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Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2409223 night, sorry I couldn't post you a dick pic before you had to leave.


It's fine.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin


So, how's your writing coming?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2410564. Slowly. I could use some encouragement.


Sorry, these next few days are gonna keep me occupied a bit, I still have six midterms in the span of two days, and only like two of them I fairly sure I'll pass. The same will be the case for up until Christmas, but after that you can guess I should have my new laptop, and I'll be more free to hang out online.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2414722 *hugs you tightly* I'll miss you. I'll post your gift on christmas, it's gonna be dirty so don't open the forum in front of your parents

*softly kisses you*

Don't worry, I'll still be here, just not as much until then. Luckily my last two days of school end early, so aside from some last minute preparation, or unless I get roped into something by my mom, I should have some time for you these next two days.

So, what kind of encouragement do you need?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2414959 mmm... A pic of you would be nice, but I'm up for anything.

kk, I'll get to it, promise.

Hm, how about some RP? Maybe try something with Shade X Skissa? If not, I'm up for anything you might want.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2417062 id like to

Heck, it doesn't even have to be sexy, I need some inspiration for writing just story for them.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

Twilight sat upon the floor of her basement. The floor was a hardwood of mysterious origins, and It was relatively empty at the moment. The room's remaining items sat around the edge of the room, and her position in the room's center gave her plenty of space. She looked thoughtful and worried.

Small swirls of magic surrounded the young Alicorn’s horn as she grew more and more thoughtful in appearance. Her face even began to scrunch up in deep thought as the swirls began to rotate faster and faster around her horn. Something big was coming.

Twilight’s eyes flew open as the spell ripped from her horn, and then she blinked wildly as the spell let out blinding light. All at once she could feel magic itself ripple around her. Then, just as she thought it safe to open her eyes again, a wave of wild uncontrolled magic surged into her. Her body twisted and turned as she fought desperately to expunge the strange energy from her horn.

Seconds later the magic rolled away like a tide.

Then… nothing.

Her eyes opened wide before another surge could hit, and her mind rolled over as her physical senses were confronted with something even stranger than the wild magic from before. A sleeping human!

Twilight's organized, if manic, mind automatically brought forth her memory of that one page in that one book she had seen the word human in. Much to her chagrin it was the “Compendium of Lesser Races,” an ancient tome older than Celestia. It was the most comprehensive reference source of basic information on sentient species, but it was the decidedly most bigotted book in the whole of the Royal Library. * Her first instinct passed and she looked the being over closely. She categorically examined each of the resting human's limbs, confirming that she had guessed correctly.

Twilight called forth the book using a spell Celestia had shared with her a week after the coronation, and then double checked its description against her memory. After filtering out all of the obvious bigotry and cruel racism, she was sure beyond a doubt that this was in fact a female human.

Twilight considered the situation for a moment and pulled out her "Xenoanalysis checklist." After blowing the dust off she examined her first step.

"Consider the being's physical characteristics against similar known species." Twilight read out loud softly. She turned back to the mare or "women" as the book labeled them.

The Compendium of Lesser Races had labeled it as a "talkative monkey." While further use of the word revealed it to be demeaning in its intended use, this being did bear strong resemblances to the monkeys of the southern sectors of Equis. Closer examination of its jaw showed the first real difference between the insentient primates and humans, it had much smaller jaw muscles. This small difference would likely increase the brain cavity by a significant amount. A quick scan confirmed this and she was further impressed by its thin skull. This species had the brain to body ratio needed for intelligence on a significant level.

Twilight pulled apart the female's lips just a little. The book had been right about them being omnivores, but the bad breath it ranted about for two paragraphs was noticeably absent. Its breath was almost minty, and its teeth were white.

Twilight frowned in renewed disapproval of the author, and then she measured the human's temperature. It was nearly 100 degrees! Twilight began to panic as she recalled primate's average temperature, but then calmed when she looked it over again. It was supposed to be hairless for the most part, and its breathing was regular. After examining the insulating property of its clothes, Twilight marked it down as a warm blooded dweller of colder climates.

With a small telekinetic flick Twilight lowered the temperature to better suit the poor thing.

After carefully redressing it, Twilight looked at the next object on her list.

