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7950023 If that is the case than hopefully this isn't as bad as it appears, we will just have to wait and see.

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The fact that you got no takers and some of his most observant fans here identify as Christian says a lot more than anything you might have wanted to say to them.

Group Contributor

here, here!

Bad Dragon
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pro-child mutilation

Why are you agreeing with this? Doesn't your God demand genital mutilation?

[11] And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you. [12] And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations

Group Contributor

For every rule there is an exception.
It’s just coincidental that the exceptions are remarkably convenient in favor of whatever the topic at hand happens to be.

Kinda like how 12 year old rape victims conveniently stop counting as children who need to be protected when they end up pregnant.

Group Contributor

I did an AI parody of Trump creating his own bible.

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Thread for context.

Well then, I guess we're doing this thing. I don't think it's a secret that video game female characters have been intentionally made less attractive for a number of years now in Western made games. In fact, recently, Microsoft posted a guide tied to this. It's like they want more of this.

Let's get the strawman "you're just a dude who wants to jack off to fictional women" out of the way. I'm a trans woman, I highly admire womanhood as I wish to become a woman, well in a "looks and quacks like a duck" sort of way since I'm well aware an actual biological sex change is impossible. I think this is just a poor effort to combat the male gaze, something that shouldn't be treated as just bad as there's also at least some women into it. It's like the far left forgets about this anytime the subject matter comes up. It feels like those guys want to straight up eliminate gender. It's like they think they can make a tiny minority of people happier by doing this. Lemme be clear, I want nothing to do with this shit. I didn't sign up for female characters to be made less feminine to supposedly apply to transgender people.

These are the very same people who would take a man who says he's a woman, then treat him as if he were no different from a woman and if anyone disagrees, cancel them for transphobia. It's like, don't change anything about you, yes slay queen! All of society should treat you like a woman regardless of how little effort you put into it. To focus back on the topic here, these people act like I should be happy that they're trying to erase gender, specifically erasing womanhood.

Now of course women come in different body shapes. Not all of them are curvy with sizeable boobs. I'm not saying they shouldn't exist in fiction, not every female character needs to be a bombshell. But the current trend seems to be no woman can be a bombshell. Look at the reaction to Stellar Blade and how much butt hurt there is over that, a game that dares to embrace the fact the lead character is a hot sexy woman. And for every 1 of these games coming out, I'm sure there's several more Western games that don't have such female characters.

Game franchises like Mortal Kombat used to have stellar looking women, but that changed I believe with Mortal Kombat 11 and continues into 1. They'll say that women don't show up to a fight half naked. Have they not seen MMA fighters? They're not meant to be sexy, but they do fight half naked so there's less clothing to grab to be used against them. So the female characters prior were not dressed like MMA fighters, but why is that a bad thing? If they dare to bring up the realism argument... it's so stupid in many cases. MK is far from a realistic setting. There's fighting gods, magic, multiple realms, and even at times fighting robots.

My position is that far left people are in fact, being quite sexist toward women. They lash out at sexy female characters claiming the artist must have never seen or touched a woman before. Which again they'll bring up bullshit like "where are her organs?" She has none, she isn't real! And the guys have no organs either.

I feel the current trend is to flat out erase womanhood and redefine it to be whatever the fuck you want it to mean. As I said, just simply saying you're a woman with no actual effort put into the role. How is this helping me as trans woman? They want to rewrite the entire world to appeal to a tiny minority of people. I'm not saying such a small status means you're not worthy of respect, but I am saying it doesn't mean the whole world needs to change for it.

The upcoming Fable game has the female lead look unappealing. Okay, I'm not putting IMO after every beauty statement I make that should be a given. I don't get to define beauty in the same way these people don't. Take 2017's Mass Effect: Andromeda. Female Ryder looks so different from her face model. What the hell?! Male Ryder of course looks like his face model way more closely. Male characters don't intentionally get hit with the ugly stick.

Just fucking stop ruining female beauty! Just because I'm a trans woman doesn't mean I want women to barely look feminine so it's easier to fit in with them. I'm so fucking tired of being used as a shield for bullshit! And of course there's more to women than there looks and of course more masculine women like tomboys exist. If these DEI ESG score people win, the future of gaming will continue to no longer have sexy women, from the West. But they also want to change other countries like Japan to follow suit.

If you think this is a first world problem that's just about how female characters look, this is tied to the far left worldview. They want to change all of society like everyone having their preferred pronouns in their bios and make claims like a penis is a female body part just because they're on pre-op trans women. It's such an assault on womanhood yet they get praised for destroying womanhood far more than any right winger ever would have. They want women to see it as no big deal if a pre-op trans woman exposes her penis while in the locker room because if women take issue with it, "be gone bigot!" And if a trans woman has a clear advantage in women's sports, shut up and don't talk about it, transphobe! People like Dylan Mulvaney can be the face of women and even win woman of the year for making videos that mock women and play into all kinds of negative female stereotypes. Lesbian dating app Her allows trans women on, seemingly regardless of transition status. So men who are not in any way trans can claim to be to abuse this super easy loop hole. And if any women say they don't want to date trans women, banned!

