The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group! 1,290 members · 149 stories
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Ah, welcome back my friends. Before I get started, I want to offer a formal apology to my friend Viking ZX. A good while ago, I promised to write him this review since reading the story. I read the story, took notes, and then just lost energy and will to review. Most of this was due to school and work. I won't lie though, I spent a good amount of time playing video games as well.

Now, keep in mind that was for writing the review, not for reading the story. I actually got into the story and binged it until I was done. Read it twice even. So, yes, I liked it that much. Now, shall we move on to the review?

The Story

Alright, so lets go about some history with the story shall we? Like what you should expect when getting into it.

Remember the first one right? You know, The Dusk Guard: Rise? If you haven't you should go read it. I'm not lying when I say it is really good, so much so that it's even in our masterpiece folder. You can find the prior review we did here

The first story takes reference to a unique set of characters, Captain Steal Song and his gang. This story, even though a sequel, does not follow these characters. Actually, the most you get out of them is in the very beginning, and the very end. So who does this story follow you ask? Well, the answer is simple. It follows a griffon known as Blade, and she is tasked on a retrieval run to take back something that was stolen.

You think that sounds simple? Far from it, and this story takes the young griffon on an adventure she never would have imagined.

I found the actual story concept quite enjoyable, and always kept me on the edge of my seats. Just remember, the story doesn't get good until you meet Frost and Alchemy. As to who those guys are, I'll let you read it to find out. Trust me, It's worth it.


The structure of this story reads as if it was thought out to a 'T', I say this because from the beginning you are wondering what is going on. Viking ZX has pride in the fact that he can throw his readers into a ride. From basic dramatic structure to twist and turns that will always keep you guessing, I promise, unless you read spoilers, you will be surprised and caught off guard. No pun intended.

The dramatic structure in this story is solid, follows the steady rise until the climax. I also find that the climax in this story is done right, as in the question is in the readers head, and when answered it gives satisfaction to the reader. Just as a climax should be.

It also leaves you wanting more, and Viking makes it very clear that there will be more to come, and that it is all planed out. His sequels don't feel like sequels because they all link up to one story. It's more like, the next volume of events really. So I eagerly await the next story. Please Viking, take your time.


Unfortunately, I read stories though my phone and other devices that make it difficult to point out any errors that I find. The good news is that I didn't find to many errors. I did find a few though, and I only regret I can't remember where they are, or if they stood out to much. Simple things such as, misspelled words and well... missuses words. I didn't catch any punctuation or foiled sentences so that is a plus.

In the end, the story shown through like a project that had an editing crew to help clean it up. So if one is picky about how easy something is to read biased on English accuracy, you should have no problem with this. If you do, well, then I question your ability to live in society and wonder why you are even on the internet. Not that it's my problem though.


From perfectly executed tragedy to passion in finding friends, we experience a complete circle of emotions with each character produced. We have character to hate, ones to love, other to see as trash. This story holds greatness in how well characterization is executed. Ponies that should matter to us, we find more about, not enough to spoil any future surprises but the necessary information to give us heart in each word said and each action done.

Now, I didn't cry on scenes that may have made me cry, but in those times I can't ignore the passion and pain that was written in those scenes. They were not forced, but painted with a plan.

In scenes where we were to laugh, I actually laughed. That is good, because It's harder to make me laugh. Now, I don't laugh because the jokes were so bad that I had to laugh, or that the situation was unbelievably unrealistic, but because the humor was balanced and pure. It's hard to get me laugh, so Kudos viking, kudos.

I have yet to read a story based entirely on OCs that can beat this level of characterization... wait that is a lie, I have read one that has done just as well. But only one series, nothing else.

In short, this story hold the better end of characterization. A smart writer would take notes when reading this story, and book mark all of Vikings works to find other techniques that can better themselves.


So, despite my high opinions, its time for me to compare and think critically. I find it difficult to do so with this story, so I call for some help.

Despite my excitement and love for the story, I feel like it still falls short to what Rise had. This is a complete subjective point of view because well... I can't find the exact reason why I feel this way other than I just enjoyed the other story more. None the less, I'll still give this story the rank of...
drum roll please.

~Must Read~

I also nominate it for Masterpiece. The rank may take a while, but I wish Viking luck.

For now, I am out!

Woo HOO!

Thank you for the review! I'll admit, I was curious to see how you reviewed the plot without spoiling anything, and I have to say I think you might have done about as well as you could have without stepping into dangerous, spoilery territory.

Thank you for the recommendation to masterpiece and for your words of praise at my work. I'll do my best to keep delivering at this quality or better.

Oh, and as far as this little bit ...

It also leaves you wanting more, and Viking makes it very clear that there will be more to come, and that it is all planed out. His sequels don't feel like sequels because they all link up to one story. It's more like, the next volume of events really. So I eagerly await the next story. Please Viking, take your time.

:pinkiehappy: Trust me when I say I'll be getting to part three, Hunter/Hunted, as quickly as I am able (though I also appreciate your understanding at that with the "take your time")! I've got several other books to wrap up first (Unusual Events comes out this month!), but never fear, I'm always going to be excited to get back to the Dusk Guard Saga and deliver the next installment! And ooh, is it going to be an interesting one.

Anyway, thanks for the review, and I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I look forward to delivering more Dusk Guard Saga goodness as soon as I can!

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Unusual Events, please let me know as soon as its out! I plan on getting my hands on that asap

:pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:excitement rises:pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy:

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4961770comment above, forgot to mention.

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