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Hello fellow bronies :)

I've recently got the ps4 game "Destiny" and have got obsessed. I just love the concept of placing humanity on such a high pedestal, or something worth fighting for. But im more of a big picture guy so the most important factor to me is the "Lore".

Same as in MLP a huge aspect i like is the "backstory".

Im considering writing a Crossover and i think it would "mesh" incredibly well.
Even if you don't have the game, I highly suggest looking up the Destiny Lore its like Tolkien's "Middle Earth" full of history and very complex.

Id love to bounce idea's off you guys :twilightsmile:
I think this could be somewhat entertaining. And i think that if stories like "Fallout Equestria" can garner such a large fanbase. I think a Destiny/MLP crossover has potential

3957686 i may love that game but....the lore isn't that deep to me , not really that interesting , i mean they had a lot of good ideas
take the VEX for example , robots who can travel through space and time that you have to fight in the past and in the future in the Vault of Glass , you could have a lot of backstory about them but have to go on the site if you wanna read more , the missions in the game doesn't tell you that much :applejackunsure:

One thing that i liked in the game was all the backstory between the guns , Thorn and Last Word , they could have make something epic about this but nope , go read on their website

they should really focus more on the lore and not on the money

You like destiny? I think you need to visit a doctor.

3957686 I couple of people have started Destiny stories on here, but the more people who take Bungie's amazing universe and actually turn it into an engaging story, the better. (Coughs, damn you Activision.)

If you need an editor, I'd be happy to help. :twilightsmile:

I think you need to have some tolerance.

I'm already writing one. It should be done and released by September.

I can't see this turning out nearly as well as you might think, simply because video games are so subjective and maybe not everyone liked the game/liked the same things/got what you did from the game.

Hi #8 · Jan 9th, 2015 · · ·

I really liked the game destiny and the way I see it there isn't enough connection to pretty much anything else I've seen to make it a decent crossover. The back story is also somewhat there but still leaves to much to guesses that it won't work well. If you do try it I will check it out and see if it works though but I just don't think it will

Group Admin

Look up Destiny in the find groups feature.


3957760 destiny is a you like it/you don't, kinda game so if you love it then don't judge others if they don't... Some people like really immersive story lines while others just wann go PvP in quick matches. Its just a matter of opinion

3957760 I tolerate people that like AC Unity,that is a fuckload of tolerance.

3957806 Really? I see tons of conections.
The Traveler=Elements of Haromy, the "light"="magic", tragety involving the moon.
Both species would have an understanding in magical (though arriving at it in different ways)

And the villains! The Vex invent portals, boom we have a lead in to how the Destiny and MLP universes collide. The Darkness...remind anyone of Nightmare Moon :ajsmug:

3957807 OMG i didn't know their was a group already! I better go join!:pinkiegasp:

No. Do Bungie's other amazing game instead.
You know the one.

3957686 i had preordered that game months in advanced and was quite disapointed......martin o'donnel has once again created a magnificant soundtrack.....but the game is essentially a grind simulator.....i'm not blaming bungie but activision....DAMN YOU ACTIVISION!!! :twilightangry2:
after realizing that the game just repeated over and over again i needed to get rid of it (don't get me wrong, i see how people can like it but it just isn't a game for me...and i came in with halo level expectations :twilightsheepish:) and being a halo/xbox super fanboy, i got the master chief collection to cool my jets until the next game comes out.......but still, i didn't know that it had any lore at all (it doesn't explain in the game and it didn't have any books like halo) but maybe a fanfiction would somehow possibly redeem it for me...also me wanting to get rid of the game might have been influenced by angry joe :twilightsheepish:...........this was not a rant, just a massive dump of feelings :raritydespair:

3958106 Well for me im kind of a casual gamer. Destiny was simple to play and had some cool scifi aspects. I can see why a lot of people were discouraged( i saw the Angry Joe video as well). But i think theirs more to the game than people may think.

Im not all that tech savvy but i remember what a friend said about "downloadable content". The series would get an update along with the game. Thus each update would be like a new chapter. And the players are demonstrated to have some say. I had an idea of a "democratic game" or rather a game that evolves WITH the players. And to me Destiny seems like the closest. Of course that's being really, really optimistic about the game.

Plus in games, movies, myths, humanity tends to get slighted. Why be a human when you can be an elf? Why be a human when you can play as a god? Etc, etc... But here humans are not only relevant but paramount!

I also loved the lore to Halo, even though i havent played the games. The Flood, the Forerunners and if you look really, really hare Ancient Humanity.

I'll stick to PC with Elite:Dangerous and the eventual release of Star Citizen for my fix. Let's see what comes of those.


3957858 I found it funny that someone (not me) thumbed down your comment. Anyways the traveler is a sentient thing that is injured and needs to heal so you would have to send it into the future zone. Light is from the traveler while magic isn't from the elements. Yes the vex can teleport but they would have to establish control on the planet to teleport there plus they already control most of the universe so equestrian would have to be pretty far out there to not be noticed. Yes nightmare is from darkness but not 'the' darkness... Example the darkness control the vex, as they worship it, and it is a darkness so evil it despises other evil, plus the darkness is trying to destroy the traveler so same thing with the future thing and the traveler would need a reason to go there in the first place... I just rambled again

3957858 Unless this is just a few, that's not what I would call, 'a ton.'

3957686 If you do this, and do it correctly. Man, that could be a real gem.
It just might not be all that well received. Now don't get me wrong I love Destiny.
But it seems to be popular to hate on Destiny at the moment.
But then again... Haters gonna hate

3958048 Im a PlayStation kinda guy. Don't get me wrong I love the lore to Halo though. In fact the lore and story interest me more than the gameplay. No offence to the players out there :twilightsmile:

3959265 The biggest reason I see the forces of the Darkness going to Equestria would be to "consume" their light. If light represents peace, harmony etc... then I think Equestria would fit the bill pretty nicely.

My theory (for the story at least) is that the Darkness seeks to eliminate light. Thus it wants to destroy Equestria. The Traveler in this instance is the protector of all light and seeks to protect Equestria but still protect the Earth. Thus he/she influences the Speaker to send 3 Guardians on a Vex raid aware that it links to Equestria. :scootangel:

The "darkness" that consumed Nightmare Moon, and Nightmare Rarity (in the comics) was only a portion of the darkness sent to "scout" the planet.:ajsmug:

Now why would the Darkness attack Equestria? Heck why is it taking so long?
The answer. Equestria is too filled with light. The defeats of the "Nightmares" are evidence of this. So it sends some of it's minions to do it's dirty work. If it can absorb the light of Equestria (aka the harmony, magic whatever you want to call it) it would become immensely powerful.
Along with summoning it's own forces it would attempt to recruit some Equestrians on it's heinous crusade. (Tirek, possibly Discord, and the Nigtmares)

3957824 Cool! I have an account too under the same name here "Krazy Stargazer" :)
I don't have the subscription yet though :fluttershyouch:

3960029 Read the books if you love the lore!
They're soooo awesome!

3960792 I have! I read some of the novels. But I love the Halo Encyclopedia. I was listening to a Forerunner/Ancient Huamity story a bit ago too.

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