The Barcast 1,118 members · 2,311 stories
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Group Admin

Sup ladies and gents! Doing something little different this time around for the year end cast. Its just gonna be the main crew hanging out, taking any and all questions about the cast, upcoming cons or guests, the year passed, and anything in between. Stop by, ask us some question, listen to us break away from the characters that we play, and actually be normal people for once! (totally lying, cause we're not normal :p)

Just like always, if you happened to miss last weeks cast, We've got it on youtube! Give it a listen!

SPECIAL TIME, make sure to tune in at the usual time and watch us stream for 5 or more hours possibly!on our twitch page!

Also give our side project, Writers Workshop a look!

Check out the latest Mug Shots cast on the Barcast youtube! Give it a look and check out some art by our very own Ravvij and crew!

If you could, would you?

Are you really the chill cast?

How would you spread death and destruction to the universe?

How would you stop the spread of death and destruction to the universe?

[Possibly more.]

You imbeciles lucked out, I'll be at Guatemala by the time the podcast airs.

Out of all the podcast interviews you did in 2017, which one was the most...

What is the stupidest thing each of you have done that you're willing to share?
In your opinion, what is the smartest thing Enigma has said? (Enigma obviously can't answer.)

Best Doki Doki Literature Club meme?
On a scale of 1-10, how bent is Monika?

What's the nicest thing you've done/said to Enigma this year?

What game have you not sucked at this year?

¿Qué fue la cosa más cara que tú compraste este año?

What was your favourite chapter to write this year?

Now for the question that has sparked an intense debate on the Internet and will have philosophers wondering for centuries:

Are traps gay? Why?

You started the cast, thinking it was a good idea(?). How'd your thoughts on it change from the start to now?

Question to all: Say you wouldn't be able to bang anyone but Enigma for the rest of your life. Would you? Enigma answer as well.

Opinions on cheese.

Do you love me? :fluttershysad:

Good year for the Barcast?

I wanna hear about more of your first times. And it, compared to expectations.

More stupid injury storiesss.

What drove you to start the Screaming Closet? Also why didn't you just sex the dead cat?

To the Barcast:
1) What gifts did you all get for Christmas?
2) Karaoke night when? :raritywink:
3) What day of this year has been your favourite?
4) What have you each achieved this year that you didn't think you would?

Group Admin

To each Barcast Member (cept Priest): What question has been asked to a guest before, that you wish -you- were asked?

HEY! HERE IT IS! THE ANNUAL “LETS BE NICE TO ENIGMA FOR A CHANGE!” IS HAPPENING ONCE AGAIN! So all of you should give us a mandatory word of appreciation for him!

Gah too tired again.
Well, im not tired no more, but I am busy.
Sorry I wont be able to make the cast, but just so yalls know, I <3 U guys!

HELLO AGAIN! I heard milk is late and he said that I could say some q's or what not. So I will.
1.) Milk: What is your prefered style of Cucumber? Spicy? Snotty? Old Splodey's Special Brew?

2.) To All: How was your year?

3.)Priest: Ever thought about coming out of the closet to scream in my asshole? Would you?

4.)To All: Favorite type of Mustard? I personally like anal mustard.

5.) To All: Real question now. Curiosity. It is one of the soul drives for Mankind's accomplishments. Everyone has it. It even killed the cat. So my final question, on this final stream, is this: What curiosity would you personally like to have explained to you?

What was your Christmas miracle?

What do you guys think about 2017 as a whole?

What is your guys new years resolutions?

Have a wonderful new year.

Merry merry!

Happy New Year's, Barcast! Here's to another trip around the giant fusion furnace that allows our miserable existences to continue!
Out of all the everything y'all regret, what do you Ultra Regret?
If you could pick one thing to give all the Hype to, what is it and why?

Group Admin

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
You guys are asshats.

...I thought we were just stating the obvious.

When you first saw the others from the podcast, in person for the first time, what surprised you? What was exactly as you expected?

Did you have nice holydays as ordered?
You will have a nice new year, no question!
Are you of the opinion that some people need to be ordered, or encouraged, to have a good time?
What are you drinking?
What are you going to drink over the evening?
How many screaming closets are planed?
Is it OK to hire people with amputated leg as horror monsters for your game?
Do you like Overwatch Lootbox pony lootpony 1 or lootboxpony2 ?
What is your game of the year?

