonetheless.




Okay, here's what I got so far:

Uncle: Wait...Hamato?

Jackie Chan: Hamato? You know the Hamato Clan?

Leo: We do. My name is Leonardo. And that there is Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo.

Jade: Wait, seriously?

Donatello: Our father was really into renaissance painters.

Michelangelo: And he's a rat. *gets smacked by Raph, which confused the others, but for Jackie, the painters run a bell*

Sunset Shimmer: My name is Sunset Shimmer. And these are...

Jade: Wait...Sunset Shimmer? With Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack of the Rainbooms?!

Rarity: Oh? Is it just me, or do we get more famous wherever we go?

Twilight: I've been asking that all the time.

Jackie: You know them, Jade?

Jade: Pff, duh, they're like, one of the biggest high school bands of all time.

Toru: Oh? I've heard of them too. Their music is quite enjoyable.

Twilight: *whispers* Wow, even that guy likes it?

Karai: My name is Karai. This is April O'Neil, Casey Jones, my friend Shinigami, Keno, Adagio, Aria and Sonata. And over there is Hana and Maud Pie.

Maud Pie: Hello.

Jade: Let me guess? Not the type to express their feelings like their siblings?

Pinkie Pie: Wow, spot on.

Jackie: You said Hamato Clan, correct? *gets a nod from a few* Who was your teacher?

Leonardo: Our father Master Splinter, Hamato Yoshi.

Jackie: Wait, Yoshi?!

Mikey: You knew our sensei?

Jackie hugged the turtles and laughed:

Jackie Chan: Of course I do!! *lets them go* So where is he? Is he here with you?

They suddenly had dismal looks on their faces:

Sunset Shimmer: He's...not around anymore.

Jackie widened his eyes in shock, with Uncle also surprised and concerned:

Jackie: How?

Leonardo: It's like this. *Brief explanation* And that's what happened.

Jackie was overcome with shock after hearing:

Jackie: Oh. Uh...I see.

He walked away with his head lowered, which confused the others:

Jade: Wait, how did he know him?

Uncle: It may come as a surprise to you, *Everyone looks at Uncle* But Hamato Yoshi was one of his very first friends. Same with a woman that Jackie introduced to, Tang Shen.

Everyone was surprised to hear this, with Karai lowering her eyes:

Karai: He...knew my father?

Jade: Wait...you're this Yoshi guy's daughter? *After they explained* Whoa...

Uncle: Indeed. Sorry for your loss. But Uncle thinks friends of Hamato should talk to Jackie. You might learn something.


Jackie was sitting on his bed, looking at a picture of sorts. He had a sad look on his face and looked at a picture of him when he was younger, alongside two individuals who were the younger versions of Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen.

Leo: You really knew our sensei, didn't you?

Jackie looked up and saw the others entering the room as they were concerned:

Jackie: Oh, sorry. *wipes a tear* Didn't mean to worry you.

April: We sort of noticed.

Casey: How did you meet Sensei?

Jackie looked at the picture and couldn't help but smile:

Jackie: It felt like a long time ago. During my childhood, Hamato Yoshi was the first friend I ever made. We both studied Ninjitsu together for about ten years. But Uncle thought I should try to broaden my horizons and learn more about martial arts.

Rainbow Dash: So that explains why you're such a good fighter when we bumped into you.

Mikey: And what about Tang Shen?

Jackie: She was another friend I made at school. She truly had a kind heart. In fact, she told me long ago that she wanted to travel to America and see the world. She even inspired me to be an archeologist.

Jade: Wait, she was the reason you were into archeology?

Jackie: She did. She has a way of helping others who were trying to find their purpose. As we got older, I went to visit Yoshi, and asked Tang Shen to come with me. That's when I introduced to them. *chuckles* They immediately fell head over heels for her. Though Saki always tried to gain her affections, her feelings was for Yoshi alone.

The others couldn't help but smile at this, though Karai felt more surprised that Jackie was the one who introduced her parents to one another:

Jackie: We stayed together for a while whilst I gave his father more scrolls from the monks so that they could further their Ninjitsu horizon. Then we decided to go our separate ways. Tang Shen stayed with Yoshi whilst he continued to train to be the next head of the Clan. I went back to America and stayed with my Uncle in order to help manage the shop, as well as brining him anything to research further. I continued to write to them every now and then, and they to me. Then one day, they sent a letter, telling me that they were going to have a daughter soon. Yoshi even sent me a picture of the baby since the day she was born. And they asked if I plan to visit, they would like me to be her godfather.

