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A lot of people are just so miserable and unfulfilled that seeing someone genuinely happy is upsetting. And on top of that; they’d rather assign a moral or ethical fault to that person (typically always a trait they don’t see in themselves) instead of making their own lives better because judging someone else is just easier than self improvement.

Group Contributor

At this point, LGBT stuff is very political. I feel I can’t post this as its own thread so I’ll just post this here. So, non-binary lesbians, I take issue with the labels. Let’s get on the same page here. Biological sex and gender identity are two different things, with both being paired for most people. Very rarely do these do not match up. Even for tomboys, they’ll still identify as female even if they act and look masculine. It’s generally transgender people as the only exceptions. For context, I am a transwoman. This is a gender identity that for me, is brought out by gender dysphoria, which is a mental disorder that has had a very negative impact on my life. I am still biologically male, no matter what surgeries I get, although bottom surgery would help to make my innerworkings more female.

Non-binary is not a sexual state of being, it is a gender identity. It is not identifying with male or female. It’s very rare that someone is born where their sex isn’t clearly male or female. We call that intersex. Following me so far? Lesbian is female attractive to females. So then, why is non-binary lesbian a label people are appealing to themselves? How can you not identify with male or female, but then take on a label that counts on you being female?

Before you say “it’s none of your business how people choose to identify”, well, I disagree, read on. Words have meanings, generally multiple ones. Language is defined over time and usage. One of the meanings for man is adult male. Declaring your gender identity to be different from your sex does nothing to change your sex. If we allow people to identify as however they want regardless of how accurate the labels are, then what’s the point of even having different words with different meanings if we can make anything mean anything on a whim? I’ve seen people say that lesbian means non-male attraction. How is that helpful?

If you’re a lesbian, you’re only interested in other women. Thus, you may go to a lesbian dating website or app to find other lesbians. Then you find men who identify as non-binary. So you don’t hook up with them because you’re looking only for women into women. If you state you don’t want to date such people, you’ll probably get called a bigot and in major trouble. Lesbian is no longer what it once used to be. You’re not looking for any non-males, you’re looking specifically for women. Why suddenly change lesbian to suddenly be inclusive to very few other people who are not women?

And while on identity, if anyone can use any label they want to feel comfort and you’re not allowed to say otherwise, let’s go further. What about men who identify as lesbians? I’m not talking about transwomen here, just straight up men calling themselves lesbians. Are we suddenly in the wrong for saying he shouldn’t be allowed to identify as a lesbian because he’s not a woman? Or let’s go even further than that with race. I identify as black because I am physically black. If I suddenly decided to say I’m an Asian, well that doesn’t make me Asian.

This is why I feel I can’t call myself a woman, because I am biologically male. Identifying as a transwoman doesn’t change my body to female when it comes to sex specific treatments and medicines. When I’m gone and buried, if dug up, my skeleton will be male. As a transwoman, I am working on my appearance and voice to pass as female. I’m not going to go around, demand that lesbians date me or they’re transphobic and horrible people.

I also won’t suddenly fall for someone that looks and sounds male, but says they’re female. That’s why I haven’t put myself out for dating yet. Now I could find a bisexual or pansexual person who doesn’t care about my sex and gender, that’ll be great. It’s sexuality not genderuality. I can’t demand anyone date me because I say I’m a transwoman. I mean I technically could but that would look bad on me.

Anyway, I’ve gotten off track from my original point. Why identify as a non-binary lesbian which sounds like an oxymoron? Again, not identifying as male or female, yet, calling yourself female only interested in other females. How far are we willing to go to change language to be more “inclusive” before it becomes so broad as to hardly matter?

I do have a solution. The word trixic. It means being non-binary exclusively attracted to women. Bam, problem solved. So lesbian can mean what most people know it as and the very few non-binary people out there get a more accurate word to describe their gender identity and sexuality without changing lesbian to meaning non-male.

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While this girl has fortunately been released and charges dropped, I am yet to hear anything about the "lesbian nana" or any of the other pigs that enacted this injustice, or the chief of police facing any consequences for this and we all know she would have never been released if not for the well deserved public backlash. The West Yorkshire Police Department have disabled comments on Twitter due to their ableist, corrupt department getting ratioed so hard. As much as part of me wants to say I am glad I don't live there I am also aware that police misconduct is also a serious problem in the US and that is why I am terrified of police.