When is Milk gonna get the balls to actually participate in the talks of the casts?
Why does Pencil have more balls than any of us mere human mortals?
How'd each of you spend your Chrustmas, and how do you intend on spending your New Year?
Why is there no Barcast orgy porn? (If there is, please link it)
Why isn't Alex_ part of the casts?
What is the meaning of Snu?
When you finally get horse famous, will each of you release nudes? :moustache:
What exactly is inside Milk the cup of milk? Is it just regular milk? And more importantly, will I die or get any diseases if I take a sip?

  1. Whats your new favorite video game?
  2. whats your new favorite boss fight?
  3. have you accepted skeletor the master of the universe into your heart for the new year ?
  4. you are in pony shire what business what do ?
  5. were in the world is Carman Sandiego?
  6. Do you still praise bro?

\ [+] /

What's the second worst movie you saw this year?

Can I have five bucks for the bus home?

Did anybody get some really cool socks for Christmas?

If not, what's the coolest socks you own right now?

what was your favorite season7 ep?

what do you think about the rumor the season 9 is the last season?

1... Have you seen the baby?
2... Who thought it would be a good idea to throw a show VA into this podcast...!?
2.1... Okey... okey... now you have the chance to save yourself.... does the special guest know your format or was informed beforhand what kind of questions you guys get?
2.2... Will this be a interview like you do normaly or will you modifie the questions? And if it will be your normal format, what kind of questions would you guys want us to ask?
3... back on track... So you guys were better prepared on the second interview with Aragon... what was the key to success?
4... Dragontits... why is this a thing?
5... to Anonpencil... what interesting information about human or animal anatomy would you like to share with the world..
6... to Flutterpriest... has Fluttershy ever tried to guess the fetish of other beings besides Anon?
6.1... also priest... how surprising was it to see scribbler posting a HiE story.
8... to Enigma... tell us a joke about spike... I hop it‘s a good one...
9... to rav
9... to all... what was the weirdest request you've ever got?
10... is there a word in english for spicey cheese? Not pepper spicey more salty spicey.

Group Admin


To Priest: what are best drums
to all: tell me nice things about Cadance
To Pencil: why not pens?
to milk: chocomilk?
to enigma: I still love you even if pencil doesn't bby

to all: Given time and post-scarcity conditions, what's something you would love to devote a year to doing?

That Canadian Guy here with three questions for ya 'nd somethin' special for Penny. Hell, I even added some local lingo for giggles. Now b'ys, seriously, out of the Barcast 'cept for 'nigma 'cause he's probably one of 'em... who's the group's fart-in-the-mitt?

Penny. Now, I know this here is a pickle for youse, Penny.... But, I'mma tell ya b'y, them bags of milk are absa-fuckin'-lutely superior to that friggin' awful carton crap. Your word on the matter isn't even worth a row of beans!

Now, back to what I's was sayin'.... If provided the opportunity to become a Canadian citizen, but had to become a greasy, ain't got the sense God gave a goose lumberjack to do so. Would youse?

Lastly, and by the by guys this goes to our b'y, Milky the Floppy Noupe, if he's even here: Êtes-vous prêt pour le deuxième tour?

(And Father Flutter's, if youse don't mind much, could ya' bellow out "OH YAH JUS' GIVE'R B'YS!" in a Canadian accent?)

Fart-in-a-mitt - Name given to somebody who is fidgety, restless, unable to remain still for more than a minute.

Isn't even worth a row of beans - Worthless.

If y'all are curious to what a Noupe is.. Jus' use Urban Dictionary.

happy celebrating birth of the sun, we are all praising sunbutt

To Ravvij: Which battle of Vergil you cannot beat? And on which difficulty?

and i have question to pencil: how much money do you make from writing? How much money does an average writer get?

Questions for everyone:

1) What is the sexiest and least sexy pony name?

2) What inanimate object in MLP do you wish you could eliminate from existence?

3) If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

4) What’s the best type of cheese?

5) Where is the strangest place you’ve urinated or defecated?

6) Which pony would you rate as a perfect 10?

7) Best episode of season 7?

8) What are the plans for 2018?


Who am I and what do I stand for?