Alright, so they got real ranty real fast. Just because I'm transitioning into a woman, physically, socially, and legally (but not biologically, impossible) doesn't mean I want to make life harder for women.

This feels like a minor thing to worry about face models are usually random and I would be very care when accusing stuff like that. For example a face model was accused of being a self insert type but the reality was that she was only an intern. How much power does an intern writer actually have? I would not feel personally attacked if that decided to make small changes like that. Now it is an issue when they put misygonic things in their messaging. For example woman belong in the kitchen. Now the circumstances for that need to be very specific like if it is not apart of a story arc or if they paint the woman not wanting to cook or clean in a negative light. These things are minor and unless there is straight up sexism like things such as woman belong in the kitchen and they say it in a malicious way it is a non issue. To me it feels that people for that people are going to be angry at the face model no matter who is on their. It feels like a repeat argument from Spuder-Man 2 all over again. Face models and small changes hurts no one, misogyny does. A game that they do not want sexy characters is not misogyny. It is not them trying to quote quote “erase women” it just them using another model for the image and a pretty normal practice to do whenever they do a new game. It is never the same model. Now if they were trying to erase women as you say the reality is that they would put no women in the game, there would be no gay people and there would also be no trans women either. It would be 100 percent all make and that is what I think what your erasing woman scenario would actually look like. The wouldn’t bother with small changes they would just go ahead and just cut them all out. If big tech companies were trying to erase women they would have done it already and yes companies are just that powerful. Complaining on some MLP fansite does nothing big tech companies are not going to pay attention to that. The sites they mostly look at is twitter, ticktock and YouTube. They usually pay attention to the ones that are trending so unless the erasing woman statement is not trending is because that kind of thing isn’t on most people’s feed. Complaints that women are over sexulized are and those people are pretty good at getting organized as well as protesting at the actual companies and getting the word out. The whole erasing women conspiracy actually started on Fox News when Tucker Carlson complained that the green M&M character was no longer sexy. The main reason why companies are doing this is because having a sexy body is in achievable to most woman and studies have shown that girls who are trying to make themselves look like these woman are developing eating disorders and making them sick. That is why the desexulized Barbie.

Group Contributor


This feels like a minor thing to worry about face models are usually random and I would be very care when accusing stuff like that.

My point is that male face models have their likeness mostly kept intact when basing characters off them, but female face models get major changes to purposely look less attractive as not to invoke the male gaze that "progressives" hate so much. This isn't just one game, it's becoming quite common nowadays.

Now it is an issue when they put misygonic things in their messaging. For example woman belong in the kitchen. Now the circumstances for that need to be very specific like if it is not apart of a story arc or if they paint the woman not wanting to cook or clean in a negative light. These things are minor and unless there is straight up sexism like things such as woman belong in the kitchen and they say it in a malicious way it is a non issue.

That's not happening anymore with women belonging in the kitchen, at least not with modern pop culture. The message is that hot women are automatically only pieces of meat for men to lust after. They think if they make a woman sexy, that she'll be reduced just to her looks. They don't actually believe that a woman can be both sexy and have an actual character to them. It's why for Stellar Blade, the only thing they mostly care about is the looks of the main character. They went as far as to say that the producers never seen a woman before. It is misogynic to lash out at pretty women as nothing more than sex objects. But as per usual with extremists, they often project. Because they themselves cannot see beyond a woman's looks, they accuse everyone else of being the same way.

To me it feels that people for that people are going to be angry at the face model no matter who is on their. It feels like a repeat argument from Spuder-Man 2 all over again. Face models and small changes hurts no one, misogyny does.

In Marvel's Spider-Man, they did changed Peter Parker's face model in the re-releases and people were upset about that. Supposedly it was changed for better facial expressions or something. But it ended up making him look younger and much more like Tom Holland when this was supposed to be a more mature Peter. Granted it's very rare for games to change face models like that with re-releases. Mary Jane ended up looking quite different between games. It was discovered that she was modeled after one of the employees as a straight up self insert. Instead of keeping true to what MJ is supposed to look like, some woman decided she wanted to make herself MJ. What was the purpose of this besides ego or whatever? MJ has primarily be a knock out looker to make it that much harder for Peter to approach her.

It is not them trying to quote quote “erase women” it just them using another model for the image and a pretty normal practice to do whenever they do a new game. It is never the same model.

My point isn't that they're changing models between games, aside from what I mentioned above. My main point is that they decided to greatly change the in-game face model only for the female character. They don't do this for male characters. They're specifically going out of their way to change the faces of female characters to be less attractive when they don't do this to male characters. To me that is pretty misogynic.