"After establishing defining biological and anatomical characteristics, examine its decorations and styling." Twilight read a little louder. The poor human was obviously deep asleep.

Twilight approached the human and slowly examined it from all angles. It wore a gold necklace and one or two rings, but it was otherwise undecorated by metals or gems. Next she re-removed the creature’s clothes and examined them from a societal point of view. She had already concluded it to be cold dwelling, but there were three levels of clothing, and only 2 seemed logical. The outer clothes were a rough and thick wooly, the next layer were two soft satin garments covering shoulder to thighs and hips to ankles, two sock like pieces of clothing covered the rest of the ankle and covering the feet, and shoes protecting the whole of the two soft feet. It was the very bottom layer that confused Twilight. Underneath the rest of the garments were two soft pieces of cloth covering reproductive organs. The bottom pair covered what were normally covered by tails for ponies, so maybe sex was both pleasure and mating for them too. Closer examination of the breasts revealed pleasure related nerves to be present. That confirmed Twilight's recreational intercourse theory, and her growing hypothesis that their two species held similar mating incentives.

Twilight frowned as she examined the last piece. The strange stick that had been on the female's side it appeared to be a metal walking stick wrapped in leather, but it was far too short for the upright posture its anatomy dictated. Twilight gave the leather on one side a tug. She was rewarded with a "shhh" sound punctuated with a "ing" as the leather came off.

With an almost infatuated expression, Twilight examined what she now knew to be a sword. The craftsmareship of the metal was stunning for a magic free species. They obviously used tools and lived long enough to accrue mastery in skills. Perhaps it was a black smith?

Twilight stopped as she realized the lack of a cutie mark. Every sentient species had a cutie mark! The dragons and griffons might not bear obvious ones like ponies, but she couldn't even see the magical imprint of destiny!

How could any species completely escape the inherit magic of the planet like that? Twilight shivered as she considered the few dark ways she knew of, but the creature bore no scars that would result from that sort of dark magic. She was forced to postpone further examination along those lines till proper facilities could be used.

Twilight stepped back and examined the human as a whole. It was intelligent, dexterous, and armed, but it had no magic or armor. It was capable of violence, but obviously didn't protect or hurt others regularly enough to fear for its life. It had clean smooth skin, and a clean mouth. It was unscarred, with the exception of a small scratch on its cheek.

It was young too. A quick scan indicated that her mammary glands were still growing, but it was sexually capable. Twilight wrote down, “Young Adult” on her growing scroll of notes.

Twilight frowned as she wondered upon its occupation. It had to be a daughter of an upperclass family. The rings had seals, so it was a noble family, but the sword... the sword made it something else. A noble family wouldn't let any armed member go without training them, and training left scars. The sword was usable, but decorative. A sword bearing noble daughter that wasn't trained...

Twilight brought the sword back under her examination again. The beatiful metal revealed more each time she looked at it. A scan revealed almost scientifically exact composition, but no gilding or decoration that would make the sword just a status symbol.

Twilight brought it under her eye and slowly looked it over from tip to grip. It was smaller in the middle of the blade, and the blade had been nicked and repaired. So it had been used. She examined the strange perpendicular piece of steel that was between the blade and grip. It was flat and bore small intricately carved knotwork on the top. Nothing too flashy.

The grip had strong dyed leather. It looked worn, but well kept. At the very end was another piece of metal Twilight suspected acted as a counterweight to the blade. It was shaped like a gem, but Twikight blinked as a previously missed detail caught her attention. On one facet of the weight was a small impression of a V, two small axes, and a crown.

Twilight blinked as she considered it and the rest of her notes, and gulped as realization struck.

She had just kidnapped a princess.

"If I could send myself a message about that day with only one word, it would be "sword." No other single feature about that person I could examine in those first minutes would give me nearly the depth of information on humanity. It is truly the symbol of what I would soon come to fear and love."- Twilight Sparkle's "Piercing The Shroud."

Twilight's heart rate literally tripled as she stared down at the sleeping human princess. She had kidnapped somepony! This was even worse than brain washing all of Ponyville. She had literally snatched up a living thinking being against its will! She had probably violated a few dozen laws about time spells.