Tell me to fuck off?

If you could do one thing, and one thing only in the world, what would it be (Besides each other)?

When did each of you join the fandom

If you could fly anywhere into space in an instant, where would you go?

Would you love Omniversal Celly? A Princess Celestia bigger than the Omniverse? Think of all that butt you could hug.

Is there such thing... as the Buttcast?

Am I one of the worst writers on fimfiction? Or just hit and miss?

If you had one wish, what would it be? And, what if that wish could only be a food, what would it be?

Comment posted by Reep Spiders deleted Dec 30th, 2017

Just how did you manage that?

Enigma why the fuck do you talk to me?
Priest why the fuck do you exist?
Pencil why the fuck aren't you in an insane asylum?
Ravvij why the fuck do you try?
Mike why the fuck is Snu the dominate one?
Flam how the fuck are you here right now? (If he's even on that is)

Guys who the fuck would suck the most dicks in a dick sucking contest?

To the person who won:

I want to personally thank you all for the wonderful time that you gave me and the smiles that you put on my face. And even though I act like an ass most of the time I want to solemnly say that I appreciate you all for all that you have done and all that you are doing. Maybe it's the crude humor or the profanity but I think I've got a clue why I keep on coming back to you. I think it's 'cause you're family as terrible as you can be. Thank you for the great time, guys.

Comment posted by Reep Spiders deleted Dec 30th, 2017

Quick questions.

1. How many of you watch Doctor Who? Do you like it? And what's your opinion on the newer episodes if you watch it?

2. Which one of you is the bad anime protagonist?

3. Does Ravvij still have a really shitty off-brand mic, or does he actually have good audio now?

4. Why are there only 4 of you today?

5. What did you all get for Christmas?

6. What do you all want for G5 of My Little Pony?

7. Which one of you writes (objectively) the best stories, and has the best writing and grammar all that shit.

1. What story do you regret writing most?
2. What story are you proud of writing most?
3. Are there any guests you haven't gotten yet that you want to get in 2018?
4. In the spirit of all the drinking, what is the drunkest you've ever gotten? (Or highest if that's easier)

FLAM: Flam, Flam, wherefore art thou Flam?

Also, everyone, Barcast ASMR when?

MILK: Talk more. We love you.

Best thing Stella ever said?

Flam: Who the actual fuck are you, anyway? Like, at all?

To all: are you planning on adding more tiers to the Patreon for better rewards?

And can we have Penicillin speak us some of them France words? you really werf flammen?

Flam: What the fuck am I supposed to ask you?

We :heart: you Flam. These are for you.

Best highlight of 2017?

Favorite Barcast moment?

@Flam: How do you feel about potatoes?

Flammy, b'y, what is in your opinion the niftiest piece of militaria that you own?

Group Contributor

What are each of you most looking forward too for genfic?

What was your most recent fandom before the MLP fandom, if you had one?

You meet s hot girl at the bar and you're hoping to hook up with her. Fortunately for her, she's blind, and deaf so she agrees (or at least you think she does). You take her back to your apartment and prepare to sex her like no other girl had ever been sexxed before. You undress her and you discover on her sandy shore is a big fat dick. She's got tits, a face like an angel, and her incoherent mumblings that are kind of sort of not really words are so hot. Is the dick enough to deny you, or are you prepared to give her a dick of your own. Who knows, maybe y'all can lightsaber fight with them after the fact.

Biggest success on FIMfic this year?

One story you swore you were going to do write this year but didn't?

If you had no idea what the sexuality of each Barcast member was, whom would you guess was most likely to be gay?

Which Barcast member would you rather be for a day if you could?

Who's your favorite staff member :>>>>>> :3333333333333 theyre all acceptable answers, they're all great

Not to get mushy or anything, but I wanted to take a second and say thank you to each and everyone of you of the Barcast family. Thank you for taking me in, treating me so kindly, supporting me, trusting in me, encouraging me, and just being tremendous shitlords. I owe a lot to each of you, you're all wonderful, and I'm grateful to have you all as friends and family. Cheers for 2018!

P.S i hate myself because I laughed at Cumming to Get the Mail, but I hate priest more for it. :heart:

If you could read one crossover with no effort on your part what would it be?

Will you sleep well?

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