The far left has a track record of being the very thing they lash out against. They say racism is bad yet are extremely racist toward white people and make up all kinds of excuses as to why that isn't racism. They try to solve problems by invoking those very same problems. I'm black and I don't agree with how they're trying to solve racism. They want there to be no racism, yet at the same time will hate on white people for merely being white. Key people in both Sweet Baby Inc. and Black Girl Gamers have recently been exposed as racists. I don't want my race to be defined by hating another.

These so-called "good guys" are far from good. They're effectively just the flip side of whatever problem they're trying to solve. I know you probably won't believe me on this. Had I been here prior to mid 2014, I would have thought the "progressives" also meant what they said and were not massive hypocrites. But I dealt with these people a number of times and it is pretty clear to me they are not good. They'll throw minorities like me under the bus for not fully agreeing with them. They'll deny I'm black because I don't fit into their stereotypes of how black people "should" be. They won't acknowledge I'm transgender and if they do, consider me a bootlicker for the Right.

Basically, these "good guys" are fucking awful at fixing things without creating a bunch of other problems in the process. I'm beyond sick of the mainstream media and normies defending them when these "progressives" tend to be extremely bigoted as well, but they get praised for it. Out of all of the articles defending Sweet Baby Inc. and Black Girl Gamers, not a single one will talk about the racism of key members within those companies. And I don't want to hear it with "you can't be racist against white people because systemic power." No, that's fucking bullshit! It's just flipping the problem around, not solving it.

I wouldn't be caught up in all of this cultural wars bullshit if they affecting me so heavily. Taking away the stuff I like and claiming they did it for me, for my "own good." I never asked for their "help", not in this manner anyway. I legit experienced more racism from the far left than from any white supremist. It's extremely racist to deny that I'm not the race I am, but nope, they won't get called out by the mainstream media for this. They'll just call me a white person trolling. I even been asked for proof to show I'm black. What the flying fuck?! How fucking backwards is that?! I bet if I gave the approved answers, they would have no trouble accepting me as black.

I push back against these people you so badly defend because they're not helping! You want me to completely turn away from the anti-woke movement, but I can't, I just simply cannot walk away from this. These people will destroy the stuff I know while being showered in praise for doing so.

A game that they do not want sexy characters is not misogyny.

True. But a game that does have sexy women isn't misogyny either unlike how these woke people are trying to push.

Now if they were trying to erase women as you say the reality is that they would put no women in the game, there would be no gay people and there would also be no trans women either. It would be 100 percent all make and that is what I think what your erasing woman scenario would actually look like.

That's not what I mean by erasing women. I mean erasing feminine traits within women. There are curvy women, there are women with wide hips, and even women with big boobs exist. But they don't want that anymore. They don't even want male and female anymore, they want body type 1 and body type 2 like some modern games have been doing lately, even Japanese games translated into English. The Pokémon Go changes are just yet another example of removing options that were already there. If they wanted a 3rd body type that's between boy and girl, they should have just added that instead of changing the girl model to suit... who even the hell? Who wanted this? Who was complaining that the girls looked oversexualized? Prudes who are completely out of touch? Funny how it used to be right wing prudes running things in the 90s and now we have left wing prudes running things.

The wouldn’t bother with small changes they would just go ahead and just cut them all out. If big tech companies were trying to erase women they would have done it already and yes companies are just that powerful. Complaining on some MLP fansite does nothing big tech companies are not going to pay attention to that. The sites they mostly look at is twitter, ticktock and YouTube. They usually pay attention to the ones that are trending so unless the erasing woman statement is not trending is because that kind of thing isn’t on most people’s feed.

Clearly not powerful enough because people are resisting. There's a Steam curator group called Sweet Baby Inc. Detected. It lists all known games SBI had a hand in. SBI and other companies are terrified by this list. Companies bagged not to get put on it. SBI tried to get the group taken down and the creator banned off Steam. Companies are not all powerful beings who can do whatever the fuck they want, especially when the money starts to dry up.

Of course I know ranting on this website isn't going to lead to big social changes and I'm aware big companies are not paying attention to this website. Maybe Hasbro is to find any reason to take legal action for whatever reasons. Even on Twitter, there's a big resistance to all of the wokeness being pushed. Sure there's lots of Twitter users who are part of the problem, but also a lot who are against these things.

The whole erasing women conspiracy actually started on Fox News when Tucker Carlson complained that the green M&M character was no longer sexy.

That's not where I'm getting this from. Although green M&M getting changed for a "modern audience" probably didn't really do the company many favors. My angle is everything else like female characters being hit with the ugly stick* and this general anti-male gaze thing going on. I'm a trans lesbian, why am I not allowed to have attractive female characters to look at? These people claim to be fighting for people like me, but then they go ahead and take away stuff I like in this misguided attempt to destroy male sex drives.

*Yes I know that's subjective.

