The Barcast 1,118 members · 2,311 stories
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Group Admin

Hey, ladies and gents! Milk here to bring you our next question thread! Give a warm and uncomfortable welcome to this week's guest, FamousLastWords!

Just like always, if you happened to miss last weeks cast, We've got it on youtube! Give it a listen!

Like always, make sure to tune in at 7pm -5gmt/6pm -6gmt/5pm -7gmt/4pm -8gmt over on our twitch page!

Also give our side project, Writers Workshop a look!

1.) Proud to have you as a Sparity shipper as myself. What's your favorite Sparity story? SFW and NSFW.

2.) What inspired you to come up with the concept of I'm Lost Without You, or did this randomly popped up in your mind when anonpencil told you to make Spike's life into hell?

3.) WITH THE OBVIOUS EXCEPTION OF A ROYAL PROBLEM & A PERFECT PEAR, what is your favorite Season 7 episode so far?

4.) Will you enjoy the podcast for me, FamousLastWords?

ToFamousLastWords and Seventh Heaven:
What are your funniest anecdotes?
What are your favourite fruit-based video games?

In the distant future, after the decline of My Little Pony and FiMFic, the Barcast has obviously become famous globally, and so the website is set up to host fanfiction written about everyone's favourite podcast.
1) You both sign up to the website. What are the premises of the first stories you each write?
2) Wanting to relive the days when he was a starving fanfiction author instead of a celebrated interviewer, Enigma decides to go back to his roots by writing a story involving adding tits to something which should not have tits. However, there are no dragons in the Barcast lore, so who or what from the Barcast canon gets mammified for his story?

To everyone:
3) What would the Barcast equivalent of the word 'clop' be, both as a verb (the action of masturbating to the Barcast) and as a noun (Barcast pornographic stories and other content)?
4) How long would it be before the website gets filled up with futa stuff and diapers?

To Enigma:
Speak Japanese to me.

What will be your famous last words?
What happened to First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Heaven?

For both of you:

Over the years you have been writing, what, in your opinion, has been the areas you have made the biggest improvements?
What are things you still struggle with in writing?
Any ships that you like but have a hard time writing?

Thoughts on the MLP Movie trailer?

You are given the chance to take control of a tropical island nation. Would you do it and if so, what would you name it and what would its currency be?

Congrats on getting engaged, Seventh!

Hmm, why is Famous such a faggot?

I have a few of questions before the ones I ask you during the podcast itself, as per your request.

1. Defend Spike from the rest of the podcast. Not a question, but still.
2. Who is your favorite member of the main cast and why is it Rarity?
3. What's your favorite song from each season?
4. Same question, but episode.
5. What's your favorite story by me?
6. What was our best collaboration?
7. Can we do a live reading of Rural Midwest Incest Fest?

EDIT: I forgot to ask this one. If you had to assign a rock band to each of the main six characters, on the spot, what bands would you pick?

Why are you going to stop writing spike fics?

Group Contributor

Done anything interesting with alts recently? Specifically from the dates June 19th to June 21st?

Why the hell is your favorite character a little boy? I thought Priest was the Priest, or are you also a Priest too? Or just a casual pedo-faggot?

I got a name for our collab? Wanna hear it?

Why are you better than Seventh?

Why is Seventh better than you?

Is your name FamousLastWords because of the best band ever My Chemical Romance? :trollestia:

Do you still have the Fleur De Lis plushie you puked all over? Do you sleep with? What a queer.

Each podcaster has been arrested, and for whatever reason they call you to bail them out. But you have to ask: "what did you do?" What would you expect each cast member did to earn themselves a spot as Bubba's new boy toy?

You have a musician friend, an artist friend, and an athlete friend. They're debating over why their "art" is the best. What do you say to them as to why writing is the best?

If you could, would you?

Have you killed a banana recently?

Would you drain the banana of its' "blood"?

Are you going to support The Barcast's Patreon? And if you already do. What do you see in them? :P

For priest: When can we Smash? (Like the wording?)


Have you figured out what you want to have written on your tombstone?

We already know you like dragons. How are you feeling about dragon tits?

For priest: would you rather be stuck in a no genitals pony equestria or be stuck in equestria without genitals?

1-Among the Spike ships you have done, all into the depths of cuteness and fuzziness, how do you see Spike as? Does he reflex an aspect of yourself Famous?

2- Who would you view shipping if the writers went with the original idea of shipping Spike with Fluttershy.

3- Does the stories you write reflect the aspect of your life?

  1. whats your favorite game,video game or otherwise?
  2. what is your favorite boss fight?
  3. what is your favorite character to hate of all time?
  4. (for all to answer) Skeletor from Heman somehow got sent to equestria , what does he do first ?
  5. What kind of pizza would Skeletor even like ?
  6. Yeah so I need to know for a friend how long does it take to ruin your eyes starting at the void ?
  7. do you even praise Bro?