Group Contributor

I just saw that video today and was planning to write about it here.

My country is falling to ruin every day.

Group Contributor

I mean this in the most respectful way possible; which admittedly isn’t even remotely close to Politically Correct:

Do I write this off as LeftistsTM being hypersensitive over suspicion of malicious homophobia (again) or do I write this off as Modern Eugenicists being confused over why they’re in trouble for roughing up someone with Autism? Or is this one of those situations where I’m not being controversial by suggesting that there’s multiple possible motivations for someone’s mistreatment?

Group Contributor

Am I the only person who thinks it’s weird that self described American Conservative Christians are quicker to react a presumed slight against Donald Trump than they are to react a presumed slight against Jesus?
It’s starting to look like the former POTUS is Joseph Smith 2.0

Group Contributor

The totalitarian regime of the West continues to fester:

And I'm not even religious.

Group Contributor

It is like the deep state is deliberately trying to provoke a boogaloo at this point. I hope this results in mass noncompliance, a law (in this case more like a decree) means nothing if nobody obeys it.

Group Contributor

It is like the deep state is deliberately trying to provoke a boogaloo at this point. I hope this results in mass noncompliance, a law (in this case more like a decree) means nothing if nobody obeys it.

Boof Man
Group Contributor

Imo I think it's a bit simpler than that, we're simply just not as religious as a nation like we used to. Plus, well, celebrities will always have a cult following no matter who, where, or at what time.

Group Contributor

7878487 That has been the trend for the last few decades or so, though I have a feeling that trend may reverse in the coming decades. We are in a bizarre place in the culture currently with being conservative, religious and various other things once considered part of the norm being part of the counter culture now.

Group Contributor

Well, more and more people are being open about having been abused or traumatized while growing up in conservative/religious households and for all the religious conservatives trying to downplay how much abuse happens or how bad it can be, you’ve got equally loud religious conservatives proclaiming that it’s not abuse, and that people need to toughen up, get in line, and think of it as tough love with only their best interests in mind.

Group Contributor

7878602 That is true, I won't deny it, but the further the pendulum swings one way the further back it often swings the other way. America being less religious now is no guarantee the trend will continue, if anything there is enough evidence to determine that it probably will not. With that said while I agree that some religious parents overdo it, parents being strict and religious isn't and of itself abusive. If we are talking about things like conversion therapy if junior comes out as gay or something, than I will agree that is abuse. It does seem though that in many cases people will often replace religion with a non theistic cult instead, like gender ideology or wokeism in general for example.

Group Contributor

And how far left does someone need to be before you decide that they are Woke? You have in your head a clearly drawn line where strict religious homes become abusive, so I presume that you also have a clearly drawn line in non-religious homes.
But I’m admittedly hesitant to presume that because you’re also quick to pick the worst examples you can think of and assign them to the alternative of being religious.
And with how liberal a lot of people are with the word Woke, I couldn’t begin to guess where Left ends and Woke begins.

Group Contributor

7878818 It is a bit like pornography in the sense of you know it when you see it. I suppose the most obvious way that woke crosses the line into child abuse is allowing the "transitioning" of children who can't consent to any of that stuff for the same reason they can't consent to drinking, smoking or having sex with adults, taking kids to child drag shows ect...

Group Contributor

Surgical Transitioning, controlled substances, sex, and burlesque shows are bad for kids.
I agree. Easy.

Group Contributor

7878843 I am glad we do, unless there is clear abuse and I indeed would define what I described as abuse than the parents should be able to raise their children how they please.

Group Contributor

This is what people crying "fascists" at everyone else are doing in broad daylight:

Group Contributor


Really, dude? Really?

Group Contributor

Cancel culture is a cancer:

Kudos to Rumble for not bowing to these degerates.

Now of course we have no idea the true validity of these claims, but when said claims are over a decade old, the accuser hasn't put their name out or gone to the police, the media takes them at face value, and the accused has spoken out against the mainstream narrative regularly, it seems extremely suspicious.

