The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group! 1,290 members · 149 stories
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Discord has won. The Elements of Harmony are broken, and now he is free to lay chaos upon the world. Starting with Ponyville.
But when he plays with the wrong dragon, Discord releases upon the world a terror greater than even himself. Now, Discord must fight, not only for his own life, but for the survival of the entire world. Or else everything will be consumed by the Eternal Fire.
Possibly the most ridiculously awesome story to ever grace this site

Well now, this does look interesting. LET’S START READING!
Hey, What ya readin?
Damnit, Silverwing? Can’t you read?
Ponies, meet Silverwing. Used to be Royal Guard till he kissed a tree at high speed and ripped a wing off. Now, he’s just a royal pain in the flank!
HEY! Fine… I see how it is… I’m getting food.
*grumbles, walking away*
Now… where were we? Oh yah, reading!

And then Spike smiled.
But it wasn't a smile of happiness, peace or even delight. No, the smile was one of pure hunger, a feral smile that displayed all of his fangs.

Shut up, Silver, and let me read, damnit.
So, these two gonna go all Smile HD on each other?

I’m about to prank you like Derpy, HD style if you don’t let me read this.
*continues reading*

I’m- I’m scared? No! I’m Discord! I’m a god! Immortal! Untouchable! Nothing can harm m-”
Discord’s thoughts were interrupted by Spike’s fist connecting with his muzzle, the force of the punch making him crash through the library’s wooden wall sending him spinning through the air before crashing down on a cart that was filled with pumpkins.

*turns around to face the irritating and interrupting pegasus*
(The following extremely violent and gore filled scene is deleted to avoid traumatizing little kids and Call of Duty® players. In it’s place, have some pretty, pastel colored horsies instead.)

*sits back down with a blood stained shirt*
Where were we…

“No. I also got this.” And at that moment, two giant and swollen maggots sprouted out of the ground and charged at Spike. Using his claws, Spike launched waves of razor fire towards them. The fire easily cut through their flesh as if it’s butter. But then the unexpected occurred, the worms’ heads butchered open and from the bloody fissure, dozen of piranhas and squirrels jumped at Spike.

*looks at the plate of food… pushes away*
Yeah… I’m done :pinkiesick:

A wave of energy enveloped not only Ponyville, or even just Equestria, but it covered the entire world and possibly even the entire universe in its power. Power that stopped all the creatures, all the natural phenomenons, the microscopic molecules of air, and even time itself.

*in best Sweetie Belle voice*
...goodbye cruel world...
*kicks the dying ½ pegasus* ((WHAT! He only has one wing! What use is he now?))

“As a token of my appreciation for the fun that we had, I’m gonna let you go scot free. Heck, I’m even gonna fix your house for you!” With a snap of his fingers, the damaged library returned to its normal state and Spike was teleported back to it. “Well I think chaos was delayed for enough time! Time to go back to work!” Discord began to levitate, but before he returned to his glorious chaos he gave one last look at the library and smiled.
Heh, that was pretty fun.

That’s IT????
Ok, let us review this. Discord apparently defeated the Mane Six enough that they are truly out of the fight. How, it is unclear, but he somehow won, it seems.

He goes on to mess with Spike, and somehow, through this, Spike gets transformed into a pastel Godzilla that can actually act. This quickly turns into a knock-down, drag-out brawl that pretty much wrecks Ponyville worse than a parasprite swarm or Twilight on a manic spree when she forgets both her meds and a letter to the Princess.

Things get out of hand pretty quickly here, with BOTH of them going to Maximum OOC settings and it starts to resemble something written by Douglas Adams.

Overall, this was not bad at all. Plenty of excitement. Plenty of bloodshed and teeth flying. Plenty of corny lines. I found it entertaining. Yes, it does have some grammatical errors, as well as spelling, and the story has a lot more “tell” than “show”. Still, I like this one, and I give it an 8.5 :moustache: approval rating. If the author was to work on it some more, it could easily get the top score of 10 :moustache:

If you want something thats fun to read, and you do not mind a little gratuitous violence, mixed with a good dose of generally silliness, then this is a story you will want to read.

...somepony help me...

2612532 Good on you!!:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the review! I really liked it:twilightsmile:. And I'm glad that you enjoyed my story.

Still, I like this one, and I give it an 8.5 :moustache: approval rating. If the author was to work on it some more, it could easily get the top score of 10 :moustache:

Oh, you flatter me:twilightblush:. Thanks a lot. Oh yeah. Thanks for the favorite, too.

Group Admin

2616215 If I author writes a story I like, it earns both a Fav and a follow, as well as an upvote and a good review lol
(could have sworn I had hit the follow button yesterday)

Oh, thanks:twilightsmile:. One more thing, would be forcing the friendship if I asked you to review my other stories for me?:twilightblush: I really want to know what I need to improve in my writing:rainbowdetermined2:.

Group Admin

2616844 Post them in the appropriate folder that they belong in, and if it is one I am a previewer for, I shall remember to do them.

Okay, thanks.

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