Cozy Glow 583 members · 946 stories
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I do not know where else this would be posted but for one of my stories with a Cozy Glow centered theme, I am without a cover photo. I have no artistic abilities and don't have a means to make a photo for it. For my previous Cozy Glow story, someone I used to know had made a proper cover photo, but for my new story, there is none. The characters in my story share the same Equestrian races as some characters from the show and I have found a picture that shows those specific characters from the show all in one picture.

My request is if anyone knows how to recolor pictures, if they could recolor those characters from the picture, it would be very helpful since the expressions of them accurately portray how the story I'm writing properly seems. Each of the races in the pictures just needs to be a different color and there are a few other minor details to change to make them true to the designs of the original characters. The only problematic part of it would be that only one of the characters in the picture is a different Equestrian race from my original character (but she resembles the MLP character well-enough).

I am willing to pay money if someone is able to help me get a cover photo for my story. Please private message me if you can do a simple recolor shoot and I can send the picture I was looking at having recolored. Thank you in advance. :pinkiehappy:

You should ask in the Art for Fanfiction group.

Recoloring characters is very simple, though, so don't pay too much for it.

Thank you for the warning. Haven't done something like this before, although I could also ask if anyone can do original artwork as well which would warrant the commission. Regardless, thank you for watching out so I don't get scammed!

I'm a graphic design artist so I work with this kind of thing all the time!

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