The New Lunar Republic Naval Forces 102 members · 8 stories
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Lorthalis of Crows
Group Contributor

(Just shoot her!)

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor
Lorthalis of Crows
Group Contributor

Nexus: *Nexus looks to the shadows and draws his blades.* "Who are you?"

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

The sniper steps closer to Gale. "Mam you are needed topside."

3230583 Gale: "They can fucking wait." *she shoves you over and she walks over to Nexus' side.

3230570 "Answer him, who are you?"

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Contributor

"Hello Nexus. I'm guessing you want your son back, yes?"

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

He scowls slightly and waits impatiently silently notifying his team of the delay using neural commands.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Contributor

When I make a distraction, kill your target and make your escape.

The smoke monster chuckles mockingly. "Oh, how nice. Such love. At any rate, if you want him, you have to pay for him. Blood and coin, Nexus, blood and coin. Meet me by White Tail."

3230604 Nexus: "You tell me what you want first, then you have a deal."

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

The sniper doesn't react merely waiting.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Contributor

"Firstly, I want a member of the NLR as a prisoner, preferably a high ranking one. Secondly, 50,000,000 bits. Delivered to the coast of White Tail Woods.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

The sniper's eyebrow raises slightly pondering what he could do with that much money.

3230613 Gale: "What? No stereotypical small time to bring you all of this? You're new at this aren't you?"
Nexus: "Gale!"

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

The sniper smirks slightly, he was starting to like this one.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Contributor

The smoke monster turns to Gale.
"I was getting to that. You have 15 hours. That is all."
The smoke bursts into a blinding light which fills the entire ship, blinding everyone except the sniper.

3230619 ]
You, unlike everyone else, can see perfectly fine.


I stand slightly shocked at what was happening. A shadow figure had appered in the room, a unknown soldier had walked in for Gale and Nexus had shiwn up shouting like he was about to make his voice lower another octave.

3230634 (and drop your balls another inch) *out of reflex, Nexus throws up a shield around him and Gale*

Comment posted by NLR Lightning Bolt deleted Apr 26th, 2014




As the flash goes off i instinctivly throw my hoof in front of my eyes not that it had done much in any case.

Rider: "Ahh what the fuck i cant see anything!?"

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

The sniper waits seeing the shield and acts like he was also blinded.


Jet: "Bloody hell! Flashbang? Couldnt have been i can still hear things." I screw my eyes shut and try to open them seeing nothing but white

3230630 *With the shield still up.*
Nexus: "How the fuck does he expect me to get a high ranking officer? The only ones I know are-"
Storm: "You even think about it I'll end you."


"Please can we deal with this later!? This is obviously a distraction. Why else would he just blind us all? He's made of fucking shadows there was no way we could hurt him."


NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

The sniper rubs his eyes still feigning blindness. "Mam you are still needed up top."

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

"I'm sorry but they said it was an urgent matter and under no circumstance was I to return without you mam."

3230706 Gale: "Ugh, Knight, go with him and do it. And you tell them that's what I said. If they don't like it, they can shove it up their-"
Nexus: "Hold it. Who's asking for her?"

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

"I am unaware of their exact name. All I was told was to bring her sir."

3230727 Nexus: "Then come back with their exact name. Unless you bring that pony up here Storm verifies that they're legit."

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Contributor

(Use an illusion of Night Striker, one that tries to kill Nexus instantly.)

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

The sniper nods then feigns to remember something and brings out a sealed letter bearing the NLR Navy symbol. "I nearly forgot. I was told to give this to the ship's commanding officer."

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

(Give me a minute)

3230745 Nexus: "Okay, give it to me then."

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

He gives it to him and steps a respectful distance back eyes trained on the floor.

3230756 Nexus: "So I'm the commander here?"

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

He keeps his gaze on the ground. "I do not know sir I have only been here for a limited time."

3230762 Nexus: "Wrong answer."
*Nexus' horn flashes and a bolt of lightning (at the speed of light mind you) shoots out of his horn and slams into his head instantly*

Comment posted by NLR Lightning Bolt deleted Apr 26th, 2014
Lorthalis of Crows
Group Contributor

(Insta-dodge not allowed.. Try rewording it.)

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

(Well that wasn't even an insta-dodge)
He knows what is coming when he says wrong and tilts his head to the side the lightning slicing his mane.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Contributor

(Worse actually. Bolt has to move before the light or lightning fires, since its instantaneous death once it does. You could try a shield. Or teleporting while's he's still talking)

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

(He specifically said his horn flashed first allowing a narrow opportunity to dodge but give me a second)

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Contributor

(... Alright, fine. I'll allow the dodge. But be more careful! Make sure he's the right person next time!)

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

(Mmkay I just do simpler moves to keep that from happening and how should I know who's who I still just got here yesterday remember?)

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Contributor

3230815 \
(Also, you're not getting paid if her heart and body aren't intact. The heart must be undamged, and the body must at least be in one piece.)

3230815 Nexus: *Puts a shield around his full body so close that he can't even move and brings its force down on him.*

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Contributor

(You could ask your employer via mind link.)

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

(Planning on taking her alive if possible thank you very much)

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