One-Shotober 113 members · 431 stories
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So, coming up with 31 plots is hard. But why not make a game out of it? ThatOneWriter and I have been doing pretty much that in the Editors, Pre-Readers, and Cheer-Uppers thread, but let's make it official.

How it works:
1. Someone gives a simple prompt, such as "The Pool of Mirrors" or "Batman".
2. The next person comes up with plots based on that prompt. The goal is three, but if you have a couple extra you want to share, or you can only come up with a couple, that's fine.
3. After posting their three plots, that person decides the next prompt.
4. Plots produced by this thread are free game for anyone who needs a plot. You can comment to claim or just use it (though credit is nice), but I personally am not terribly concerned with claiming ownership of story ideas like that.

I already went twice in the other thread (those two examples were my prompts), so I'll start it off with a prompt instead.

Prompt: Changelings (edited to simplify and make it easier to come up with more than one or two)

Sounds fun!

A rouge changeling finds one of his own on a normal day out in Ponyville, common sense tells him to stay away, but his changeling instincts take the better of him. Now he has a wild house guest to contend with, along with the unwanted attention of Princess Twilight Sparkle herself.

Unbeknownst to most, Celestia actually held a negotiations meeting with Chrysalis a year before Nightmare Moon returned. Suffice to say, it did not go well.

A changeling finds himself "corrupted" by Discord, and it'll take all of his friends help to get him back to normal.



All Cerberus really wants is a belly-rub.

You never know who deserves to go to Tartarus. Maybe a Princess does, maybe a villain does not...

There's a reason it's called Tartarus.

Prompt: Random


The Mane Six suddenly find their lives operating by the rules of a JRPG, and are drawn into a random battle every few steps. (suggested by Asilin, so not taking credit for this one)

After an argument with Discord, Rarity finds that one word in each sentence she speaks is replaced by a completely random one.

Arthur Dent's bitter, misanthropic daughter uses The Guide Mark II to go visit Equestria.

Who could possibly be foolish or desperate enough to play a game of chance against Discord? If you said Trixie, you win.

Prompt: Mind Control

"Poor, poor Twilight. You thought you earned your wings, when they were really a reward for doing what the Elements wanted you to do the whole time..."

How did Pinkie know she'd win the paint-watching contest? Why, by manipulating Twilight, of course!

Fluttershy's "if you don't mind" is the same as "Would you kindly?" from Bioshock.

Whew, that was tough! Next: Alternate universes collide with canon Equestria.


When Twilight was just about done, plotting to take over Equestria, she gets a strange visitor in her Library, someone she is strangely close to... in a distant sort of way.

Rainbow Dash, she just could not get enough of herself. But when she somehow has broken into another universe, thanks to Pinkie Pie, she has been put through a flight test to prove her worth, Failing, she is now sent to a mysterious factory where she meets someone all to familiar.

Short and Sweet, Time was one thing, but breaking into a Mirror universe where every one is opposite? In every way possible? How are Twilight and her friends going to cope with that?

Toxic Blood from a Hydra.

I'll bite. (Get it?)


There's a fine line between stimulant and toxin, and sweetie belle just OD'd.

When donut Joe gets bitten by a hydra, he becomes HYDRASTALLION! Can he and his ability to grow new heads rid canterlot of crime, defeat Doctor Porpoise, and win over the fair celestia?

Basically, evil stallion holds a prisoner in room and injects him with something. I'm not going to do dialogue, but he says how hydras are usually somewhat slow. When one bites its prey, it slowly kills the prey making the prey extremely thirsty in the process. The prey inevitably seeks out sources of water as it dies, like the hydra's swamp.

It end with him saying "See this glass of water? Want it? Start talking."

NEW PROMPT: Blossomforth Saves Equestria! (I'm already doing this, but I want to see others' take on it.)


Fluttershy's "if you don't mind" is the same as "Would you kindly?" from Bioshock.

Awesome. I've been trying to come up with a way to use "Would you kindly" in MLP ever since someone mentioned it early today. That's the whole reason I did a "Mind Control" prompt.

Toxic Hydra Blood

Zecora has fallen ill, and the only cure calls for a rare ingredient that is incredibly dangerous to gather, and fatal in the wrong dosage. Can her friends survive bringing her hydra blood, and are Apple Bloom's talents in alchemy up to saving her mentor's life?

Something has been poisoning the river flowing through Ponyville, and the toxins are seeping into the nearby soil as well. It's up to the Mane Six to find the cause.

And that's as far as I got before Super Trampoline beat me to it, so moving on to his. Leaving my ideas so far up, though.

Blossomforth saves Equestria
Difficulty: I've never paid this character any attention, and only know she's shipped with Thunderlane a lot.