Twilight considered just admitting that it was an accident, but her mind reeled from the logical reaction as more and more serious and improbable outcomes filled her mind. In the matter moments her mind blazed with interplanetary wars and genocide, but before she could begin building a nuclear grade bomb shelter the human shifted sleepily. The small action snapped Twilight's attention back to the moment and the slowly waking human.

It wasn't much, but it was enough to anchor Twilight back to the present.

With her duties in mind, Twilight tied up the human, placed a sound blocking spell, and yelled.

"Spike!" Her small purple assistant came down the steps a few moments later. He had an uncertain walk. He suspected something mundane, but he easily imagined a hundred different apocalypse a.

~Equestrian Secret Service Base 001- location: CLASSIFIED~

Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Discord sat behind the one sided glass that lined the walls of the observation chamber. Most of the inside had been redecorated to replicate the look of a upper class filly's bedroom, but other spots had illusions to cover the glass.

The human had been kept under for days as scientists and politicians argued back and forth. It had taken a huge group of doctors protesting the treatment to force any consensus out of the body. Then there were the few days of setup on a unheard of scale. Everything had been for one moment.

All four princesses froze as a stirring was heard through the room's monitoring microphones. The human was waking up! Alarms blared throughout the facility, and all over agents occupied their battle stations and service carts.

Celestia made a complicated hoof motion, and with trained precision a earthpony in a maid uniform stepped into the chamber. She was in fact the best trained interrogator and spy in all of Equestria, but who better to discover the most about the xeno? The young mare had even been a diplomat, or at least a spy dressed up as a diplomat on occasion.

The human rose slowly and didn't even give the earthpony a second look. The alarms about the facility changed colors, and Twilight's mind raced with the possibilities. How could the human not be surprised by an earthpony? could it be from Equiss?! some undiscovered species? No, Celestia had met with every nation on the face of equis at some point or the other. If she said she had never met one, then how could there be any on equis? Twilight turned to the other princesses and blanched at their own startled looks. It was obvious all around that this had taken everyprincess by surprise.

Perhaps earthponies were on other planets than just Equis? That very concept boggled Twilight's mind, but it quickly replaced the idea that Celestia would not know of a species that managed to fill a position of nobility. Especially one with that sword.

"Why aren't you smiling?" All of the princesses froze as the human spoke for the first time. She was staring right at the Earthpony agent in maid's clothing. A agent who was remarkably calm considering the situation.

"I'm sorry your highness, but I've had a long morning." The agent ad-libed with ease. The plan had been to break it to the human that she was on another world slowly, by mixing what they assumed what was familiar and some Equestrian elements, but the agent had flawlessly capitalized on the human's lack of confusion. The better to discover why an earthpony didn't surprise her.

~Inside the observation room~

Was this the room Shade had prepared for her? Skissa looked about at the soft blue and grays. It certainly matched Shade's tastes.

"Where is Princess Shade?" Yndig asked hesitantly. If she had fallen asleep back on the airship Shade might be rather upset at her. She tended to be that way when frustrated. Yndig almost had to stifle a laugh. She could remember Fade's face from the first time she had fainted in the middle of one passionate night not to long ago.

But if that was so, why wasn't fade here? Fade had teased her for almost two days after the second time it happened. Surely fade would be in her bedroom waiting with feathers and rope.

Skissa would normally shiver in delight at the thought, but there was something wrong with this situation. The maid's uniform was the wrong colors! Skissa jolted as this realization struck her. Any servant of Fade's wore black and purple. This servant was in the black and white of the province of Everwinter, but that made no sense. Everwinter was to the far north Western side of Vinland. What could Duke Corvun possibly gain by kidnapping her?! How had her kidnapped her when she and fade were over the sea?!

Skissa slowly but surely emerged from the bed. If she had indeed been kidnapped, then this maid was probably armed.

Skissa looked around hoping her captors had been foolish enough to leaver her her sword to maintain the illusion of this being fade's castle, but alas they were smarter than that. This definitely wasn't Stormvangr Castle. With little hesitation Skissa reviewed the three steps to escaping capture by hostile forces.

1) If the enemy is trying to hide the fact you are kidnapped from you, PLAY ALONG! Skissa winced as she remembered her tutor's rather insistent yell. She stopped and tried to remember what she would first do in the morning, what her captors would expect.