The MeToo movement is over. Amber Heard killed it. This is looking to be a repeat of that whole thing.

Group Contributor

One of my senators, Dianne Feinstein has to the surprise of nobody just died. Regardless of how you feel about Feinstein or politics in general the fact that a bunch of people far too old and feeble to serve are being used as a meat puppets by the corrupt oligarchs that run this country should outrage and horrify everyone. Feinstein was out to lunch before she passed, so much so that her daughter had power of attorney over her. We have the 25th Amendment for when this happens to a president (speaking of which it is time to use it) why not have a similar amendment for members of congress and supreme court justices? And of course an amendment having term limits for all federal offices. Enough is enough, this corruption and societal rot can't continue.

Group Contributor

As long as [Disagree with my Party = Treason] and [Agree with my Party = Patriotism] are fundamental principles to enough voters to maintain the status quo, corruption and societal rot will continue until it stops working for the people who benefit from the corruption and societal rot.
When I was a kid, a lot of my family judged your merits as a citizen by your willingness to work, and considered any and all mental health concerns as excuses. That’s just how it was. I imagine a lot of people here also grew up exposed to that sort of mentality. These days your general worth is based solely on who you voted for in the last election and context be damned.
I can sum up how sick I am of the uncompromising Party Loyalty with one statement: I genuinely miss the casual ignorance levied towards Autism.

Group Contributor

This is what will happen should the supposed "good guys" get in power:

And they call everybody else fascists...

Group Contributor

Wow, that was absolutely shameful. I thought we were past the whole "merely being LGBT is wrong and sinful". Not that it really matters much as more and more people become accepting of the whole thing. It's not like 2 people being against it is going to stop me from making and enjoying lesbian works. I too am against pointless pandering, very much so. But merely making a LGBT character isn't pandering in itself. The whole morally wrong thing fell off a cliff thankfully and such views no longer get to determine laws and rights for everyone else. Fan fiction has a lot of gay/lesbian ships. Hell, a lot of MLP ships are lesbian, probably even more than straight ones if you discount OC humans (usually male x mare).

My latest story does have a lesbian written as evil, granted, not entirely within her control. But I'm not at all against writing LGBT villains rather than pretend that LGBT people can do no wrong due to facing a lot of bigotry. Hell, I get considered a LGBT villain IRL by the far left and far right.

I hate this so much. Transgender people get the most protection out of any minority group to the point they don't learn to have any kind of real backbone because they get treated as beyond criticism of any kind. Yet if I as a transwoman disagrees with any of this, I'm labeled a pick me, a pawn of the right, among other things. Ultimately this has left me feeling really lonely on this issue as any kind of middle ground is so hard to find. And yes I know I'm not biologically a woman and thus I won't simply call myself a woman, hence why I say transwoman. But I'm beyond sick and tired of how we can't criticize things like how easy the far left thinks self-identifying should be, as in, if you merely say you're a woman, bam, you're a woman, no questions asked, bigot! But I get called a gatekeeper if I think it shouldn't be just that easy.

Group Contributor


What I was planning to write in that thread before it was locked was simply:
- It's never what you identify as, but rather who you are and what you do as an individual that defines you.

This is what happens when people who preach tolerance yet display none get what they want. If Labour does get into power (which they haven't since Gordon Brown from 2007-2010) and this law is enforced, you can picture the abuse it will get from activists and clout chasers.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Wow, that was absolutely shameful. I thought we were past the whole "merely being LGBT is wrong and sinful".

Nope, definitely not. On the good side, some of them just told you who they are...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

The absolute lack of self-awareness from these people. They were once counter, underground culture. Now that they're the mainstream, they want to take away any means of being against them. They want to shit on the people who helped them get this far. These movements do not work without allies. You’ll never see a transgender villain from these people. They’ll demand and demand no matter how many bones you throw them. It’ll never be good enough.

The biggest issue is they don’t see the journey or progress. They only ever see the end goal. It doesn’t matter to them that there has been a lot of progress made. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t fully there right then and now. They want to instantly change culture, to instantly change millions upon millions of people overnight.

