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edit: Empires

New G5 Comic!

Does anyone else feel G5 might not fit into G4 canon?

What do you think happend to Canterlot ?

Do you think Mare-time-Bay is PonyVille, but half under water ?

What do you think of the Castal-of-the-2-Sisters ?
Should it have been Twilight's know home ?

What about the Crystal-Empires ?


Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic


All good concepts worth exploring...provided the G5 writers are any good

I think that when magic left Equestria, a lot of pegasi plummeted to their deaths, earth ponies went hungry and unicorns were blamed and slaughtered. As a result, there are very few ponies left, the most numerous being the technologically advanced pegasi.

Hopefully the writers will be sharper than those that had Starscout know next to nothing of her father's research, not realize that the crystal powering the nightlight gizmo her father cobbled together might be, y'know, special, and not knowing that the lighthouse has a crystal-shaped slot for those magic crystals. Did she even read her father's notes?

For dregs of a dead and forgotten civilization, those airship/hot air balloon remnants are remarkably well preserved. I suspect if the show takes an Indiana Jones/ Tomb Raider jag, the G5 bobble-head gang is going to stumble over a lot of well preserved ruins.


New G5 Comic!

Wait a minute... hold it. We've been waiting for an explanation on why and how the magic was stolen since this movie, and now they'll explained it :twilightangry2:FROM A COMIC!?

Okay, Hasbro had issues with the lore of MLP. Why not showing it in a show or movie instead of something from a book, video game, comic, or whatever? It would've been interesting for audiences to explore the world and its history. But, no, they left it out because kids are 'too young to be theoretical and scientific geniuses'. You can't just treat children like idiots by not showing lore from outside the show just because you thought children weren't to learn and explore the lore of the franchise, and ignoring the fact some kids show, like Avatar: The Last Airbender and Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, did explore the lore of the series no problem. F*** you, Hasbro!

Sorry for the rant, I'm just getting tired of how the show was executed like this. I know it's a kids' show, but even as a brony and an adult, I know kids are smarter than adults were, and Lauren Faust made the show ALSO for adults, not just children, because she knew children are not idiots, they can learn things better than adults can despite that they make mistakes.


You can't just treat children like idiots by not showing lore from outside the show just because you thought children weren't to learn and explore the lore of the franchise, and ignoring the fact some kids show, like Avatar: The Last Airbender and Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, did explore the lore of the series no problem. F*** you, Hasbro!

A Study in Worldbuilding (Avatar)
Worldbuilding Analysis

edit: Empires

They... Literally say nothing like that anywhere in the article.

They say that one of the crystals is stolen in the current era and they go hunting for it. Even if the comics do give an explanation, they're c-level canon at best. Unless you remember something I don't about the show reconciling Sombra's return in S9 with how he turns up in the comics, for an easy example, what happens in the comics is not binding on the show. So the comics going into it is not in any way preventing the show from doing so, whether matching the comics or not.


Hopefully the writers will be sharper than those that had Starscout know next to nothing of her father's research, not realize that the crystal powering the nightlight gizmo her father cobbled together might be, y'know, special, and not knowing that the lighthouse has a crystal-shaped slot for those magic crystals. Did she even read her father's notes?

Indeed. Clearly, the writers are so much worse than the ones who created G4, where we have Twilight Sparkle failing to reaiize for an entire season and change that her statement about "the future of Equestria does not depend on my making friends" was wrong, or that a book called "Elements of Harmony" would be under "E". Oh, or how about how they never had Twilight making poorly thought out decisions like reversing a spell that binds ancient spirits to another dimension without considering that they might be released? Or Celestia deciding that she needs to put all the weight of saving the day oj Twilight instead of helping out herself, instead letting herself, her sister, and Cadance get captured!

Nope, not our G4 writers, no sir!

I say this because our fandom has always had issues with lionizing what came before kinda blindly. We're very prone to a binary, "it's fantastic or it SUCKS!" mindset that really isn't true. Our highs have never been as high as a lot of us seem to think, our lows never as low. Rewatch the first few seasons, it's true! S1, S2, and S4 are not the amazing wonders many around here seem to think. S8/9 were not much worse than things started out.

And now, G5 (what we have of it) is not some grand insult to viewers when compared to G4 either.

Considering that Argyle was working entirely off old legends and traces of information - and living in a city where he was considered a crackpot whose theories were actively dangerous ones, he may have left out the detail about the gem he used in the lantern being part of the Unity Crystal on purpose, to prevent anybody from reading his notes and deciding that this "unicorn weapon" had to be destroyed to protect earth ponies.

We see that he has a huge store of artifacts - but he has no way to know if those artifacts are actually what he thinks, see how they work, or test them. For all wenknow, he thought they had to get the crystals, reunite them, and then activate Grogar's Bell to release all the magic!

One thing I've learned in the course of my own study of history is that people who know important things rarely write them all down. And that's assuming they even actually know it themselves. Stradivarius violins? We still can't reproduce them today. And it turns out, Stradivarius himself probably couldn't, because the wood he'd have today is literally lower quality than what he had back then, due to the weather! Roman concrete, that seems to get stronger over time and not break down so easily? Also can't reproduce it - they think it may have to do with a special chemical property of the water used, and require centuries to develop that strength, but they don't know for sure. So it's plenty fair for Argyle's notes to not be entirely accurate and/or complete.

