The Barcast 1,118 members · 2,311 stories
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Just like always, if you happened to miss last weeks cast, We've got it on youtube! Give it a listen!

Like always, make sure to tune in at 7pm -5gmt/6pm -6gmt/5pm -7gmt/4pm -8gmt over on our twitch page!

Also give our side project, Writers Workshop a look!

Check out the latest Mug Shots cast on the Barcast youtube! Give it a look and check out some art by our very own Ravvij and crew!

Welcome to the cast, dweeb. Hope you enjoy yourself.

FEEEEEEEEEEELLLLL THEEEEEE MUUUUUUUSICCCCCCC, FEEL THE FUCKING MUSIC! Favorite music genre? ... And, that’s not how you pronounce rock or metal, silly.

Fuck. I just wrote a 500+ word thing about you finding a corpse and being about to fuck it, but stopping it right before the good part. And I wrote it for you. But it’s so long. A shame. You would’ve loved it, dear Aragon. If you all want me to, I’ll put it here in case you’ll have some time after all the questions are done. I’ll even add vore to it, just for you (maybe)! Even if won’t have time for it, I’ll send it over to you. Hehe~ c:

Do you dislike the kool kids me now? (If answer is yes, good on you. If no, what the fuck is wrong with you?)


Why’d you start writing?

What are some of your under appreciated works (written or not) that you’re proud of?

Hey you, guys! Let's get right into the alcoholism and regret.

1) What is the sexiest and least sexy name?

2) What is the coolest animal to scale up to the size of a horse?

3) If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your family and friends assume you had done?

4) How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza?

Last one:

5) How prepared are you for Jinglemas?

What is your opinion on comments like these:

Also, you sure write a lot of horse words. In your opinion, which one is your "lowest rated" of them all? (Your worst one)

Last one, how much do you hate my current avatar right now?

Im tired. Hold up.
[Days Later]
Okay, I'm not so tired anymore.

1.) Hey Aragon! Do you remember me?
If not i am saaaaad. If yes i am glaaaaad!

2.) Okay, eggnog: love it or hate it? No in betweens you cretin.

3.) In the previous 7 days, your life has gone to shit. You've lost your job, your bank account got hacked, your parents forced you to move out, and all you've had to eat for three days was the week old innards of a roadkill cat.

It seems like all is lost, like even the Gods have left your side... but then, as if it were a miracle, a light in the dark, Alex Jones walks up to you in the dark of your alley way, and says, "Hey Brother, you ready to fight the good fight?"

What do?

4.) Last but not least, I usually like to have a serious/thought provoking question so... if you ever came across someone who had lost all hope, and their life is at its absolute shittiest, what advice would you give them, to keep them going?

I hope i didn't post too many questions.


1) How much do you normally write in a single sitting?
2) F/M/K: Trixie, Sunset, Glimglam
3) Do you think ponies in fanfics should be based on real equine anatomy?
4) Let’s play Do or Diddle! Which filly gets the willy?

  • Twist or Zipporwhill
  • Pumpkin Cake or Flurry Heart
  • Nyx or Snowdrop

What is your verbal WPM?
¿Cuál lengua puedes hablar más rápido? ¿Puedes usarla para confundirnos aún más?
What number would you rate Mr. Numbers?
If we have Aragón on Fimfiction, why don't we have Castilla here too?
In ONE WORD describe the Barcast.

Are there any genres of writing you don't do often that you wish you did more of?

  1. Whats your favorite video game?
  2. whats your favorite boss fight?
  3. have you accepted skeletor the master of the universe into your heart?
  4. you are in Small pone burg what business do you start ?
  5. I need to know for a friend how do you fight back the oncoming Xeno swarms?
  6. :for Enigma: What’s it like moving in with the patreon funded horse ?
  7. were in the world is Carman Sandiego?
  8. Do you even praise bro?

\ [+] /

Are you capable of answering this question in a single word?

Will you go to Galacon?
Since everyone else has...will you organize your own contest?
How do you plan/structure your stories?

Site Blogger

Aragon: What's the shortest time you've gone from story conception to publication? Longest time?

Priest: Will you put on a dress for Pickles and I?

Pencil: Will you help Priest pick out a pretty dress?

I have a friend who cosplays Pyrrha. He even bought the cereal.

Have you ever tried it?

Firstly, if you've managed to get this far in the allotted time, then kudos to Aragón for his restraint.

Secondly, has the prostate-stimulating dog wanker been by lately?


1: They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard! :pinkiegasp: What do you do?
2: You are the one true king of Gondor, destined to lead mankind and usher in a new age. Do you accept this responsibility? :trollestia:
3: Is your name from Lord of the Rings, or something else entirely?
4: What is your preferred genre for writing stories? Drama? Action? Romance? Etc etc :rainbowkiss:
5: Who is best pone?
6: Any sweet plans for next year?
7: You're an awesome person :heart:

Hope you guys are having fun on the stream, I'll catch the video when it hits Youtube :yay:

How does this makes you feel?

