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Welcome to A Guide to Common Terms, Tropes, and Stories in Displaced


Displaced (N.)- Displaced refers to mostly humans, though it can be other species or people, that have been removed from their worlds, possibly gone through changes, and placed in another world, commonly Equestria.

Ex.- Auric Fulcrum

Token (N.)- An item that a Displaced has used, commonly representing some part of them and their recent changes. This is also accompanied by a phrase of some sort.

Ex.- The Tenth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver

Setting D10 *post-it-note*

Many Displaced usually use a quote, the Doctor is unique because he uses a setting as opposed to a quote.

Void Dweller (N.)- A being of immense power who lives in a part of the Multiverse known as the Void.

Ex.- Aaron Heibai

SysAdmin (N.)- Faction of Void Dwellers who worked to keep universes in working order.

Void (N.)- The barrier or dimension, whatever term you would use to define something outside a universe, made from pure paradoxal chaos.

Sentient Concept (N.)- A being born of the Void that represents a concept, can control anything related to said concept, and think for themselves. Not achievable by Realmers.

Ex.- Essence

Realmer (N.)- Any being, immortal or otherwise, that lives in a universe full-time.

Ex.- Celestia

War (N.)- An event specific to Displaced, these usually happen between two, or more, factions of Displaced with varying goals.There are four known and recorded Wars.

War of Understanding- A battle between two factions. Auric Fulcrum, the Golden Sun, and Makuta Teridax, Emperor of Shadows. Commonly referred to as ‘WoU’. Ended up being a massive cop-out and resurrected- barely.

War of Shadows- Another battle, this time between Lee Connors, [Insert Title Here], and Darth Folteren, [Insert Title Here].

War of Chaos- A third battle, between Warmaster Ahriman’s legions of Chaos, the New Black Legions, and Sebaste and Sebastian’s United Defense of Equestria. Sometimes called the Equestrian Black Crusade. Resulted in Equestria being mostly annhiliated as Deamons swarmed across the planet, orks were slaughtered, the sun was stolen and ignored, and a random marine ascended to devilhood. Confused? So are we.

War of Logic Shortest war. Called ‘The Fourth War’. This time, it was between Quintox, the Fool, and Paradigm.

Understanding (N.)- The complete knowledge of how the Multiverse works, though not a type of knowledge most can apply to their actions.

Council of Influences (N.)- An inactive, aka dead, group of Sentient Concepts with a very small amount of survivors. Previously consisted of almost 60 Sentient Concepts, the majority of whom gifted their concepts to Essence. They partially governed the Omniverse.

Ascension/Ascend/Ascended (V. / N.)- The act of gaining the ability to dwell in the Void. There are several means of doing so.

Lore (N.)- Also referring to ‘Cosmology’, this describes the reasoning, history, and so on behind the Displaced Multiverse.

Crossovers (N.)- An event in which, usually via the use of a Token, one or more Displaced ends up in the universe of another for a short time. The logistics behind this are explained more thoroughly in the Lore.


The Convention- A method of Displacement, and easily the most widely used. This trope involves the Displaced before their Displacement attending a convention, usually dressed as their character, and buying an item from The Merchant, usually a vital piece of their cosplay that they couldn’t find anywhere else. They are then immediately dumped into the void, often blacking out and waking up in Equestria.

Rescue from Doom- A method of Displacement, most often used for so called Power Lotto- Displaced. It involves the previous universe getting destroyed, and an outside force to intervene, and displace them. They tend to be placed in a specific Equestria, not just one random from millions.

Outside-Context Villain / Hero- When a Displaced has their first crossover, summoning or meeting another Displaced for the first time.

Stoned- Most overdone and common means of imprisoning villainous (and sometimes heroic) Displaced. 1000 years in the past, when the Displaced first arrived, they were transformed into stone by Celestia and Luna, and the Elements of Harmony. They awake in the modern timeline, usually soon after or literally minutes behind Discord’s escape. This trope became popular due to its use in the elder Displaced stories, from before the group existed.

OP as Fuck- Generally considered a negative aspect of any story, this trope involves the main, Displaced character being completely overpowered. Usually means that nothing in the whole of the setting poses a significant threat to them and they have no exploitable weaknesses whatsoever.

Mercantile Displacement- The means through which a Displaced is displaced varies little and the person displacing them varies even less. This is a the trope in which someone is Displaced via The Merchant.

Golden Bastard-A Displaced character or human with an undeniable amount of power. They are easily detestable, undeniably "in the right", and tend to hold little regard for other characters, whether intentionally or unconsciously. These characters tend to have powers that, even before mastered, are incredibly strong and, once mastered, are ridiculously strong. Also tends to contain Op as Fuck and these characters can be considered Gary Stu/Mary Sue.

-Notable Stories-

The Mighty Warrior of Epicness - A story about a rather noble, heroic Displaced, by the name of Gilgamesh, that has become rather famous. Continued in For Glory! For Equus!For Epicness!