Karai was greatly surprised by this, even the others:

Jackie: I had enough free time to visit them, even pay my respects to Yoshi's father when he wrote to me how he fell Ill. *sighs in sadness* But when I got there, his dojo was burnt to the ground Tang Shen was gone...and so was Miwa. *wipes a tear* I helped him bury her and he asked me if I could help him move to America. To honor Tang Shen's memory, as well as open a new Hamato Clan location further from New York. But shortly after he was there, he just...vanished. I feared the worst, thinking Oroku Saki had finished him off. I spent a few years looking for him, but couldn't find him anywhere. And...

Everyone couldn't help but feel sad for Jackie, especially Jade when she went over and hugged him:

Jackie: I lost two best friends before their time, especially Miwa. If only I had know I would've been there to help. But now with them gone...it will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Karai held both her hands together and walked over to him:

Karai: Actually...Miwa...didn't perish in the fire.

Jackie: She didn't? *wipes a tear away*

Karai held a picture of her father and mother whilst her mother was holding her. Jackie was surprised by this, but then it clicked to him when he noticed the resemblance on the picture. He was shocked to see that Karai was none other than...

Jackie: *stands up in shock* Miwa?

Karai nods her head and also sheds a tear. Jackie was so overcome with emotions, he immediately hugged her, to which the latter hugged back as the others found it touching.

(And there you have it. Let me know what you think)

Group Admin

That's a sweet connection between them. And imagine Jackie being visited by Splinter's spirit

Now that would be very interesting.

Group Admin

Imagine them comparing the difficulties in raising the turtles and Jade

That would certainly bring a lot of laughs and heartfelt moments.

Thanks. I kept my promise to write it, and I kept it.




Well, Jackie's Chinese and his fighting style is kung fu, not Ninjitsu. But maybe he was an exchange student in Japan where he met Yoshi and Chen.

Also, something I neglected to share, the reason they're in San Francisco is because Shinigami disappeared (searching for Kitsune and didn't tell them to protect them) and they tracked her there, and were told to look at Uncle's shop by a mysterious old man (The Ancient One). By then, they haven't found Shini yet.

But I like the concept. It's great.


Also, something I neglected to share, the reason they're in San Francisco is because Shinigami disappeared (searching for Kitsune and didn't tell them to protect them) and they tracked her there, and were told to look at Uncle's shop by a mysterious old man (The Ancient One). By then, they haven't found Shini yet.

Ooooh, that makes a lot of sense.

But I like the concept. It's great.

Hehe, thanks.:twilightsmile:


Also, something I neglected to share, the reason they're in San Francisco is because Shinigami disappeared (searching for Kitsune and didn't tell them to protect them) and they tracked her there, and were told to look at Uncle's shop by a mysterious old man (The Ancient One). By then, they haven't found Shini yet.

That could be perfect for a little Mikey and Shini moment. Remember when Karai knocked out Leo for stopping her from going after Shredder? Maybe Mikey keeps asking her why she has to go. Not wanting to hurt Mikey, Shini tricks him to come closer and gasses him to sleep with these last words.

l’m sorry, Michelangelo.
But I have to do this alone. But I promise I will tell you the truth. I pinkie promise.

And before he conks out, he sees her mouth a ‘I love you.’




Here's something based off this fight scene.

An obnoxious guy, Chad, tries to kiss Hana and ends up getting shoved off with her foot to his jaw. Hana then runs and tells the others what happened then Chad and Leo have a fight. The Turtles will be in their cloaked disguises.




I have something of Toru revealing that he saw the Shredder.

“You know the Shredder, Toru?” Asked Raph.

“At first, I heard about him through legends of the Foot Clan. Growing up, I thought they were stories. Until one day, when I used to work for Valmont and the Dark Hand, Valmont had a business exchange with the Shredder and the Foot. It was brief but it was to look tough to a guy like him.”

Toru visioned him standing next to Valmont who smugly looked at Shredder who stared at him with Bradford, unmutated, and tried not to show his face sweating at the presence of the Shredder.

Toru shuttered at the memory. “Even as a memory, he still gives me the heebie jeebies.”

“I share that feeling.” Adagio said, recalling the day the Dazzlings allied with Shredder.

Group Admin

Speaking of Bradford, perhaps Jackie once met him during a martial arts display or something, and Jade admires him, but wonders why he hasn't been seen in public for a long time. There the group reveals his true colors and how he got mutated and when he died.


Hey, here's an idea... what if Hak Foo and Bradford were brothers? And he joins the villains after learning that the Turtles mutated him and caused his death.