The main reason why companies are doing this is because having a sexy body is in achievable to most woman and studies have shown that girls who are trying to make themselves look like these woman are developing eating disorders and making them sick. That is why the desexulized Barbie.

And so are many men. Most men will never look like the jacked figures that some male actors and body builders are. Yet, you usually don't hear about men developing eating disorders to get a 6 pack. And if they do complain, they're just told to shut up and deal with it. Yet when girls and women complain, they get encouraged to not even try to work out. Yes I know you can't get certain looks by just working out. But I find it such a failure in our society that people are developing such stress over a fucking plastic doll. Barbie isn't the problem, poor parenting and upbringing is. I'll probably never look like these female models either, but I'm not going around demanding every woman not look like that.

If people wasn't so stupid at times, we wouldn't have this problem. But nope, just whine and complain till the "bad" plastic doll is changed. I even seen people complaining about Equestria Girls toys enforcing unrealistic standards. No fucking shit they're not realistic! Why are people so stupid when it comes to these things? No one is meant to have blue skin with naturally rainbow hair and huge eyes. Why can't people just accept these dolls are not meant to be what real women should look like? If men are told to shut up and deal with it, why not women? It's like society is teaching girls and women to be weaker than guys.

I just don't get it anymore. Here I am, 36 years old, autistic, and still trying to figure out the impossible for someone like me. I get to watch the stuff I like get destroyed in the name of "progress,", undoing decades of progress. We broke free of the rightwing controlling the media only for the leftwing to take over and do much of the same thing. And yet you'll sit here and tell me to walk away from the anti-woke movements, to just let this stuff to keep happening, to cerebrate the "progress" currently being made. And I spent a lot of time just typing this, when I could be focusing on stuff I do like. So I'm going to go do that for a while. I won't give my money to companies that claim to be on my side but will get rid of what I like and call me a bigot for daring to object to them.

~2.2k words on this post? Holy shit.

They are actually desexualizing men too, I feel it is double standards with these people because it seems that people are so focused on the woman nd not the men and besides, who cares? It is not misgonic to choose one body type over the other and personally I think you are reading too deep into this. If a game doesn’t want sexy that is fine. Funny how all the outrage are geared toward the woman and not the men. Honestly if I wanted that stuff I would go on Deviantart. Boom. Problem solved. Rule 34 artists work fast. It is not the end of the world if a company chooses to do this and besides nothing is stopping people making their own art. Which is why I think it is silly to get worked up. You can make your own, it is not the end of the world. It is not a really big deal when you yourself are making a huge fuss out of this when it really isn’t. In fact the entirely origin of mainstream media is erasing women originated on Fox News and they have been complaining about it for 5 years. Other news sites like the ones you mentioned branched off and were parroting the same narrative Fox News was and still is making.

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Not from what I've seen in terms of men. Look, it's clear you don't care about this stuff as much as I do and that's fine. but stop telling me what I should and shouldn't care about it. It's fine if this stuff is no big deal for you, but for me it does matter. Stop telling me to not listen to this and that person. But you keep dismissing my arguments as "no big deal, just look up porn if that's what you want" which isn't even my points. But I'm pretty much done with this. So now will you just leave me alone?! You kept harping on me in the thread I linked and you'll probably do it here too if I let it go on.

I am not harping as you put it, i am telling you that it is incorrect and a waste of energy. I am sorry but as long as you keep spreading misinformation, I am going to keep correcting the info. The truth is that the whole erasing women this is just fear mongering from the far right and I hate to break it to you but that is the truth.

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It's not going to stop me if you think this is incorrect or a waste of energy. You'll have an uphill battle here as I'm far from the only person here with similar thoughts on this subject.

I think you need to check more than one site because when you check several sites you will see that these websites are not based on fact and is just parroting off of one another and do not go by facts in an effort to make people angry and distract others, I highly recommend that you use fact checking websites and read past the headline. Not to mention that you would not be helping anybody when you keep feeding them misinfo.

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So, if this is what I think it is, only leftwing websites are trustworthy? The same thing a rightwinger would say that only rightwing websites are trustworthy. I cannot gain the full truth from just the Left or the Right. A decade ago, I would have been like you, singing the high praises of the Left and how they're helping minorities like me and all. But then I just had to find out how the Left are also capable of being very awful. You think the Left doesn't also want people angry?

You're not helping me either. If I just let things be I'll be with an extremely toxic group of people who will throw me to the wolves the moment I disagree with them. Been there, done that, not going back to that.