Lets see what we get, and then judge it once we have a season or so to work on. Kinda like we did G4? If we're constantly comparing it to nostalgia-tinted recollections of the old show, we aren't going to like it. But that would be our fault, not the show's.


Actually, I like the first seasons of MLP:FiM a lot. The stories had good flow and the horses being rather oblivious when they violently bump their friends out of the way was fascinating. As for Twilight not thinking to look under 'E' for a reference book isn't hard to believe. I couldn't begin to tell you how many times I've failed to find something that was right in front of me. There are episodes that bother me, like Dash not wanting to coach a cheerleading bunch, Celestia being awful at public speaking in a theater venue and Twilight ditching Friendship in favor of Theft in the 2017 movie.

I am not insulted by G5. The 3D models are a cross between Annoying Orange and Paw Patrol, in a splayed posture that horses only take when they're urinating. Really. But this would be OK as long as the story was good. The models for MLP:FiM aren't as ugly but they're not beautiful either. What they do have is style in spades, every aspect of the Mane Six is carefully thought out, and the animation is excellent. But that doesn't carry the series. I wasn't hooked by that, I was hooked by the story and the lore. So if G5 has a good story, I can live with all the other flaws.

What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, will G5 succeed as a believable post-post apocalyptic extension of G4, and if so, what will be the physical traces of the fallen civilization that got wiped off the map.

Well, I hope G5 does reconcile with G4 in a believable way, but I'm sad my little fantasy horses seem to have been exterminated in the name of bringing 21st Century tech to Equestria.

Before I respond, I'm just giving an example of the problems of EU explanations:

And that's my biggest problem with the MLP Expanded Universe, such as a comic, video game, book or whatever, because they sometimes ended up directing contradicting what the show says if they say anything at all, like in the comic book, Friendship is Magic issue 1, Sombra is revealed to in fact not be a real pony, but instead a shadow creature who was created to resemble a pony, explaining his lack of a cutie mark, but season 9 retconned the idea. This is the reason why I shouldn't read a book or a comic or whatever to know this stuff as the EU was made just to explain the problems with the show, but the expanded universe has their own collection of people who had their own ideas to how MLP should be, like those MLP headcanon videos on YouTube, like Taking MLP Too Seriously, and if this is how the comics work, then the show should say it, but the show doesn't say anything. This is why when I'm watching the show, I'm going 99% of only what's in the show because that's what I'm watching.

Wrong about what?

The assessment that the comic isn't primary canon? That's long established.

Being willing to give the show a chance to actually air before I abandon all hope and condemn it? That's just... uhm... common sense? That the show should be watched (and more than just a handful of episodes) before deciding it's not worth watching?

My specific explanation of how *anything* can be explained? That happens, it's simply pointing out a reason that something *could* happen.

I'm... not sure what you're saying I could be wrong about that would affect what I said...?


provided the G5 writers are any good

Well said.


:rainbowhuh:Are you that stupid, or are you pretending that you are stupid just to make fun of me!? What I'm saying is that most people were invested in what's in the movie or show more than the comics, book, or video game because they're easier to witness than the latter, and explaining the lore from outside the material doesn't help at all. Because why the heck do they expect the audience to read them when they only invested what's in the show!? If they're interested in the lore, then they would want to see what's in the show, but the show doesn't say anything for no reason, and it's a big problem. Don't you understand that!?

What I'm saying is that *nothing says they're explaining it in the comic books, let alone NOT explaining it in the show.* You are making assumptions about what they will/will not do based on precisely *nothing*.


You are making assumptions about what they will/will not do based on precisely *nothing*.

No, I wasn't. I was making an assumption that it was based on how and why the magic was stolen in the G5 movie, not from nothing. Don't believe me? The comic was named 'Return of Canterlot' which is the source of an explanation on why the magic was gone and what happened to ancient Equestria. If the comic was just filler and didn't give an explanation, then I hope it is. And if it was, then you'll learn.

And there is nothing in any of the linked articles to say that. It says that magic may disappear of they don't get the Crystal back (spoiler alert, either they will, or they'll twig to the reality in the movie that the crystals aren't the source of magic.)

But sure, let's go ahead and assume that you're right.

The explanation from the comic will end up on fan wikis and sites approximately five minutes before the comics hit the shelves, there will be analysis videos all over talking about it and complaining that it wasn't addressed in the show first, and anybody who wants to ignore the explanation from the comics will do so as happily as they ignored Good King Sombra.

The information will be readily available to everyone who wants it. That's kind of what this fandom *does*.

Then, at some point jn the future, the show will probably contradict it and everyone who wasn't ticked before will get mad about *that*.

And if it's never, ever, ever made explicitly clear what happened, that question will join the ranks of "what happened to the Apple parents," "how did Sombra become a shadow demon," "how did Luna and Celly become alicorns," and "what is the Spirit of Harmony" as "questions about the lore that are never answered but also never actually impact the show proper, so we'll come up with fifty explanations and move on with our fanworks."


if the show takes an Indiana Jones/ Tomb Raider jag, the G5 bobble-head gang is going to stumble over a lot of well preserved ruins.


Considering that Argyle was working entirely off old legends and traces of information - and living in a city where he was considered a crackpot whose theories were actively dangerous ones, he may have left out the detail about the gem he used in the lantern being part of the Unity Crystal on purpose, to prevent anybody from reading his notes and deciding that this "unicorn weapon" had to be destroyed to protect earth ponies.

and maybe Abraham Erskine hide the faked that their are Heart Shaped Herb in the Super Soldier Serum

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