And a downvote on both that post and my earlier post. as if they proves same sex relationships are in any way more wrong. And on that note, religion. I won't go into details about my own beliefs although I could. But I'll say this. I'm tired of people using religion, which should be a force for good, as a means to be terrible toward entire groups of people. How much sooner would same sex marriage have been legalized nationwide in the USA if not for far-right Christians preaching how it goes against their God? In fact, why does it seem like society functions better when there isn't religious extremism in place? It seems the further we move away from that, the more progress can happen and overall things can be better for more people rather than only specific ones. Strictly following the Bible seems to have led to the Dark Ages. The “good book”, at least the followers of it, have done so much harm while acting like they have the moral high ground. And how did that work out? Not good.

How many LGBT youth suffered from religion-based homophobia? How many are even completely turned off by religion because of that? Now I know today’s youth are becoming more accepting than ever of these topics. Fan fiction communities tend to be welcoming of this, at least one side of it. I think male x male stories on this site are subjected to additional downvotes that straight and lesbian pairings don’t get. Does this thing happen in fandoms with a lot of female fan fic writers who focus on pairing 2 or more male characters together? Do those same writers really hate lesbian pairings? Probably not entirely the same. Men seem a lot more worried about being seen as gay than women do. Could be several reasons for that, but I’m getting off track here.

This whole “hate the sin, love the sinner” bullshit is just that, bullshit. According to people’s own teachings, ain’t people living in sin all the time? Yet for some reason homosexuality gets such special attention. Hardly anyone gives a shit for violating so any other sins. It’s all so selective and cherry picking. Imagine being told you’re going to burn for eternality because you fell in love with someone the same sex as you. We’re not talking about actual harmful relationships like pedo ones.

How can you (as in the royal you) claim God is all loving, unless you love someone of the same sex? Okay, so two men or two women going at it with each other won’t produce babies, true. And? There’s plenty of straight people who also won’t and some who can’t give birth, yet they’re not sinful for doing so. There isn’t going to be a “if everyone were gay” because it’s nowhere near common enough to happen. With modern healthcare, we’re living longer than ever. Not everyone needs to bring babies into the world to keep humanity going.

Just because the woke mob weaponized LGBT stuff doesn’t make it wrong, it just means the woke mob is wrong. I’m a translesbian and I speak out against them because they’ll set progress back by years. If someone doesn’t want to even like me merely because I’m transgender, that’s not on me. I should be judged for who I am, not what I am. I didn’t decide I would have gender dysphoria or that I’ll be autistic. I’m unable to just decide I don’t have a very deep desire to be a woman although I’m well aware I cannot truly be one on a biological level, even after surgeries. I’m not going around telling people I’m a women as if I were born female and such. I’m not going to try to trick someone into dating me without disclosing that I am trans.

You cannot “cure the gay” on me. In generally that doesn’t work. There will be people who are going to not be straight or even comfortable with their birth sex. This whole morally wrong thing has done tons and tons of damage without really doing any good.

At the end of the day, people are going to people. Trying to invoke God to force people to be a certain way is just going to backfire. I sure as hell don’t want to go to a church that preaches how sinful homosexuality is. And I don’t need their permission to have a same sex marriage outside of their grounds.

We’re better than this. Better than racism and sexism. I’m beyond tired of religion being weaponized against people. I shouldn’t feel uncomfortable around religious people because that is my worry if they deeply express being a follower of God.

Group Contributor

Since the thread is locked, I post my reply here.

God is supposed to be the embodiment of love. So that should mean that all expressions of love should be accepted, yes?

That's my view on it, anyway

Group Contributor

Yes I realize the video is at least a week old. I suspect talk of this subject matter will pop up again on the 14th of this month. I wanted to bring this subject up again anyway for a bit of time.

So yeah, there's people who are trying to boycott Hogwarts Legacy, again, because it worked so well the first time. J.K. Rowling can say whatever she wants. I don't treat her as a hero or someone I looked up to even before she put her views out there on transgender people. I hardly care to worship famous people. Me buying something with her name on it doesn't automatically mean I support and stand by everything she says, that'll be stupid. I have a cell phone, doesn't mean I support sweat shops even if purchase of that product would lead to more of it. Okay, so a cell phone is basically a requirement in today's society unlike a video game. Should I background check every entertainment product I buy or consume? Numerous video game companies like Activision Blizzard were busted for mistreatment of their employees, especially female ones. Now if I brought something from them (not that I think anything they released lately is worth buying), does that mean I support that kind of thing? No. Sure they're not publicly going around saying they support that kind of thing unlike rather Rowling's views on transgender people are.