Sometimes the left lies but it is not as extensive as the right and a lot of the time the right has the tendency to spread misinformation and fear monger. A lot of their talking point have no fact basis and can be easily be disproven with facts if you know the subject really well. I hate to break it to you but the right isn’t exactly known to tell the truth and for a good reason and the right also has this nasty habit of claiming it is the left that are the gaslighters with no factual basis. One lie on the left for example would be the Israel-Hammas war and the right is just as guilty. The left is pro Palestine while the right is pro Isreal but the truth is the war is not as black and right as people would like to believe and the war has been going on longer than 1945 and both sides have been committing war horrible war crimes towards each other. While sometimes the left does lie for the most part the left is spot on with stick with the facts and showing data as well as showing people the research. I never see any of that coming from the right to the point it is not fact based but rather an opinion piece at this point. They won’t show charts, data or research. It is just complaining and when they do it is misinfo for something else entirely. It is either that or incomplete information.

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I didn't say I was praising the Right. I do think things would be so much better without the far elements of either side going at it. Both sides are liars in similar but different ways. The Left wants to protect people's feelings and by people, I mean those they agree with. Neither side is going to be of much help. The Right won't even accept me for being transgender and the Left won't either once I start disagreeing with them on that topic. This is why I'm largely in the middle these days despite the Left trying to claim I'm rightwing because it fits their arguments better. So black and white and I'm beyond sick of it. I wish they would leave everyone else alone when they duke it out among each other.

We've seen how bad society can be with the Right in charge and lately we're seeing how bad society can be with the Left in charge. "Diversity is our strength!" is their battle cry. No, they don't want actual diversity, just for everyone to agree with them on everything. Otherwise we're where we are now, endless replies on how I should stop listening to certain people.

Those are the same talking point coming from the right and believe it or not the ones complaining are the ones coming from the right and are usually grown people who can’t accept change. There are literal charts showing that things like the economy and people’s right are worse under the right. The left is usually there to clean up after the right. Bush for example left a big mess for Obama to clean when the stock market crash of 2009 happened. A lot of people were broke but with things like Obamacareand student loan forgiveness actually helped improve the economy. When Trump came in, he cut Obamacare and they were focusing on taking away trans rights because they thought they were using literal litter boxes. The right also were obsessed with furries and tried to cancel anime. Assassination Classroom in particular. When the hurricane came in Trump and his cronies did everything they could to block aid relief for states simply because he haters them politically. Ok the left we finally got some environmental stuff done as well as things like infrastructure week something that the right promised but failed to keep, then there’s also the chip act and most recently the left was able to get Americans who were held hostage home from the Isreal-Palestine was. Not to mention when the left had control of both the house and senate we were also able to get funding to Ukraine. I can say that saying diversity is strength is true because without it we wouldn’t have things like the internet or our cell phones as well as plenty of other things we enjoy. Do you think it was better back in Martin Luther King’s day back when we were all segregated? I think kindness and acceptance towards all is a fine goal to have sure they are not perfect but who is and the crazies on that side are soley contained on twitter.

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Redacted. Got a bit more personal than I would have liked
Blessed be

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Ah of course, I always get told this by left leaning people that my talking points are rightwing. Lemme be clear, there have been good changes like same sex marriage becoming legal nation wide even if far right Christians hate the idea of that. It's good when they're not in power. But you keep trying to tie me to the right although they wouldn't exactly be very fond of me especially once they find out I'm transgender. And thus, the struggles of the middle ground. Both sides take a shot at me and it's whatever.

Fuck no I don't want it to go back to racial segregation. Why would I want that?! As a black person, that would seriously screw me over. Just because I disagree with aspects of "progress" today doesn't mean I want to go all the way back to when only straight white men had power in America and black people were slaves in southern states.

I'm just getting tired of this, okay? It's clear neither of us are moving and although you say you'll keep posting to counter my misinformation... you're likely going to get tired of this as well at some point. Good luck when it comes to some other people who are probably in even deeper than I am.

I can see your original message in my email alert. You know what? Someone else can continue this if they want to. I can post another 50 messages and it won't get anywhere new. So I'm just going to leave off with how the Far Left that's supposed to be helping people like me are in fact doing the exact opposite based on the thousands upon thousands of words I've posted already. And to think this started with me pointing out how character models in a Pokémon game were changed.

Which is why it goes back to my original comment gender politics are silly and a lot of it is fear mongering. The sooner you realize that this is just a distraction to take a way more of your rights the better your life will because that is what basically gender politics is designed to do and it is sad that you can’t see that. You do not need the right or anything to feel like you belong. We are on a pony fansite people will just like you when sharing the same interests of liking ponies just fine.

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No, I won't see it this way, I won't see it your way. Neither side is healthy for me. I know the Left isn't going to take away my rights the way the Right will, but they'll take away other things I like including entertainment and the right to not be left leaning like that are. I won't repeat the reasons anymore. I generally don't bring real world politics up in my stories here as I do ultimately want them to be escapism, which if it were up to the Far Left, media would be extremely preachy first and perhaps not entertaining ever.

I think you are only seeing the extreme form of the left. Like I said, as long as you avoid stuff like tictock and Twitter you are good. We are pretty accepting of most world views as long as you have facts and data to back it up. What you are describing is the most extreme version of the left and thankfully they are only a minority.

