Starlight Glimmer Fixes Everything 120 members · 1 stories
Comments ( 434 )
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Group Admin

6540306 6538853 6548578 6530101 6528605 6530822 6549255 6564389 6564586

Still waiting on these:

68. Duskhoof
71. The Elusive Badgerpony
72. Areion
73. CoffeeMinion
78. Petrichord
81. Bysen
83. ClockworkMage
86. Sparky Brony
88. Geraldiamond

I thought I told you that I was dropping out?

Oh dudes, I love Castle Mane-ia. I got this. :moustache:

Shakey, what’s the deadline supposed to be?

ASAP. Was supposed to be due a while ago.

Hey, I did episode 10, it was like 30 words long. You can finish it ez.

I got collared by this for some reason in my notifications, did you want me to pick one up?

Group Admin

Whoops. My bad. I copy-pasted an old list.

Group Admin

68, if you could.

OK, I just did Rarity Takes Manehattan. Do you want me to grab another?

Oooh! Now I see! Give me a couple of hours, some advil, and a bath!

You... you don’t have to give me a bath. Just let me have one...

... Th-Thanks... I’m on it, Sirrah!

Group Admin

6564601 6564611 6564613
Hey, are you guys coming to my SHOW tonight?

I’ll try to be there :D thsnks for the invite

Probably. We'll see if I actually have time lol


Welcome to the shoooooooow

Ve shall see, comrade. Barcast is a little hit-and-miss for me depending on how NSFW it gets. I think it’s awesome that we’ve got a thing like it out there, don’t get me wrong. But I can also max out pretty fast, if that makes sense.

Also (and sorry for double posting): apologies for jumping on Castle Mane-ia before noticing that I was on for Rarity Takes Manehattan. I have posted the Rarity one and not yet started at all on Castle. If you want me to do Castle, I’ll do it. But if you’ve got someone else, that’s cool too.

Group Admin

I'm trying my best to spread them around. So I gave that to Dusk.
The show will likely go downhill quickly. But you could still post a question, and catch the beginning of it. I have a surprise.


fuck man, I'm not sure if I can do it this time. I'm officially dropping out for now until I finish up a few things I have to do.

Group Admin

6564847 Understood. I know things are crazy for you right now. Thanks for letting me know.
Do chime back in if / when things calm down.

Group Admin

If you're feeling froggy, you could take on 71.

That moment when you realise that THIS was the episode where Twilight says 'Let's keep a journal!'
And if she doesn't do that, then this all goes to pot.... ;/ So... geez...

71?! Power Ponies?!?!?! Hecks yeah!!!

There we go! And seems like Coffee looks all set to do 71, so it's all good!

I enjoyed that! Thanks again for the invite.:derpytongue2:
And one last "horror-style" happy birthday to you!

Power Ponies is done. I can safely say that it didn't go in the direction I anticipated, but at least it's done!

Group Admin

Still waiting on these:

6538853 6548578 6552146 6528605 6530822 6549255

72. Areion
78. Petrichord
81. Bysen
83. ClockworkMage
86. Sparky Brony
88. Geraldiamond

Oh, piss. I’m really sorry, dude, i’ve Been out of state for the past week on business stuff, and out of apartment (in-state) to help my relatives out before that. I should have said something, but it totally slipped my mind.

I’ll be back home by Wednesday morning - can I get it to you by Wednesday evening at the latest? Or is that too late?

Group Admin

I'm going to pass it on, but I will put you in for the next round.

Appreciate it.

Group Admin


78. Simple Ways

First come first serve!
Claim it here.
Due tonight!

If no one else wants it, I can take it for ya! :yay:

Group Admin

god Shakespearicles speed

Whhhhooooo! Kick it’s ass, Syn

Comment posted by Scaramouche deleted Sep 17th, 2018

So did you win the bet? :duck:

Comment posted by Scaramouche deleted Sep 17th, 2018
Group Admin

6553385 6528581 6559652 6563943 6553457 6549659 6551293 6549255 6548560 6548742 6549430 6550017 6549020 6548937 6549160 6551311 6551212 6548595 6559286 6548321 6549296 6566563


Find your name and your randomly assigned Episode Numbers! Be sure to post your submission in the Story Thread before 11:59pm EST Sunday (9/8) or else your episode will be passed to the next available author. If you have any questions, or can't complete your assignment, PM me as soon as possible.

094. pjabrony
095. Southpaw
096. deadpansnarker
097. DragonGeek
098. Aceman67
099. Von Snootingham
100. TheMajorTechie
101. Geraldiamond
102. Derpylikesmuffins1
104. Skywriter
105. Johnny Walker
106. Alaborn
107. Zontan
108. Mystic Thunder
109. Thanqol
110. Circut Breaker
111. Redding Rain
112. Animal heart
113. Super Trampoline
114. Novelle Tale
115. CoffeeMinion

Oh... um, okay. Didn't expect to be writing a second episode. Brotherhooves Social? Okay, then... this oughtta be fun. I'll get right on it
Dude, that's been so edited, it's not even funny any more... but I also see what you were trying to get at, so I forgive you for your sin of destroying a funny joke

Group Admin

6528397 6528930 6528389 6528848 6538853 6531364 6528641 6528604 6540258 6540992 6548246 6548552 6528605 6530101 6528907 6530331 6548253 6548578 6559190 6530822 6528367 6537380


Find your name and your randomly assigned Episode Numbers! Be sure to post your submission in the Story Thread before 11:59pm EST Sunday (9/8) or else your episode will be passed to the next available author. If you have any questions, or can't complete your assignment, PM me as soon as possible.

120. Bookish Delight
121. Aquaman
122. Starlight_Glimmer
123. Llyander
124. Areion
125. Soge
126. gaitiem
127. Flashgen
128. PresentPerfect
129. Regidar
130. Unified Dreams
131. Synesisbassist
132. ClockworkMage
133. Bysen
134. Psy Key
135. Duskhoof
136. Mythic Void
137. Petrichord
138. Electric Aura
139. Sparky Brony
140. Wanderer D
141. Lesolan

Buckball Season! Noice! Thank you, Sirrah! :twilightblush:

The Gif? Pinkie really does throw a pizza at Derpy! Episode 4 of Season 7.

If that's not what you meant then I'm confused :unsuresweetie:

Okay, it's possible that I saw the edited version first, but there's a version of that gif where poor old Derpy is assaulted by a variety of items (as well as Starlight Glimmer) in rapid succession, the last of which being a muffin; ONLY then does she smile and chase the object that hit her in the head

EDIT: HOLY CRAP I FOUND IT! It took me forever, but I finally found the original version I saw... hope it's worth it to clear up your confusion

NOW the biting makes sense!

Author Interviewer

Ooh, I got slice of life!

Group Admin

With great power...

...comes not knowing your own strength and shelling out more cash to replace the things you accidentally broke?

Group Admin

6567023 You're telling me.

Thank you for granting my heart’s deepest desire oh strong and sexy author.

  • Viewing 201 - 250 of 434