Time and Time Again - The hero was in for a surprise after attending a Steampunk convention. A new time piece will bring him into a conflict that will decide the fate of a country: Equestria, a land full of magical ponies, hidden dangers, and immensely powerful rulers.

Features Michael/Nicholas Faraday

A Four Letter Word - A story about a person, who will fade away if no one fears him… Luckily, he has the ability to conjure nightmares, but with a local dream sweeper he cannot stay undetected…

Features Pitch Black

Hooves of Ice - A story about someone, who can neither be seen or touched, nor touch those who don’t believe in him. And yet, he wants to bring happiness to his lands… But is that really possible, if he cannot interact with them directly?

Features Jack Frost

The Awakening of a Tactician - A young man decides to attend a convention with his friends dressed as his favorite character from the Fire Emblem series. Next thing he knows he's in Equestria.

Features Robin

I Will Hunt You Down - Have you ever wanted to be something else? I know I have. Did I ever imagine that I would get turned into a bio weapon of mass destruction in a world full of talking ponies? Nope. And yet...

Features Nemesis

The King Of Angels - Prepare for someone recruiting the natives while managing to perplexing us Time and Time Again (Heh, I made a pun). This guy has the goal of leading a nation, and he works really hard towards that.

Features Isaac Donohue

Son of Invention - What would you do, if your world inadvertently changed around you, and you were marked as a villain? Inventions are created by necessity, creativity, and chance. So an Invention was made in more ways than one.

Features Invention

Headless, Not Heartless - The series starring Auric Fulcrum, a Displaced Dullahan in the beginning. Auric is a hero, in the end. Based on Golden Sun.

Features Auric Fulcrum

Casting a Shadow - This story involves the mechanical nightmare know as Makuta Teridax. Teridax was a ruthless, if not highly intelligent, villain whose goals were to take control and attempt to run the Multiverse. He believed that no one else was worthy of such an authority, and maybe he was right.

Features Makuta Teridax

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Northern Desert
(Idk Some Loser?)

5083117 Thank you, this helps a lot for trying to understand some extra things and not just writing things and being an idiot.

No link to Casting a Shadow nor to War of Chaos.

Stickied and added to Front Page.

Group Admin

WoC has one too many links. I will link Casting a Shadow.
Edit: Format was broken, got it fixed.

The War of Chaos is being rewritten and I believe being made into one story so you should get a link soon.

What of your displaced is a secondary main character to another


The story doesn't completely revolve around your displaced.

Can I post a story or....


I too would like to join in, if possible. Human-turned-Toa, introduced to this Multiverse by way of The Merchant. When and where he would land, as well as the items (plural, through a sort of blind box grab-bag assortment thingy,) he would purchase, are yet to be determined. I was thinking a "ponified" version of the island of Mata Nui, but...

5083117 what qualifies as being displaced. Lets say during a series a character is suddenly transported to a different world against their will does that count.

Also if the character has the ability to return and move back and forth between these worlds later in the series does it count as being displaced?

Group Admin

It is only Displaced if they can interact with other Displaced or Void Dwellers. Anything else is free to vary.

Comment posted by Kaffeina deleted March 13th

The rules say it is "commonly" Equestria. Does that mean, a Displaced could land in another universe as well? I actually got the idea of a Displaced human turned Mew and lands in the Star Trek: Voyager universe. After he spends some time traveling the different worlds and has some fun with the inhabitants, he flies around in space in his energy bubble and suddenly got hit by a space ship and loses consciousness. The next thing he know, he wakes up on board of the U.S.S. Voyager on the Medical Bay.

I would, of course, not post the story here, but at another site for FanFictions. But since I would use this Displaced theme, I wanted to ask if that's ok with you guys and girls.

Group Admin


Sure, I'm currently planning on website for the group but in the meantime, come soon, I should be launching the groups on other writing sites. AO3 does have a tag I believe.

Awesome! Thanks! Looking forward to your website. It will be surely interesting^^

Do you know any Displaced Stories that don't take place in Equestria?

So stupid question right here. When one writes a story, how do you place it into this group?

paradoxical. Not paradoxal.

Group Admin



[par-uh-dok-si-kuh l]

  • Synonyms
  • Word Origin

havingthenatureofaparadox; self-contradictory.

Thanks grammar police.

Group Admin

If you find any faults, tag me and I'll check them.

How do you gain permissions to submit a story?

Group Contributor

You mean permission to post displaced stories to this group?

Group Contributor

You don't need permission, the only thing that's required is that your story follows the Displaced lore.

But whenever I try to put it in 'Crackfics', it keeps saying that I don't have permissions for that action.

Group Contributor

Oh, that's weird. You may need to contact Midnight Chaos about that.

Got it. Thanks for the help!

Hey if any one needs some one to bounce ideas off of it just needs help I'm here if you need

Very insightful. Thank you for this post.

Hey, I have a question. With MLP:FIM ending and Gen 6 replacing it, will Displaced stories in Gen 6 still follow Merchant rules, and will we be able to post Gen 6 stories on this website? I know this is FIMfiction, so does that mean only Gen 5 stories will be allowed on this website, and thus there won't be any Gen 6 Displaced stories?