Group Contributor

Yes, it seems like we finally came to an agreement here. Well, I guess I better just leave it off here then without getting back into all that other stuff while I enjoy what's left of my Easter today before going to the dentist tomorrow. Pain.

I think you would get along just fine with people on the left. My advice to you is that if you are going to argue with someone on the left. Make sure you get all your facts in order and double check to see if they are full and correct. The reason why Dave100 and I do not get along is that his arguments are either have baked or won’t get the full and complete info. It also does not help whenever his worldview is challenged he sees it as a personal attack on him and he would just go back to throwing back to insults and this is only constructive criticism so do not take it the wrong way. Saying things like I refuse to see it your way and I won’t see it your way comes off a childish and willfully ignorant. I am only telling you now for next time because others would not take take that too kindly.

Group Contributor

It’s been brought to my attention that telling autistic adults to move out of their parent’s house get a job can be taken as a form of bullying.
I’m not sorry. Get a job. Get your own place. Get your life in order. Don’t cry to me about how I’m not being Politically Correct about autism; especially not if you’re gonna complain about a society that you don’t contribute to.

It kinda is, there are plenty of autistic audits who can’t do things on their own. It is called executive functioning. While most do what they can to stay a functioning audibly in society there are just some things they can’t do. Me for example I can’t cook or drive because of executive functioning. We are not lazy people who mooch on our parents it is just that are brains are wired in a way that we can’t do certain things and our parents just love us enough that they rather take care of us instead of us having to go through the trouble of finding a care taker. While it may sound easy for a non autistic person someone with autism just simply can’t do simple things around the house. It is just how our brains are wired. It works out too because most of my family is disabled and we help each by doing the things the other can’t do because of disability.

Group Contributor

My apologies for being unclear:
I’m specifically addressing those who choose to produce nothing.
There are a lot of people with autism who do what they can with what they have and bless them for it, and there are folks whose effort and contribution begins and ends at complaining.

It is still kinda of a harsh thing to say, truth is we don’t know them and there are many factors that go into it. Sure some may look normal but a lot just hide it very well. It is called masking so it makes it very tricky to tell. Unless you know them personally you can’t really be so sure because at the end of the day we just don’t know what goes on in their heads.

Not to mention our media has already been extremely left, you are only noticing it now because influencers and politicians are making you hyper focus on it. It was never becoming, it was always like this. In fact Stan Lee himself was accused of being a staunch SJW and back in the 70’s he got one of those I am not racist but letters. Avatar the Last Airbender got extremely political and in FOP there was an episode called The Boy Who Would be Queen and it was about how things were way too gender coded in society. It was basically calling it out. Danny Phantom also had a political thing or too and one might say that politics are the foundation of writing. There is a saying that if you do not see politics in media than you probably either do not know or you probably agree with their world view. This can be traced all the way back in 60’s with the Rick Van Dyke show. People back then were complaining about the same things you were. People threw a fit and spewed the same things you are when Mr. Rodgers allowed a black man to be in his pool.

Group Contributor

Really, we're still going? I'm just going to leave this be least this keeps going for even more hours.

Yes, until you see that obsessing over politics in media is ridiculous I will continue. If everything wasn’t so gender coded than girls would be free to like guy things and guys would be free to like girl things. You would understand that girl to girl. -Trixie Tang.

Group Contributor

Can you please stop telling me what to do? You're not going to win this and change such a big part about me. It's extremely frustrating having someone to keep nagging me over and over to view things their way when you won't accept that I'm never going to be like you. Do you have the drive to keep going against someone as autistic as me? This has nothing to do with me liking boy or girl things. And I'm far from this whole "girl to girl" thing even with me as a trans woman. And to add, me being trans also has nothing to do with what's considered acceptable behavior for boys and girls. I'm not saying you said that, just adding context.

Nope, I am not telling you what to do I am just telling that what you think is incorrect. The whole quote from Trixie Tang was to bring up a point that politics in media was always a thing. You are the only one getting worked up over this and most could care less about a phone game going on with their daily lives. I am autistic by the way, that is another thing you assume that I have an agenda against you. I am just trying to pull you out of that deep rabbit hole you and Dave are in.

I am not asking you to change who you are I am asking you to see that this kind of thinking is wrong and incorrect. Personally it sounds to me that you are making it your personality and it is a little concerning. An opinion is one thing but boarder line obsession isn’t healthy either. You are more than just gender politics and I wish that you can see it. You are way more than just taking interest in gender politics more than you were ever know. I think the biggest part of your personality would actually be that you are a kind sweet caring and patient person and I am not just saying it to be nice. You are also compassionate because before the whole gender politics thing you were kind enough to hear my rants and got me through a few ruts every now and again. You even got me out of the deep end a few times too. The reason I say this is that these influencers do not speak for women myself included. Most of the people who say that they want sexy women are mostly men. I mean how would you feel if you only saw the most extreme version of yourself and when trans women get proper representation other people feel like they are being attacked simply because their view of a trans woman is no longer on screen. That is how most women feel about this.