I think the freak outs by the Twitter mob and others probably has done far more damage to the transgender community than a video game or author has. What kind of light do you think it paints transgender people and allies as with this outrage? Well I sure as hell don't think a good one. And while we're at it, why only freak out over one video game? You realize Rowling profits from the books, movies, toys, and even theme park rides, probably among other things too? But no, let's only focus on this one video game, yeah, that'll make Rowling's bank run dry if the game doesn't sell well. Good job!

I'm not at all surprised that the failed boycott would be attempted again in effectively the same manner. So what's the plan this time, yell at people even more? Clearly they learned nothing since last time. Now granted, the Switch release of the game might be a subpar port, but that's another discussion entirely. Far as I can tell, there wasn't a noticeable backlash when the game came to PS4 and XB1 months later after the modern systems. Do they think this boycott is somehow going to work better against Nintendo? I recall they effectively bully at the time, VTuber Pikamee into retirement and then she came back stronger as Henya the Genius. Don't think she ever played the game even as Henya.

This is ultimately why I refuse to side with the far left. I could have been on there side, in fact I actually was till mid 2014 when it became clear to me that they're not above lying and slandering. No, that doesn't mean I'm rightwing either despite how much the far left wants to accuse me of being right. The far right accuses me of being left. I'm a centrist transwoman who's beyond sick of this shit. And no that doesn't mean I take the middle position on everything. The truth is not always in the middle.

For people that really want to stick it to Rowling, they need to do a much better job than targeting anyone who buys the game. Someone brought a copy of the game just to smash it with a hammer and tweet it. Oh yeah, that'll stick it to Rowling and the devs, one publicly destroyed copy out of millions sold. They still got their money from the purchase of the destroyed copy unless it was a second hand copy, but I doubt the smasher gotten that kind of copy. Reminds me of the Christian fundamentalists who brought the books just to burn them to "send a message". Yeah, that worked out so well, more money. Is there even that much of a difference among the far let and the far right? Horseshoe theory much?

Group Contributor


Should I background check every entertainment product I buy or consume?

You better.:rainbowwild:

Group Contributor

Oh yeah, I've seen this video before, such a great one. Really goes to show the logical conclusion of background checking every single product.

Group Contributor

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again, expecting different results.

Comment posted by StormLuna deleted Dec 19th, 2023
Group Contributor

A rant I did on wokeists hijacking entertainment.

Group Contributor

An AI parody I did of Chris Christie announcing he is ending his presidential campaign.

Group Contributor

This thread looks like it's dedicated specifically to actual real world politics, but I invite you to read my blog post about the (nonexistent) pony politics in "My Little Pony: A New Generation".

Group Contributor

Gina Carano is officially suing Disney for firing her unwarranted, and Elon Musk is funding her lawsuit!

Here's a link to her statement on the matter:

I tell ya, Disney is taking L after L. First all their movies and shows released in 2023 failed, then their own lawsuit against Florida and Ron DeSantis is dismissed by a Judge, and now Gina's unjust firing is finally coming back to bite them in the arse.

I know this seems strange to post here, but politics were the sole reason she was fired, due to her's (conservative) not aligning with Disney/Lucasfilm's (far-left).

Group Contributor

This is why gatekeeping is essential to protect fandoms, even if the make believe identity of non binary had any validity whatsoever retconning a character into being that is clearly not the way to do it. Nonbinary didn't even exist as an identity in the 90s which is when this series is supposed to actually take place.

The Harsh but Interesting Reality Concerning Phase 1

Apparently Marvel Phase 1 and 2 were not as popular as people are led to believe but there are charts in Phase one were these movies slowly gained popularity leading up to the Avengers in phase one according to the world box office and according to Screen Rant there were also controversies surrounding phase 1 that held them back

The Incredible Hulk: 263. 4 million

Captain America: the First Avenger: 370. 6 million

Thor: 449. 3 million

Iron Man: 585.2 million

Iron Man 2: 623. 9 million

The Avengers: 1. 519 Billion

Ok now that is out of the way let us talk about some controversy that held some of these movies back.

