Starlight Glimmer Fixes Everything 120 members · 1 stories
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I’m certain Shakespearicles will distribute equally so that those who are new and have yet to have had a turn get a go. :3

Ahh, gotcha 👌🏻

Praise Celestia! Someone else knows it's "champing at the bit," not chomping.

Stories are given out by the number of episodes and are numbered by the total number of episodes, not in a sXXeYY format. For instance, I got Episode 64 which is Season 3 Episode 12.

Also, Shakespearicles-senpai, I finished my episode, could I have another?



S-senpai, notice me :unsuresweetie:


And alas, that image still disturbs me to this day

Might just be an undiagnosed case of Trypophobia... (go ahead, google it, I dare you)

Everybody looks like strawberries!

Why would you do this to me?


Now p-please give episode, s-senpai :unsuresweetie:

Because I'm evil?

Group Admin

6548560 6548246 6548595

55. Derpylikesmuffins1
57. Russian Bank Teller
60. Unified Dreams
61. Reddling Rain

Let's please get these last few submitted sooner rather than later so I can publish Season 3.

I'm gonna have to drop out: signed up for one, did two, got too much going on today to write a third Starlight Fixes :)

Sorry, I have to drop out. I can't do one right now, as my schedule is a little packed.

Group Admin


57. Magic Duel

First come first serve!
Claim it here.
Due tonight!


I can do that one!

Will be getting it done in a fewish hours!

Group Admin

For the sake of theme and some semblance of continuity, Starlight should actually fix things, regarding Trixie running the place.

I left it open for Twilight and crew to use the original plan, but I was going for funny since to Starlight, "fixing it" would mean leaving Trixie in charge. I can rewrite it more straight though.

“Applejack's eyes shot up. "You messed with my sister's mind?"”

I’m pretty sure that’s Apple Bloom, not Applejack.

I think you'll like what I did with Filli Vanilli.

Clock struck twelve. Which ones are left for these seasons?

Group Admin

Okay, now THAT ending had my laughing in true Starlight fashion!

Group Admin


61. Reddling Rain

I need this immediately, if not sooner!

Group Admin

Um, I've got bad news for you mate,
Not that I didn't like your submission (I did), but...
Episode 81 is It Ain't Easy Being Breezies

Are you down one? #PutMeInCoach

Huh. I didn't get a notification for this. On it, chief.

Group Admin

That's Spike At Your Service, right?

Starlight fixes “Spike At Your Service”
by CoffeeMinion

A gentle breeze from an open window carried the faint scent of cooking pizza all throughout Golden Oaks library, and for a moment displaced even its usual all-pervasive smells of pine sap and aging paper.

Nopony was there to enjoy it, though. A solitary lavender unicorn was technically present, but she’d already spent long hours with her muzzle pressed close to one particularly bewitching tome out of the dozen she’d set out to read, and her senses were engrossed. Her lips occasionally quirked upward as she absorbed line after line of effervescent prose. And the only scent that reached her was the weathered old tome’s earthy musk.

The pony—Twilight Sparkle—lit her horn and carefully turned a page with her magic.

Suddenly there was a huge *BANG!* from behind her. Twilight leapt up off her rump, shouting involuntarily and jerking her head about to see—

—she made a slight choking sound as she realized she’d kept her magical grip on the page she’d been turning, and had ripped it from the book in the process. “No,” Twilight croaked through a dry throat. “No, nononono, what have I done?!”

“You haven’t done anything yet!” said another purplish unicorn who was suddenly standing before her amid a scorched circle on the floor. Twilight recoiled with shock at the unexpected arrival, much less the evidence that they’d arrived via some kind of high-level spell. “Don’t start,” the pony said, raising a foreleg and then cursing at her watch. “Okay, twenty-five seconds left. Twilight—”

“I recognize you,” Twilight said, furrowing her brow. “You’re that… mare… who fixes things?”

“I said there’s no time!” The pony set her jaw and blew a strand of mane out of her eyes. “Twilight, what does Spike mean to you?”


“Ugh!” The mare pressed a hoof to her eyes. “Come on, are we talking… brother? Son? Indentured servant?”

“Indentured…!” Twilight shook her head. “N…no, Spike is my friend, first and foremost!”

The mare nodded once. “Friend. Perfect. Okay, so what’s the best way to respond to a friend who comes to you in confidence about something big that they’re trying to work through?”

Twilight lowered the paper. “What do you mean?”

“Twilight…” The pony checked her watch again, and bit her lip. “You listen, Twilight. You give him your undivided attention for at least the minute or two it takes to figure out what kind of conversation you’re dealing with.”

“Well of course I would.” Twilight frowned deeply. “I know that’s how friends treat each other.”

“You say that, but I’m pretty sure—” The mare’s watch started ringing, and she gritted her teeth. “Just remember! Oh, and if he starts going on about some kind of ‘dragon code,’ ask him if he’s read the newer commentaries by Ember the Younger about—”

She vanished in a burst of white light and a sound like clocks exploding. In her place were fresh scorch-marks on the wood floor.

A solitary pizza box lay in their center.

As Twilight worked her jaw in a halting effort to think of what to say, she heard a soft rap at the library’s door. A moment later, its knob turned, and Spike poked his head in.

“Hey, Twilight. Got a minute to talk?”

Twilight glanced back at the book, then down at the page she’d inadvertently ripped out of it, before greeting her friend with a smile.

“Of course, Spike; I’ve always got time for my number one assistant… and my oldest friend. Want some pizza?”

Excellent! Now just needs popping in the “Stories thread” :3 good work!

Oops, sorry, noob alert :facehoof: :raritydespair: :unsuresweetie:

Happens to all of us at some point or another.
I’m 90% n00b and 10% bad luck

Raises hoof. OOO! OOO! PICK ME, I WANNA HELP! I just finished reading what's up so far and I need in. :pinkiecrazy:

...bonus points if it happens to be an episode with Spitfire as an integral part of the story.

6549295 You have Round 5 coming up this weekend? Just checking.

Also, I could tighten up (hack & slash about 150 words) Ep #74 if you're not in a rush to publish the next chapter, tomorrow. Either way!

I’m totally down to do another chapter, if you’ve got room for me.

Am I allowed to call dibs on amending fences?

I second this motion.

"-I swear, you'll tombstone too!"

"Join! Die! Join! Die!"

Group Admin

Waiting for the rest of Season 4 to finish.

Would I be able to call dibs on Griffonstone? Gilda is kinda my bae.

If you liked the one I did last time, keep me in mind if you need someone to pinch hit for a missing episode again.

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