Sure it might not be perfect but we can make it better. -Barbie.

Group Contributor

7952654 This meme I created with before and after images is a good summary of this problem. Who do they think this will please? (images don't seem to pop up for me, I don't know if it is a problem on my end or the site right now)

Group Contributor

I'm only going to say this one more time...


Next time I just won't reply at all and I'll even attempt to get a group admin to get you to stop. I'm beyond sick of this by now and you just won't drop it. You cannot change my thinking. Learn to take a hint and just drop the damn subject already! I'm getting really fucking tired of this nagging! You want to help? Then leave me be. Autistic to autistic, I'm not repeating myself yet again especially after that 2.2k word post I did. You said I got you out of the deep end a few times and yet you're trying to drag me into one in thinking you're dragging me out.

They seem to not understand even women don't want to look at these faces either compared to prettier faces. I don't know how much time passed between Horizon games but it shouldn't have changed Aloy's face this much. Hopefully mods can change that on PC. Fable is a fantasy setting and... oh god. I might just seriously consider playing as a guy in that game since at least his face won't get made like that. I'll probably just skip the game entirely. And then Tanya from Mortal Kombat, isn't Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8 outselling Mortal Kombat 1? I'll hope so and of course I know there's way more to video games than what female characters look like.

They'll say "we're doing this for trans women like you so you'll feel more comfortable"... They think I inspire to look ugly?! Now sure, I'll never look like Eve from Stellar Blade, in fact, few women will. But I'm not losing sleep over that. It's like instead of helping people to become better, they just want to drag everyone else down to low standards. I'm talking about things like working out. It takes a lot of hard work and effort. People in general consider thinner people more attractive than fatter people. Companies like Sweet Baby Inc. want to drag everyone else down to their level because they refuse to attempt to improve their own lives. Every single thing wrong with their lives is blamed on the patriarchy. It's always someone else's fault for their state in life.

I'm not denying that the system can hold people back. I know it had a big factor against me, but it cannot control my entire life and I'm capable of doing things regardless of what's socially acceptable or common. I am fighting my way through a lot of bullshit still and I will continue to need help to do so. But many of the people out there who claim to be helping people like me are in fact doing the opposite. If they had their way, LGBT characters would never be allowed to die or else that's "Bury your Gays" trope. Hell, they wouldn't even allowed to be villains unless there's good ones first. Being a woman would be just as easy as saying you're one. Everyone right of them would be alt right. You wouldn't even be allowed to work if your opinions are not approved by them.

I could have just been a proud liberal, but then the far left, for as small as their numbers are, have ruined so many things in an attempt to fix others. I got dealt a very shitty hand in life and those trying to fix these things end up making them worse. A few select elites get to decide what mainstream media gets made. So even if you found say, 99% of people okay with attractive female faces, that 1% would have the final say based on their misguided world views that they'll never challenge.

Adan Druego
Group Contributor

If anyone here is obsessed, it's clearly you. You seem to be the one who's made it their personality to correct, what they view as misinformation.,

You wanna know the reason why they are desexulizimg women. It is because the children think that is the norm and are pressured to look like them. Do you think it is ok that they are making themselves sick by developing eating disorders and think that the only way to be accepted is to look like them, that this is the norm. That they are not good enough. I am not the one in the rabbit hole, I feel that you are and that it seems that you feel the same way these children do but the truth is you do not and there are more realistic beauty standards to go by and is achievable. Liberals are not like that, go meet irl liberals and they are not even close to what you meet on screen. They are the extreme of the extreme. It is called the deep end for a reason and it seems that you have fallen to the opposite end of the deep end. I am not unfamiliar with fixed interests, I think this is an obsession not a fixed interest. Saying that you want look at sexy woman is a bit on the toxic right and there are clearly other remedies to fulfill that fixed interests. I have had both fixed interests and obsessions. I am saying this as an fellow autistic person because I feel that this is clearly not a fixed interest. I was never attacking anyone’s views and it is kind of frusterating that you make it seems that I am.


I am only responding because they keep responding. If you look back in our earlier comments, Goldstar said they made this apart of their personality and to me that is just not healthy. There is a difference between a fixed interest and an obsession. This is not it. The information that they are feeding people is wrong and actually hurts woman. There can be reasearch and facts that can actually tear this argument down. If you do not believe you I can send you to some sources that actually that that this view of thinking is actually hurtful, especially towards women.

I can see it just fine, now I may came off as head strong but I am at my wits end here with GoldStar, do you think I am attacker her for the stuff she claims or no. I can see your meme just fine to answer you question.

Group Admin


I understand everyone has their own views on this subject but it might be something to step back from at the moment if it's getting too heated.

