The Protagonist Discussion Group 23 members · 1 stories
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I don't know about the Gulliver(?) ponies, but the 'giant' gave me some Soma vibes.

It's a sci-fi horror game that has robots with blue veins on them. At least if I'm remembering correctly.

Yeah know, that giant could be another sentient from how it is described.

Why are there raider camps? Who are the people that make up the raider camps. WhY haven't they been wiped out yet? This feels like literature class all over again.

I'll try to answer this a bit. The raider camps are mismatched factories that would give OSHA a heart attack. Their purpose is the conversion of people of this land into the raiders that run the camps as well as other things. WhY the raiders do this? Because that is the only way more of them can be made, for They are monsters things that are both flesh and metal. Nobody knows how they were made to be. Some say the Creators grew desperate and fused organic and machine to create a race only for war. Others claim that they only first appeared from the Great Calamity itself. Whatever their origins may be, They now seek to expand and convert all over the land. Many have tried to destroy these camps, but they ended in failure due to the camps shockingly formidable defences. These camps serve as warnings to those not careful traveling near.

Basically Strogg from Quake

What you guys think?

We've already determined that Leviathan's Watch was made in part because of the giant's island-- it's in the name, even! So whatever that giant is, it is not a Sentient like we're familiar with. Perhaps... ah, perhaps there's a powerful hallucinogenic, mind-altering mist on that island. The giants do exist, of course, but their appearances seem strange due to the mist. Actually, these giants have evolved to be immune to the mist, and take advantage of the fact that their prey doesn't have that same immunity. In Pinkie's case, she happens to also there's a lot of miniponies everywhere and that giants live in comfy houses.

As for the raiders... There's no way all of then across the entire world are the same. I mean... they're raiders. There's not going to be much organization between camps, especially across entire landmasses. This specific kind of raider probably benefits from a greater than normal level of organization, but they simply can't be all there is. And it isn't exactly hard to survive in the wasteland, where all you need is a sufficient amount of guns to shoot people with and societies are too busy rebuilding themselves to dedicate resources to exterminate you.

If the apocalypse has lasted long enough, then perhaps it is possible that raider factions have appeared and gained a lot of power. But in that case, so too have non-raider societies, which basically makes it an arms race of weapons to kill the other guy and defenses to not get killed by the other guy. And all this is without considering the existence of potential hero/villain figures that could wipe out entire societies on their own, either because they've found a bunch of cool junk or because they're one of the Merodi team. In fact, there's probably a few Merodi that are really active in the present, plus all the ones that aren't active but still alive, but none of them know or are within walking distance of each other.

What do you mean by "they simply can't be all there is."? Like the Strogg being all the raiders? If so, they don't have to be. They can be their own thing if you don't think raiders can be threatening enough. Besides it would give an antagonist that are more tech based. I'm just gonna say ok to the second part of the raider thing. The first part seems neat, but I'm a little iffy on the miniponies just being a hallucinogen.

Um... I'm not saying the Strogg can't be raiders. I'm just saying they can't be the only, uh... faction of raiders. And that there can't be only a single worldwide faction of raiders because they're inherently too disorganized to unite to that degree. Different camps could very well raid each other. I really have no idea how to explain this simpler.

I see what you mean. Sorry, my reading comprehension is not the best, so I like to clarify. I guess the way I worded the Strong (NamePending) sounded like all raiders are the Strogg. I was more thinking just the camps we were told like the nearest raiders and not that far from each other. I probably should have worded it that it was just those camps in particular, rather than all raiders, unless we're going with the raider camps are The Raider camps. Then if think of something else. So, what do you think of the Strong itself?

They're interesting. I could totally see them existing. I personally dislike the idea that these were deliberately made by the Creators, so I'll lean more towards them making themselves. Perhaps there were some organics that felt that mutilating themselves was the only way to survive, and from the resulting brain trauma, became fascinated by the screams of those dying or being converted.

Comment posted by Ponygood11 deleted Aug 16th, 2019


In Pinkie's case, she happens to also there's a lot of miniponies everywhere and that giants live in comfy houses.


The first part seems neat, but I'm a little iffy on the miniponies just being a hallucinogen.

Planning ahead is a good idea and all, but I don't think we can affect Pinkie and her surroundings directly at the moment, unless or until one of the questions makes something we have relevant.

Eh, maybe. Might as well try anyway.

Should I move the Strogg thing to the antagonist thread? It seems more appropriate over there. If so, any changes you would like made before it goes over there?



You know we have focused more on the sides with technology then the Naturals. I want to give out a barebones idea, so we can at least have an idea of what some of the Naturals are doing now. Here goes nothing. Before the war, there were some Naturals that lived in a land that was like the Everglades. After whatever caused the Apocalypse, the land and the Naturals that lived there were changed. The wetland became a creepy swampland with many more dangerous creatures. The Naturals were scared as their appearance became monstrous. They became isolationist and they don't let other people enter the swamp. An example of a kind of Natural that lives in the Swamp.
His name is Ciervo.

My personal ideas into this is that we just made an evil robo-flesh group above us, so lets make a more evil-looking but neutral group of naturals. I'm thinking their isolationist because they're ashamed at what they have become, also murder swamp. These are not representative of all naturals just these particular ones. These are just my ideas so you can expand or change whatever you want. I just ask you keep these guys from being evil and keeping the guy in the picture as a Natural. What do you guys think?

Alright, I've got an idea about the miniponies. They do exist, but they aren't actually ponies. While the giants have become resistant to the hallucinogen, these pygmies (temporary name) have a peculiar ability to "see" what afflicted individuals see. They use that ability to act like the things hallucinating people see, leaving them none the wiser about their true identity. They try to lure people into quiet, out-of-the-way places, promising safety or knowledge or friendship or whatnot, and once the time is right, they latch onto the person and drain their mind of thoughts. This gives them a long-lasting food source, while also gradually turning their victim into a brain-dead rock. They'll also try to protect people from the giants, since they can't exactly eat people that are already dead, but they don't care what happens once they've finished with them. When they aren't in need of food, they are very mischievous creatures, and like to confuse whomever they encounter.

When the giant's island was first discovered, the pygmies' existence wasn't really known. It was only after decades had passed and a dedicated research outpost was made that they realized the pygmies were, indeed, a thing. The researchers were fascinated by the pygmies' interaction with the hallucinogen, and the pygmies used them as a source of amusement.

Except wouldn't Pinkie know that since she is Aware? They even tried to heal her blindness and were very remorseful that they couldn't.

She's not always Aware. Sometimes it fails for humor- or plot-based reasons, and it would definitely be prone to failure if aspects of the world don't exist until we decide them.

Buuut I forgot about that other bit. Okay, remove all the stuff about luring and eating brains, and make them nicer, but still keep their mischievous nature and their... "take-advantage-of-hallucinated-visions" ability.

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