Oh, and here's some fun facts that tie TMNT 2012 with Jackie Chan Adventures:

Jackie's voice actor voiced Tsoi. Uncle's actor voiced Murakami. Ratso's voiced Bradford. Hak Foo's second actor voiced Pizzaface.


And I like that idea!

Group Admin

Then Bradford was born more American than Chinese compared to Hak Foo



Maybe they were adopted brothers. And also arch rivals. And Hak Foo wants to fight the Turtles not to avenge Bradford, but to do what Bradford could not: annihilate the Turtles.


Jackie's voice actor voiced Tsoi. Uncle's actor voiced Murakami. Ratso's voiced Bradford. Hak Foo's second actor voiced Pizzaface.

Whoa...did not see that coming.



I'm planning (with Wildcard's permission) to do a Xiaolin Showdown crossover, unless anyone else is planning one.

Not me. You know, with Omi getting things wrong it could be similar to how Venus would certain things wrong in Next Mutation.

Omi: Let us return to your home in the toilet.

Raph: That's sewer, Omi.



(When they first battle Kitsune, after they interrupt/save Shini from being slain.)

Uncle: You there! Remove your magic grip from Jackie!

Kitsune: Foolish wizard! You know not of who you deal with!

Uncle: Enlighten me.

Kitsune: I am Kitsune. Master of dark magic and member of the Pantheon!

Torhu: (gasped) The Pantheon...

Kitsune: So your idle threats are nothing against the likes of me!

Uncle: Be warned, witch. I was a student of Chi Master Fung!

Kitsune: Chi Master Fung? That is a name I had not hard in many years...

Uncle: You know of Fung?

Kitsune: Know of him? Daolon did not tell you? I would expect nothing less of my arch rival. (Chuckled wickedly.) I helped him defeat Fung all those years ago! And I personally saw to it that he breathed his last breath!

Uncle: (gasped before he frowned.) You will pay for that!

Group Admin

Uncle didn't take kindly to learn Wong defeated his former teacher

Group Admin




I have a working title for a future fanfic that I can work on someday. A crossover between the Turtles, Sunset Shimmer/Starlight Glimmer, Mane 6/ Rainbooms, Spike, Po, and the Furious Five. I’ll call it, Equestria Kung Fu Panda Ninjas.

Don’t know what story I can come up. It could be based on the movies, the Legends of Awesomeness series, the Dragon Knight series, the Paws of Destiny series, or maybe something original. I don’t know what it is yet, but I just hope I’ll get the chance to work on it someday.

Group Admin

How interesting. It would almost make them feel like they’re in Usagi’s world. Only this time in China.

Group Admin


Something like that. Perhaps Shifu can tell the Turtles about Oogway. In fact, Oogway reminds me of Splinter. Their knowledge and wisdom are too similar and uncanny.


No doubt Tigress would admire Leo's leadership.

Tigress: No there's someone who knows how to take charge.





Here's when Jackie get's captured by VILE agents and is about to be killed, only for...

Paper Star: (makes a tinfoil sword) So... would you prefer that I chop off the head? Or impale the heart?

Jackie: I would prefer neither, thank you!

Just as Paper Star was about to murder Jackie, music suddenly started playing from a karaoke machine nearby. The archeologist and the agents turned and saw two girls with their backs to them, tapping their heels to the rhythm. Then they both turned around revealing themselves to be non other then...

Jackie: Jade? Hana?

Tigress: Who're the kids?

Instead of answering, the two girls held up some microphones and started to sing...

Then Mikey, in his cloaked disguise, jumped out with his own microphone and began rapping.

When the song ended, El Topo cheered.

El Topo: Whoo hoo! That was magnifico!

Le Chevre: Just what was that supposed to be?

Jade: (smirks and speaks through her mic) A distraction...

Hana: (also through her mic) Right, cous?

Mikey: (deactivates his disguise) Surprise! (Throws a suriken, knocking the sword from Paper Star's hands.)

Pinkie: (pops out of a crate) Double surprise! (Throws her sprinkles distorting the agents.)

Seizing his chance, Jackie kicked El Topo away and flipped Le Chevre off of him.

(I can see Jade and Hana being a dynamic duo.)

Group Admin

Nice, and would be the second time Jackie tangles with a paper villain. Origami, the man who can literally fold himself



Seeing that Uncle is an expert in magic, I figured he could also know about Equestrian magic. Or in this case...