Just a suggestion and I hope you all have a nice day. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Also here's a cute bunny for people. Enjoy.

Image Credit:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

7953606 That's cute. :raritystarry:

Group Contributor

They want to control how you live.

You either submit to their ideology, or they will ensure you are homeless and penniless.

Remind me again who the fascists are supposed to be.

Spread the word about BRIDGE; they can't be allowed to live and grow in the shadows.

Group Contributor


Feeling kinda privileged, not blessed or fortunate but genuinely privileged, that my job is unaffected by all this drama.
But I guess that's the perk of having a job that doesn't live or die based on public opinion. Nobody cares if a hospital is Left or Right when you really, really need one.

Group Contributor

Further information in this video, plus more examples of the industry being racist and sexist and their hive-minded drones defending them:

Group Contributor

So, since it's fresh on my mind, I'll do a follow up from this thread. Specifically, this post. This is not a negative call out to this point, nor am I disagreeing with it, but I do want to say more about it.

... because some stories do tend to get more downvotes than others. Talking about this fandom's obnoxious Star Wars-esque gatekeeping would likely derail this thread completely, so I'm going to talk about something less volatile: queer acceptance. Yes, queer stories do get disproportionately downvoted. True, being very queer doesn't automatically make a story good, but I've seen stories that I (for what it's worth) thought were actually written or, more damning, ones that are much less queer than their description would led you to believe, get downvote bombed. Going back to the gatekeeping that I've mentioned above, this has the effect of making it seem like certain groups/opinions aren't welcome here.

A bit of a quote mine as that isn't the entire post (you can easily see it linked), but the related part. So, let's get something out of the way. The whole "love and tolerance" thing within this fandom? Complete and utter bullshit. Liking a show about positivity and such doesn't automatically make you such a person.

I'm aware lately things have gotten way more heated with the LGBT community, especially the T, trans side of it. I'm a trans woman myself and while I don't agree with a lot of what the community pushes, just merely being trans is enough to get me labeled all kinds of negative stereotypes. Okay, so that's not my focus here, just saying I get the complaints. I should also make it clear that this specific post is not about continuing the thread of drive by downvotes. I want to focus more specifically on why there's a major dislike for this topic of subject matter. And I must also state not every downvote on a LGBT story is automatically "I hate LGBT people!" because just plain bad writing is still a thing that can happen like making the transgender character(s) one dimensional, defined nearly entirely by being trans. So we on the same page here? Probably not, but I tried.

I recall back when Equestria Daily didn't featured M/M because they figured the audience, Bronies, would not be on board with those. I don't know if they since changed their mind on that or still do that. I'm just bringing this up as an example, I'm not here to get Equestria Daily to highlight M/M stories if they don't want to. I keep saying so many disclaimers because people can very easily take what I say out of context and even with this context, it still happens. Anyway. the average Brony is a heterosexual male. So they wouldn't be into M/M the same way a straight woman or even queer man might. I myself am only into F/F. I suspect female writter driven fan fic communities don't feel as strongly against F/F.

I can get why it may seem like LGBT people might not be welcomed in the Brony community. This is sadly probably why articles are out there calming Bronies are alt-right. For the most part, I don't agree with that, but I would also be lying if I acted like there are no Bronies who are flat out against LGBT stuff. I know a lot of modern politics has been about LGBT stuff, especially transgender talking points. So I guess when people see a transgender or even gay/lesbian story, they might automatically think said story is pushing an agenda they don't like without reading beyond the cover.

When it comes to queer shipping, it's usually that the writer may find such couples cute and/or sexy. The romance stories I write (when I write, so once in multiple blue moons) are focused front and center on F/F, but that doesn't mean I'm being political about it. I just prefer to see such couples as appealing,

Which is another thing I hate about this culture war. Even goddamn pony stories can become political battlegrounds. Even if I do write about real world topics as applied in Equestria, I don't get all preachy about it. "You need to think as I do or you're a bad person!" sort of thing I make an effort to not do. It's one thing to be questioned on things when reading a story, it's another thing for said story to be flat out telling you should and shouldn't believe. I'm still writing about escapism fantasy.

For example, I written a story about Scootaloo's flight disability. Disabilities are quite a real world topic... although not always in a political way. While I do think people shouldn't be bullied and picked on for having a disability, I didn't make the story about that. I didn't write "stop bullying disabled people or you're an awful human being!" I also written a story tagged romance and focused on a male and female character. Turns out to be the male character is actually a mare and lesbian romance happens. Not transgender, just plain hiding being female.

Are LGBT people becoming less welcomed in the MLP community? I can't say for sure other than M/M and transgender stories seeming to get more heat than usual. And I must keep stressing I'm not defending flat out bad writing and LGBT isn't an excuse for bad writing. I know how it's all too easy to write one dimensional characters especially if you're focused more on the message than anything else.

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