The Unified Creators Alliance 495 members · 1,822 stories
Comments ( 62 )
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Group Admin


I simply don't like the idea of works that involve minors and sex being in the group. Some people hate gore and don't want it in their groups while I have written a fair amount of gore and enjoy some good torture porn. There are plenty of groups out there where you can find foalcon. If people want to look for it or submit it, there are a ton of groups where they can. I'll admit, I'm no saint (that is obvious by my works) but some things simply cross the line for me.


So I ask, as a writer who's pulled the actions for these characters for more than 100 stories, why do you find the need to defend against foalcon? Sure, you don't like it, but who said you need to view it the way the writer has it written (let alone read it at all)?


I am not down with rape but foalcon is simply something I despise. I'm not going to censor everything and disallow a lot of stories, only foalcon is prohibited.

Foalcon is child pornography. Period. It does not matter one whit that the children are portrayed in the costume of infant sapient equinoids - the meaning of what they represent is clear to anyone.

Fucking children and babies is easily one of the most literally evil behaviors that any human being can do. The act is rape, and nothing less, because children and babies have no capacity to give anything resembling consent, and they are powerless against an adult who has absolute power over them. Children and babies cannot even hope to fight back. They are absolute victims.

Worse still, the damage done, psychologically and emotionally to children and babies - as well as whatever physical damage is done - is permanent and crippling. it is a rape that can never be recovered from. It is the destruction of a person before they have even started their life properly. It is violence against a person at the precise time in their lives they are the most helpless they will ever be.

There is nothing - nothing - positive or redeeming or even neutral that can be said about 'foalcon', which is to say, the raping of children. Even to entertain that it is permissible in fiction is degenerate - any person who would desire to fantasize about such a thing, who could tolerate it, who could enjoy it, who would seek it out, is by definition psychologically pathological, and thus, potentially dangerous to society. Such a person is broken.

Even among criminals in prison, the one intolerable thing is pederasty, which is what foalcon is. Pederasts are attacked in prison, and often killed. Because many criminals were damaged in their own childhoods by just such people.

To even tolerate stories about the rape of children - which is literally what 'foalcon' is - is itself a conscienceless act of evil. It is, above all other wrongs Fimfiction does, the worst, and the most likely to burn the website to the ground one day. It is, in many locations, an illegal act to even write such fiction, and in still others, to read it. As it should be.

There is no excuse possible for the existence of 'foalcon' on this website at all. Every member of the staff here (and every author involved in the practice) should be deeply ashamed that they have indulged it, and all may one day find their incalculably foolish asses held accountable, stammering in court about how they could not imagine it would be such a big deal, or how, because it is 'ponies', it isn't really child pornography. And, considering that they do allow it, they would deserve every action against them. It is child pornography. Period. Painting such acts in Pony Paint does not change any bit of what it depicts. Cartoon child pornography is still child pornography under the law.

Lastly, we all know that someone is going to Disagree With Me and the obvious words above. It will happen. I have something preemptive to say to that person: fuck you. You are a disgrace to humanity, and your argument - whatever the hell it is - is specious bullshit. Fuck you. Fuck you forever.

Group Admin


I couldn't have even come close to saying it better. I simply don't get how anyone could be into minors and sexual activity. Just because kids will get it on in real life doesn't mean it should be glorified through any kind of media. The most that should be done are PSAs telling parents to talk to their kids about the dangers of such activities.

I write a lot of stories that some users consider immoral and disgusting so I'm sure some people think I have no room to talk. They may have a bit of a point but nothing is worse than pedophilia.

Easy, easy. Look at the kitten being cute.

I wasn't driving toward adults taking advantages of youngins or imploring any form of raping. At most, I was steering towards a Romeo & Juliet kind of concept where two underaged teenagers get a little bit ahead of themselves.

I was just indicating that these are figments that play a role in a made up story. Either it's a story about love or power, consent or control, it's still just a made up tale about a delicate topic with an unclear line between 17 and 18.

Thanks so much


Adult x Foal stories are a no-go for me. For obvious reasons.

I have zero issues with kid x kid stories, though. Nearly everyone had sex or wanted sex in high school. For many, the same was also true for middle school. It certainly was for me. I don't see any issue with a very normal thing being shown through media.

Also, I know I'm not the only guy who wanted to sleep with at least a couple of his teachers haha.

If I could've during high school, I 100% would've haha.

Comment posted by Chatoyance deleted Dec 21st, 2020


Foalcon is child pornography. Period. It does not matter one whit that the children are portrayed in the costume of infant sapient equinoids - the meaning of what they represent is clear to anyone

I agree

Group Admin


That may be the case, yes I had a teacher in high school I wanted to have sex with BUT fantasies in junior high and high school are different than something being portrayed in any form of media. People don't see the fantasy, the fantasy is something you keep to yourself. People SEE the act in the media, they see things that should never be portrayed involving minors.


I mostly agree. I wouldn't want a movie showing a female teacher sleeping with, let's say, a 14 year old boy.

That said, when I was a 14 year old, if I'd slept with a teacher I would've been bragging about it to half my school :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


I think that is the case with all of us....we'd be bragging.

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