Number 1: This was not a controversy when the Avengers movie came but it is a controversy in 2023 and that was a lack of diversity.

Number 2: The Incredible Hulk was pointless. Yup you heard me people hated The Incredible Hulk movie the for same reason people didn’t like She-Hulk.

Number 3: Black Widow was overly sexualized. A weird one but I can see it a little bit with the suit.

Number 4: Iron Man 2 made a joke out of Tony’s addictions. I remember some of this but I felt this controversy died down as quickly as it popped up.

Number 5: The Thor movie was cheap when creating Thor’s look. Personally I never noticed this but a lot of people said that Thor’s hair in the first movie definitely looked like a wig.

Number 6: Loki was over the top with his villainy. Again never felt this way but I can see why it would rub others the wrong way.

Number 7: Hawkeye was underdeveloped. Yeah I think I can agree with this one. He was kind of forgettable.

Number 8: The romance is lacking. A weird one but whatever.

Number 9: Thanos’s plan made no sense. This is news to me but I can see why it can rub others the wrong way.

Number 10: Where is Captain Marvel? Apparently people were annoyed at not seeing Captain Marvel.

Number 11: The Joss Whedon problem. I am not surprised by this because actors protections were not as strong back then and apparently he abused a lot of actors off set.

Number 12: The Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D snub. The tv series was going under a similar problem as number 11 because Joss Whedon produced it.

Group Contributor

This Movie is Twenty Years Old Now:

Group Contributor

When I was growing up, the bare minimum of contributing to society was getting a job. Thanks to Social Media, people who don’t work act like they do all the useful contributions just by engaging in tantrums about things getting blown out of proportion.
It’s just wired to me that people can look at a snarky tweet or a YouTube rant and feel a level of validation similar to what my paycheck, marriage, and home combined give me.

Group Contributor

This is how shows handled politics back in the day.

I think the thinking mainstream media is pandering ideology is stupid. Just put a minority and people think anything and everything is pandering. I tried searching it up to see if it were true but not much popped up but it seems that came from a rumor mill online when a comic shop owner blamed woke and pandering on the reason why his shop was failing. To me it could be either to things either he is the problem or that people would rather enjoy mainstream entertainment media online. The crazy thing is that people would rather side with some shop owner than look at the full story and accused the writer’s of gaslighting. I do not know what exactly they said so it does not help much. Not to mention that context matters. The story could have been blown out of proportion for all we know.

Group Contributor

So... gamers are now terrorists in the eyes of government funded bodies:

I can't wait for Trump to win again...

Thought it best to post here.

Group Contributor

They should've called the show X-Men '24.

Lack of gatekeeping is why Gamergate 2.0 is here.

Group Contributor

Pretty sure that most of the ‘evidence’ of ‘extremists’ who play video games socially are actually just evidence of autistic meltdowns and temper tantrums about stupid shit like lag, taken way out of context.
Also fits about Woke and Nazis. That’s a big deal now.

Group Contributor

This is what they're spending taxpayer money on.

- You're concerned about riots in the streets that are burning down buildings and destroying family run businesses? Those are mostly peaceful protests for BLM you racist.
- You see Antifa taking up arms in broad daylight? We don't listen to conspiracy theorists.
- Some people in an online MMO said something you find mildly offensive? Dispatch the FBI immediately!

Group Contributor

It’s all good in the US
I know this because all the member of Congress and the Senate keep getting paid.
Now if career politicians accepted a pay cut to fund Domestic Defense; then I’d panic.

Plus at the end of the day; all the moral posturing about what America needs saving from only adds up to cash moved and votes cast.

Group Contributor

Funny. Just recently I've watched two first episodes. Morph being non-binary never comes up. However, I have a problem with him jokingly transforming into Xavier and making a speech in a mocking manner (remember, Xavier died just a few months ago. How about respecting the recently departed?).

Group Contributor


(remember, Xavier died just a few months ago. How about respecting the recently departed?).

Remember though, Xavier is a white guy, and this show is made by racists.

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