All of the best flyers in Ponyville are off responding to a crisis, so when another problem rears it's head back home, the only one available is nopony special.

Despite her general acceptance in modern Equestria, Luna still struggles with loneliness and the feeling that she doesn't belong. A chance encounter leads to a type of relationship she'd given up home on long ago—and might just avert a revival of Nightmare Moon. (LunaForth is your ship. Or she gets brought into a polyamorous relationship and it's now LunaForthLane.)

When a new evil threatens Equestria and all of it's defenders are already defeated, Blossomforth has to hope that fate intended for her to find Trixie's amulet, and she'll become a solution and not a problem.

Okay, that was a bit tough, since I had to switch gears there.

Prompt: Bored Discord.


Just one response, since it's a long one.

I, Twilight sparkle, am known to be a keeper of lists. One of those lists contains "Things Discord has regretted saying". Maybe it's not the healthiest idea from a relationship standpoint, but I do enjoy bringing him down a peg now and then. He's tough; he can handle it.

Yesterday, we had the following conversation:

"Surprise me."

"Surprise you? That's somewhat difficult for several reasons. First off is the difficulty of getting the drop on--"

"Tch tch tch," he said, a finger to my lips. "I mean in bed. Tonight."

"Oh," I responded, brows raised. "Um,
I can probably arrange that."

Boy, do I ever have a new phrase to add to that list.

New prompt: she's got stars in her eyes. (Or he)

Stars in her Eyes

Diamond Tiara always knew she would go places, and has finally found her true calling—the stage. But is she ready for how harsh an actress's life—or the Manehattan streets—can be? (Tiara hate? DiamondBabs ship? Your call.)

Everypony knew there was a bond between Spike and Rarity, but nopony expected them to act on it. And certainly nopony expected a child from the union. But a few years down the road, questions are arising: what does Greed Growth mean for a dragon-unicorn hybrid? And considering her parent's personalities, will she ever escape it? (Inspired by this face right here: :raritystarry:)

Twilight ascends beyond even the realm of alicorns, and acheives the power cosmic. The prompt is now a literal description of her appearance. (A comedy in which Twilight attempts to stay true to her common everypony roots while being omnipotent.)

Prompt: Magic vs Technology


Fluttershy's "if you don't mind" is the same as "Would you kindly?" from Bioshock.

my mind just got fucked

The idea is to take the last prompt posted (that would be my "Magic Vs Technology" at this point) and come up with three plots based on it.

It kind of breaks the game if you just grab whichever prompt you want.

Then you come up with a new set of ideas for it, since the idea here it to generate a bunch of plots that anyone can grab.


I actually had to think on this one.

Her worst nightmare, Twilight's friends are missing, and her horn has been removed. Now Twilight must fight her way through masses of enraged unicorns to rescue the Princesses, using long lost technology.

Past, Present, and Future. Each era now brought at the same point. Magic of old, and Magic of new, but what Twilight finds from the future, is unusual and uncanny.

At the local science fair, Applebloom brings a contraption that attracts even the most wealthy of Canterlot. Now Sweetie Belle must do her best to fight her envy, and perfect her project so people can see the benefit of magical enhancement. But at what cost? Is this really worth loosing a friend over?

Prompt: Cursed Paper


The Politics of Cutie Marks

What decides a pony is the right one for the job? Should somepony be a leader just because their mark says they have a talent for it? Are other ponies less deserving of having their voices heard, just because their destinies lie elsewhere?

A secret cabal of unicorns wielding ancient magic are the ones who actually choose and place cutie marks. By deciding the "destiny" of each foal, they are the true architects of Equestria. Does Celestia know they exist? Why would she allow this if she does?

A researcher discovers magic that can change a cutie mark permanently. Hundreds flock to him, seeking the promise of a new life with a new destiny. But what are the costs, and where did he gain this power?

Prompt: Being Different

Your prompt was really kind of complex and confusing, and I responded to it as best I could after simplifying it a bit. Most of us are doing 1-2 word prompts, or a short phrase, because it gives the person who takes it more room for creativity.

Beyond that, we're aiming for about 3 plots, and you've just been doing one at best.

Someone says a one to two word simple prompt, in which the next person takes that and comes up with three unique plot surrounding it. Then they say a new prompt and the cycle continues.

Everypony knew there was a bond between Spike and Rarity, but nopony expected them to act on it. And certainly nopony expected a child from the union. But a few years down the road, questions are arising: what does Greed Growth mean for a dragon-unicorn hybrid? And considering her parent's personalities, will she ever escape it?

I think I'm going to wind up writing something off of this myself thanks to random thoughts this morning.

"Being Different" is still up as the next prompt, by the way.

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