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most canines are not capable of sapient thought, though some can prove to be fairly intelligent

these are the sapient races


The only strain of Canis lupus familiaralis bred for sapience, Basset Hounds are often seen employed by various police departments across the world.


Native to the Stirropean country of Houndyff, these canines roam in nomadic packs, rarely encountering other races for any purpose besides trading leather


semi-bipedal canines that are expert diggers, and tend to be surprisingly intelligent

Diamond Dog

Diamond dogs, despite the rumors, are incredibly intelligent, and can be quite sophisticated.

Diamond Dogs are a species that focuses around monetary gain. They gather gems and gather wealth by any means they can accomplish.

They are a proud species who value ingenuity. They do not look down at others for being physically weak, or mentally dull. It is what you do with your strengths that they look for merit. If you waste your potential, you waste their time.

Much like how ponies have sub-races, Diamond Dogs consist of various 'breeds', which are numerous and come in all shapes and sizes. From the various toy breeds, which are naturally small and weak, but exemplifies intelligence and deductive reasoning, to the fabled Bloodhounds, Diamond Dogs with unmatched tracking abilities, but have difficulty with speech. They all have skills that can benefit their people, and for that they try to look past each other’s weakness so that they can all reap our rewards.

The Diamond Dogs that most ponies are aware of are actually of mixed breed, also known as 'Mutts'. Mutts take up about 60% of Diamond Dog population. While they are valued for their contributions, it is more difficult to pin down their best skills, so they are usually brought in to do general tasks until they are able to discover what they are best at.

Mutts are created when various generations of different breeds get together. The longer breeds continue this, the more likely a mutt will be born over a specific breed. However, a specific breed can reduce the chance of their offspring from being a mutt by coupling with someone of a matching breed. For family lines, it is usually encouraged by the parent to have at least one of their children marry someone of the same breed. This is to make sure that their family line does not completely degrade into mutts.

Diamond dogs were instrumental in the defeat of Midnight Castle, where they, along with the changelings and buffalo, battled Tirek's army while the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony went to defeat Tirek

A History of Innovation

Diamond Dogs have been in conflicts with other nations many times in the past, most notably in the lengthy battles against dragons, who have yearned to claim the bounties of gems and treasures amassed in my their mines as far back as they can remember. Add that to the Talon Conflict a few centuries back, and it was clear that they were at a major disadvantage: they had no means of defense against forces that possessed aerial superiority. Griffins, being a powerful, military-based species, were able to outclass their forces in positioning and combat prowess. Add that to the hellish flames that the drakes rained down on their lands, and it was clear they needed tools to combat these threats.

Their main defense was archery at that point. It helped them prevent their species from being completely blown away by oncoming threats, but it was not enough to completely stop advancing forces. Arrows could only fly so far, and the griffin's arrows had gravity assisting them.

To answer this issue, the crossbow was invented.

The crossbow is a Diamond Dog invention created for the purpose of combating heavily armored infantry and airborne soldiers. They worked perfectly, making Diamond Dogs a military force to be reckoned with. Using strong metals that were almost exclusive to their kingdom alone, they had the power to mass produce their newly minted arms and drive the Griffin forces back. And with the crossbow’s success, improvements followed: Net and bola catapults, the ballista, and the feared sabot bolt were all quickly designed, tested, and put into action.

With the war with the Griffins quelled and treaties signed, their first foray into military technology would not be their last. Word spread of their creations across the world. Requests for opening trade began to arrive. It was then that they realized that war could not only bring glory, it could bring profit as well.

Crystal Wolf

the largest of the goblin dogs, crystal wolves, or Skolls, live in the far north, where they build large mines.

Gem Jackal

natives of northern Zebrica and Camelu, Gem Jackals are highly religious diamond dog relatives, believing in a pantheon of deities.

they are also highly secretive, as well as incredibly agile.

Duskgem Dingo

natives to Hosstralia, these canines share an uneasy peace with the native Kangaroo and Wallaby tribes, as well as their belief in the "Dreamtime"

they are actually among the nicest goblin dogs, even offering protection to travelers... for a price, of course.


natives of Neighpon, the fox-like zenko (not to be confused with the kitsune, or nine-tailed fox) are masters of illusion magic.


small, flying goblin dogs, Raptorians are also the fastest canines and make excellent spies


Native to Khaan, Stone Hounds or Shisha are peaceful, but the average Shisha possesses formidable speed, strength and agility, enabling him to use various martial arts techniques, making a single one a formidable foe in close combat. Their scale-like armor is rock-solid, able to withstand a horrible beating before going down


Native to the frozen north, these wolves are mysterious, and little is known about their habits. they make wooden armor, and hunt in packs.

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