Uncle looked at the girls with a flexed eyebrow, however, he noticed their geodes, and noticed something. He took out one of his artifacts and waves it in front of Sunset, confusing her. However, to their surprise, she ponied up and was glowing with Equestrian Magic:

Uncle: Oooh, Harmony magic. Long time since Uncle had seen it.

Sunset Shimmer: Wait, you know Equestrian Magic.

Uncle: When Uncle was studying magic, Uncle stumbled upon a portal that lead to a dimension where Harmony magic is at its strongest. Uncle studied the importance of it's magic. Even the ruler was impressed.

Then it hit Sunset like a two ton anvil.

Sunset Shimmer: Oh. My. Gosh. It's you!!!

Rainbooms: Huh?

Applejack: Who?

Sunset Shimmer: When I first studied at the school of magic, I heard that Princess Celestia had taught magic to a young unicorn who traveled far from another land. His studies in magic was so amazing, he rivaled both Celestia and Starswirl the Bearded themselves.

Uncle: So that's why your magic is so familiar. *chuckles* Uncle remembers the thrill of that world. Especially ruler. Her love of cakes was quite amusing.

Group Admin

Nice connection to have Uncle know of Equestria and Princess Celestia herself

Sometimes I wonder how my brain keeps thinking these things.


It just means you have a good brain.

Yeah, I was even thinking that Paper Star could team up with said villain.




Jade lay sulking on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her bedroom door opened and Hana stepped in.

Hana: Hey, Jade.

Jade: (dully) Hi, Hana.

Hana: (sat on the bed.) So... great team up, huh? (Jade didn't respond.) That karaoke distraction was a great idea, definitely kept them from offing Jackie. (Jade still didn't respond.) And you knocking out Tigress with that kick was awesome! That witch totally didn't that coming.

Jade: At least you and your cousins and friends appreciated my help. And Jackie thanked you for your help. But how does he thank me? A: He grounds me. And B: Lectures me on "disobedience".

Hana: Hey, don't sweat it, Jade. So you got in trouble this one time? I get in trouble a lot of times.

Jade: Try milions of times.

Hana: Wait huh?

Jade: I've helped Jackie on literally every mission we've gone on! I even saved his life a couple of times. But does he ever appreciate it or even gives me a simple thank you, rarely, to never!

Hana: Seriously?

Jade: Seriously! Jackie is overprotective period and whenever I wanna go on missions or volunteer to help, it's always 'too dangerous' 'stay with Uncle' 'wait here' 'we'll talk later a.k.a never gonna happen in your life!' No matter how many times I've proven myself, Jackie only sees me as a wreckless kid. Which is kind of true, but still! Even Captain Black knows how useful I am! I just wanna help Jackie out, cause you know, I look up to him. But he'd rather leave me behind than ever let me in on any adventures...

Hana: (stares in shock) Whoa... That's real rough, girl.

Group Admin

Yeah you gotta wonder if there’s a side of Jade that resents Jackie when he does that to her

Jackie never wanted to lead a life of danger and adventure, he only wants a peaceful normal life. But he doesn't quite understand that Jade's not him, and she does want that life.

I just need to no how many spiders are pets all over the world

Group Admin





I have an idea for my future fic, Equestria Kung Fu Panda Ninjas.

Do you guys remember how the Mane 6 got their Elements of Harmony? Well, what if there is a version of it in Po’s world, but with different elements. See, I remembered watching Secrets of the Furious Five and Secrets of the Masters, and it got me thinking of something.

The Furious Five taking on Kitsune again, but with more powerful magic like Nightmare Moon. Shifu explained to them that six crystals were separated and locked away, containing magic that can defeat dark magic like Kitsune’s. And so, the Ninjas and Mane 6 will help Po and the Furious Five regain their memories and unlock the secrets of those crystals and Po’s team will be the ones to bear the elements of those crystals.

Po: ???
Tigress: Strength
Crane: Confidence
Viper: Courage
Mantis: Patience
Monkey: Compassion

Group Admin

Quite intriguing.

Also if the JCA crossover takes place following the aftermath of the series that means they no longer have the talismans. Which is a bummer. Just imagine the Rainbooms, Turtles, and the others using them. I mean just imagine if any of them used the Tiger Talisman and how each of their light sides and dark sides would behave.


That would be quite interesting.

And we all remembered how the baddies once summoned Shadowcan. What if there were two ways. From the mask, and from an amulet called the Eye of Shadows, where the baddies can use it to summon all forms of Shadowcan to combat them, then they can experience fighting different versions. And they should watch out for the ones that can feed on their shadows.

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