Group Admin


You need to check the *What Makes It Displaced* section here in the forum or on the guide site. As it stands, neither MLP nor the Merchant are direct requirements. As for the latter, while I can't be certain, there has been talking of a genfic expansion to the website at some point in the future so it's unlikely Gen 5 will be the only one allowed and I imagine Gen 6 will be allowed either way when it arrives. Gen 6 is unlikely to release within a short period of time after Gen 5 ends anyway so this question simply requires time for a proper answer.

Thank you for your quick response, Witching Hour.

Does it count as a displaced if the person was the only one to die and was given a second chance?

Group Contributor

There is no wrong way of being displaced, infact, I encourage people to create original beginnings rather than using the merchant.

Sweet but I personally seen anyone from a different world put in equestria (or any other world) a displaced even if they don't get powers

Hi. I'm new here (to this group), and trying to understand things.

Displaced: A Multiversal Exploration of Characters removed from their home worlds and sent to new ones. Her primary basis is the idea that these characters can meet and interact.

Welcome to the updated Displaced group!

Displaced is a setting that inspires character interaction, and crossovers, in new worlds.

I'm running an RPG on this concept -- people from various worlds isekai'd out of their home and now traveling around the multiverse. Is it allowed to advertise for that here?

(There is one pony character so far, as well as one world based on MLP.)

Group Contributor

How do they travel the multiverse though? Usually tokens (to be summoned by others) or atleast someone powerful enough to travel the void unharmed are the only ones who can.

Well, whatever/whoever it was that "isekai'd" them has given them three things, including the ability to travel to worlds if they have a "world key", or have been to that world already.

Said "world key" can either be an object from that world, that still has the dimensional signature of that world, or an object that was made to act as a connection to that world. (PC's in this case have no idea -- yet -- how to make such things.) I suspect that is similar to your "tokens"?

They can revisit worlds that they've been to in the past.

(The other two things? Well, normally when they travel from world A to world B, they are altered to fit world B, and there are restrictions on what they can take with them. There's a machine that can let them travel without those restrictions, but they cannot -- yet -- fuel it (and it requires those world-keys). And, they've got a ship launch bay to sail through a rather dangerous inter-dimensional "outer space", assuming they can both figure out how to open those doors, and then find and trust someone to pilot.)

Group Contributor

Tokens are basically personalized items made by or empowered by the Displaced that they have sent across the multiverse. Another Displaced finds that token and summons that Displaced to their world. Tokens are made so that people can travel across the void unharmed, and the fact due to the multiverse being so huge and infinite, you can get lost in it easily. Your keys are.. kind of similiar. How does one obtain the key in order to visit another world?

Generally, they are "loot" on completion of the task in another world. As a GM, I try to make sure that the group has 1-2 accessible and unexplored worlds, plus whatever they have currently active.

They've also got a meet-up scheduled with representatives of another group in 9 game days, so if nothing else works for them, they have a chance to actually get to a major "hub" world, with shipping -- this world is actually covered in some detail in the setting source book, so it can become either a long-term active world, or a place to get a ship/learn how to sail the inter-dimensional sea.

Or ... get into trade wars. Or politics. Or the conflict between multiple groups that are traveling around. Basically, they're in my "tutorial" zone of the game right now, learning the system and getting up from beginning characters to skilled. And currently, no one else can get to them to bother them. That will end when they have that meeting in just a few game days.

Your "tokens" sound a bit like the "playing cards" from the Amber Chronicles. Items that can allow someone with the right talent the ability to travel to the location/person pictured on those cards.
(These worldkeys are kinda similar, aren't they? Yes, Amber Chronicles was one of the many sources of inspiration credited in The Strange.)

Group Contributor

Its how Displaced work and its part of it's lore. You can try some other means of transpiration if you'd like, perhaps something their displacer made? Overall, as long as your characters entering another world isn't seen as a form invading, you're basically aliens to another planet.

Oh. The primary method of world travel (translation) involves the characters being altered to fit the world. The secondary methods are "physical", and do NOT translate the character.

Overall, as long as your characters entering another world isn't seen as a form invading, you're basically aliens to another planet.

So they've all become humans (possibly mutants) in the post apocalyptic / paranoia / explore the rubble of a dead civilization world. They've become "humanoid ponies" in the "dark equestria" world (mashup of 4 different fics, two of which were anthro). They've become "normal humans" (well, *most* of them) in the "Harry potter and the GM redacted" world, as well as the dino world.

Meanwhile, I'm back at my first question:

I'm running an RPG on this concept -- people from various worlds isekai'd out of their home and now traveling around the multiverse. Is it allowed to advertise for that here?

They're up to a couple of pony characters, including one from EqG, and one from Fallout Equestria. And a bunch of other isekai'd's

I joined, and I immediately found the guide to make a displaced story! Thanks!

Group Contributor

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