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JK just engaged in denial of Transgender Individuals being persecuted by the Nazis.

Apparently the German Government is deciding what action they should take and J.K. may be about to be brought charges against.

The German Government ruled a while back that The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively (which claimed the Nazis were pro-Gay) was a form of Holocaust Denial.

This is hardly surprising. I mean, we already knew Rowling was an utterly awful person (not just in how she treats trans people but also in how she hordes incredible amounts of wealth), but Holocaust Denial? Really? Especially given her most well-known villain is a very unsubtle Hitler parallel and racial prejudice is a big theme in Harry Potter?

I'm not usually one to call for cancelling people, but Rowling's cultural influence needs to be limited as much as possible going forward.

Germany might ban her from entering the country. They banned Scott Lively for his crap.

Hope she gets banned big time. I love her stories but her views on transgender is a stab in the heart because I myself am male to female trans. And I am not surprised hearing about this as well.

Yeah but this shows she is incredibly stupid, the Holocaust is literally one of the most sensitive topics on the planet, and in many countries if you deny Hitler's Crimes against minorities, you go straight to jail.

Too true and I would not mind if she did go to jail however different countries different punishments I would settle for the banned. However would love them to lock her away with no contact to the outside world. We don't need anymore discrimination in the world. I hate to sound cliche but we need to be in harmony with each other like most of Equestria.

Not only that, the Harry Potter series was very popular amongst gay and trans people. I mean, the first book starts with a boy who doesn't really fit in stepping out of a literal closet and being whisked to place where he does fit in and is accepted for who he is instead of being shunned.

Goddess, so she just alienated most of her original fan base?


I was at one point a Nazi Holocaust Denier (did it to piss off my liberal parents) and I can tell you people go jail even for off hand comments sometimes in Germany, she just kicked a hornet's nest that she may not be able to recover from.

PS. I hate Nazis like normal people now a days.

She did indeed (although she claims 90% of her fans actually agree with her). Not only that, look at the sorts of people she's allied herself with. Some of her close allies now include anti-trans activists (or TERFs, to use the technical term), anti-feminists, and even a handful of literal Nazis.

Yep, the Literal Nazis are now heavily defending her on Twitter.

They're not called TERFs, they're called FARTs now (Feminism Appropriating Reactionary Transphobes!)

Indeed. RationalWiki has kept a comprehensive list of all the things she has said and who has defended her.

I like that. I'll use that from now on.

I guess Rational Wiki has it's uses.

And good.

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