Isn't fluttershy just adorable there?

How come you always meet the dog fuckers?

1. What's your favorite non-MLP franchise?

2. Done anything for any non-MLP related franchise?

3. WHAT... is your name?

WHAT... is your quest?

WHAT... is the airspeed velocity of an unladen Scootaloo launched from a catapult?

4. Have you ever expected the Spanish Inquisition?

Did you ever figure out how to wear a suit like a normal person who can wear suits properly?

Hot monkey love, or cold monkey love?
And how do you feel about obscure crossover fics?

A lot of your style is heavily reliant on editing, and the editing process is brutal. Lots of cutting, lots of total rewrites. I know, because I'm usually the one making you do it.

How do you maintain self-esteem and love for the story while having to totally, constantly destroy and rebuild it?

Rank the Sailor Scouts from most to least lesbian please. Show your working.

A common theme in many of your stories is a certain sense of meta-awareness of the genre or medium you are writing in, a theme that I assume is influenced by Adams and Pratchett. How do you balance this kind of self-aware comedy/writing in general with the risk of breaking the fourth wall too hard and alienating readers?

Tell the story about the kama sutra again.

This isn't a question.

It's a requirement.

Barcast: How much do you regret letting Aragon open his mouth?

So if a pony marries a mule in equestria, does everyone have the right to call the mule a horse's ass?
Also, Is a dragon dildo a reference to a dildo modeled after a dragon dick, or just a dildo that a dragon owns?
And lastly do you like my hat?

Who is your nemesis (are your nemeses?), why, and what are your short and long term plans regarding them?

To Aragón:
1) Tell us a fun fact about the number twenty-seven.
2) Are you feeling Christmassy right now?

Also, everyone say a slightly late happy birthday to Ravvij! :twistnerd:

To all:
How sexcellent was your day?
Did you watch the game awards?
What is your game of the year?
Is it a “burning house” cat or a burning ”house cat” if you use open fire Candles for Christmas as a cat owner?
Do you know the Austrian poem of Ernst Jandl schtzngrmm "Schützengraben in English trench" or something similar ?

To the guest:
Next part of “It Feels Rapey" when?
Now after being on the Barcast again did your opinion on a particular Question change: Succ?

1. you have to choose to marry, fuck, or kill between pizza pony, pasta pony, and calzone pony. what is you answer?
2. how fast can you talk on an average from pinkie pie to auctioneer?
3. is time slow for you or fast for you all the time?
4. would you thing pone, vodka pone AND soda pone? if so which one(s) first?

Alright, I have a small list of questions for you.

What is your favorite song from the show, and song from the fandom?

Who is your favorite non-pony?

What is your opinion of changelings?

What is your opinion of Spike?

What is your opinion of the Barcast?

What is your opinion of Cyborg Ponies?

And finally, would you recommend watching MLP to those of us that don't?

Eh, fuck it.

1. Priest: Who is the biggest slut in the Barcast?

2. Anonpencil: Where did the nickname 'Glimglam' for Starlight come from?

3. Aragon: How are you liking the Barcast? (that's my shitpost question. my real question is: Would you want Chrysalis to be like that unreliable force of helping good like Discord if she was to be reformed? Or, if they build it up and HYPE IT UP for a LONG while, would you want her to be completely good?)

4. Enigma: Why haven't you updated your discord name and profile pic for christmas, ya dick.

5. Ravvij: Why does your mic always seem like you are on McDonalds internet?

6. Barcast (all of you answer this you little shits): If Hasbro did a poll to have Sunset Shimmer permanently in MLP: FiM, as a part of the main plot and story, or have her stay in EqG, which would you vote for? Stay or Go?


Its another miserable 20 degree morning in your 10 weeks of basic training. You are woke up at 4:59 in the morning by a Drill Sergeant throwing a tin trash can up and down the barracks. Screaming that you have 60 seconds to make your bunk, and put on your running shorts and shoes before your daily 5 mile run before breakfast. Wanting to wake yourself up a little faster, you pop open your trusty canteen and take a quick swig of water. Only to spit out onto the floor after realizing, to your horror, that somebody took a piss in your canteen. Unfortunately for you, the Drill Sergeant noticed you spit all over his floor. He orders everybody to stop what they are doing and direct their attention towards you. Your punishment, for dirtying his floor and drinking without permission, is to drink the contents of your piss saturated canteen before the morning exercise. Your other option is to go outside and let the other 79 men in your company relieve themselves all over your legs before the run. Which one would you choose?

What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
What or who can get under you skin?
What makes writing fun and or worth it to you?

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