\ [+] /

FEMA's Passwords:
1) Is there a story you are genuinely ashamed of writing? (Or one you just regret writing in general)
2) Would you fuck a non-Chrysalis changeling in its natural form? (the cheeselegs one, not the fuccboi one)
3) What are your thoughts on Cponies?
4) What is your fetish? If you have more than one, pick your favorite.
5) Who is best pony? i swear to god, if this get asked in the beginning

1) insert drank word
2) honest opinions on eating ass

Have you ever thought about how they came up with the word sand? Is it because it's between the sea and land? Thinking about it keeps me up at night.

1. What is your favorite Spike friendship? None of that shipping garbage.
2. Dude, got any sweet pick up lines to impress the chicks?
3. What are your political stances on—just kidding, if what kills you makes you stronger, then what level ghost are you?

1. Say one negative thing about Spike.

2. What combination of 5 words would it take to seduce you? Asking for a friend.

3. What comes to mind when you hear the word "Sulfuric"?

4. What is the strangest thing that has ever happened to you at a convention?

How many noots could a noot noot noot if a noot noot could noot noot?

What would you say were your first famous words?

Have you written for non-MLP?

What's your favorite non-MLP franchise?

Do you have any famous last words from real life/fiction that you find memorable?

1. If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

2. Would you rather be alone for the rest of your life or always be surrounded by annoying people?

3. Would you rather have everything you eat be too spicy or be tasteless no matter how much seasoning or sauce you add?

4. Would you rather have a poison ivy reaction in your throat or Have a paper cut in between all of your fingers?

5. would you rather win $50,000 or let you best friend win $500,000 (you get none of what they won)?

6. Baked potatoes or mashed potatoes?

Which of the seven dwarves best describes your girl in bed?


Questions for Famous

1.) Why have you continuously failed the simple task of writing a story that isn't trash, and how do you plan to improve future writing attempts?
2.) When I finally move down to Arkansas, will I have to worry about finding your socks stained with questionable fluids in the washing machine?
3.) Why won't you let me die?
4.) What would you say was the single most influential moment in your life as far as the brony fandom is concerned?

He made me do it

Why Spike?
Would you consider shipping Spike with aa G1 pony?
What advice would you give writing Spike?

@Anonpencil and Flutterpriest

1. Enjoy the stream last night?

2. How do you feel about tomatoes?

What's your view on dictatorships in Google Docs groups? As in the original author of the story, and owner of the story and the Google Doc has the right to ban anyone from the group as they see fit if they dislike what they added.

What would Luna's reaction to the moon landing be?

Can pone grow big enough? Or is saying a pone can grow big enough heresy?

Would you allow Princess Celestia to sit at your dining table? Even if it meant the sheer weight of her backside on the chair would break it?

What tank would you use to massage an OP (Overpowered Pony) Pony?

What gun would you use to massage an OP Pony?

How heavy do you like your pone? Light, medium, a little heavy, very heavy, extremely heavy to the point they could hurt you if they sit on you for too long without protection magic. Ludicrously heavy to the point they could kill you by merely sitting on you if they don't use weight protection magic.

How fattening is Celestia's cakes?

How big do you like your pony?

Which pony would you snuggle, why would you want to be the big spoon/little spoon, and who would be the second best pony to snuggle?

What are you going to write now if you are going to stop writing Spike?

1) When you commin out to South Jersey man?

2) Out of all the Equestria Girls movies (22 minute specials, music videos and shorts included) which ones did you like the most

3) How did you become a brony and what got you into writing

4) Favorite weird ship?

to the guests:
What is your favorite story of your own?
What do recommend to read of your stories?
to all:
Do you like shark titties?
Do you hate the “author” Windlife for his story or is he just a horrible person?
Is it possible to help Windlife with his stories, in form of writing style and stuff?
Who should someone like him ask for help?
Or are his stories made to collect down votes? Not to make fun of him, but he is like a retarded injured puppy and kicking it would be very mean.

hey there guys sorry I'm late, but i was busy so let me do the usual questions.
mr Famous questions:
1. Would you Marry thing pone?
2. Of the following food ponies, which ones would you go on a double dinner date:
A: Wine pony and pasta pony
B: Pineapple pone ( her name is Piña) and Pizza pony
or C: Soda Pony and French fry pony?
3. marry/fuck/kill scenario
(Note: Doing all of the above is optional)
Spike the dragon, prince blueballs blueblood, flash sentry.
4. have you seen the movie trailer? if so what do you think of it with just that trailer itself?
Everyone Questions:
1 what of you thoughts of this thought i was thinking of last night: If discord and pinkie pie were to have a child, would that be a pony version of Deadpool? if that's the case what would the pony be named w/o copyrights BS?
that's all of my questions. also on the Minecraft server, i sent gifts to everyone.

Why is Priest's laugh contagious?
My family looks at me like I'm a maniac whenever I crack up.

Your having fun watching a stream when some dude asks you if you want to be fucked by an animal (didn't hear what it was) or get your tongue cut off with a piece of paper. What do you say?

Group Admin

If spike SOMEhow becomes a decent character during the show, how will that change the way you write about him?

Group Contributor

Why did you lick Nutella off a guys' dick? Obligatory, you're a faggot

Group Admin

YES this is a perfect question to end on :)

If you had to cut off one of the mane 6's tongue, who and why would you?
(You're able to choose more than one.)

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