Of course!

"Where is Shade?" Skissa asked with a eager tone in her voice. She had been on a airship with Shade, they would expect her to ask after Shade right away. Skissa tried to feign the other form of eagerness by remembering some of her and Shade's finer moments. The intimacy between her and Shade was regular tabloid fodder. Kidnappers would expect that of course.

The maid slowly set down the teapot and gave Skissa a odd look. "My name is soft touch, do you know where you are?" Ah, so they weren't trying to hide their kidnapping, just avoid harsher punishment if things went south. This treatment was leniency insurance. Best to admit she knew where she was, it was a good sign if they were looking for leniency.

"I assume this is one of the lower rooms of Everwinter Castle." Skissa had to bite off a harsh tone. They were being nice right now, no reason to return the favor.

"I'm sorry miss, but this isn't Everwinter. In fact, I've never even heard of the place. We are in Canterlot castle, and you appeared in the nearby village of Ponyville yesterday." Skissa stared dumbfounded at the maid. What did she mean by Canterlot? This wasn't a kidnapping?

~Outside the Observation room.~

Twilight tensed as the maid broke the news to the human. The human hadn't freaked out yet, but with the whole earthpony thing not freaking her either that wasn't a real indicator of stability.

"w-where the heck is Canterlot, is it one of the new villages on the suthrisle?" The human asked with a anxious look in her eyes.

The maid looked remarkably calm as she answered. "Equestria."

The human went wide eyed and very stiff. It had recognized the word! How had it known of Equestria? Maybe the other world theory had been hasty. If Twilight's many years training to be a princess taught her anything, it was that no princess was or could be perfect.

All of the princesses went stiff as the human backed away rapidly from the maid. Why was the human scared? What was it that the maid had said that scared it? It didn't look evil, in fact it was rather cute. Why would it be scared of Equestria?

The room took on a unequiisly chill as the sound of steel being drawn reverberated throughout the room. The human was armed!

Twilight stared dumbfounded at the blade in the human's hands. How had it done that?! The blade had been under three different enchantments!

All of Twilight's thoughts were tossed away as the human nestled itself in a corner and held the blade in a protective stance. From her side she could hear Celestia whisper into a microphone.

"Gas the chamber."

*(It was only the fourth most bigoted book in Equestria. The first three most bigoted books in Equestria resided in the personal library of KING DONKEY HATER IV of the Westboro Batp*ss Butthole).


Hmm... This is a very nice rewrite, I must say. I like it a lot, but there are a few grammatical errors and other things to point out:

The strange stick that had been on the female's side>< it appeared to be a metal walking stick wrapped in leather

Needs either a comma or period.

It was shaped like a gem, but Twikight blinked as a previously missed detail caught her attention.

Misspelled Twilight.

She had probably violated a few dozen laws about time spells.

And? This sentence doesn't really make sense when you put it into the context of the paragraph, it seems out of place.

but he easily imagined a hundred different apocalypse a.


Then there were the few days of setup on a unheard of scale.


Celestia had met with every nation on the face of equis at some point or the other.

I don't think that 'the' needs to be there, also Equis needs to be capitalized. and an extra 's' on the end.

then how could there be any on equis

Same thing as above.

It was obvious all around that this had taken everyprincess by surprise.

I think it'd be easier to just say 'they were all taken by surprise".

She could remember Fade's face from the first time she had fainted in the middle of one passionate night not to long ago.

But if that was so, why wasn't fade here? Fade had teased her for almost two days after the second time it happened. Surely fade would be in her bedroom waiting with feathers and rope.

Any servant of Fade's wore black and purple.

How had her kidnapped her when she and fade were over the sea?!

Needs to be Shade, not Fade.

Skissa looked around hoping her captors had been foolish enough to leaver her her sword to maintain the illusion of this being fade's castle, but alas they were smarter than that.

Doesn't need that 'r' there, also, you used my name instead of Shade's again.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2420232 how was that bit attached at the end?

Kinda funny, I liked it, though I'm not sure it fits in well with the rest of the story.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2420540. So you get the reference?

*Nods* Mmhmm.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2421045 westboro baptist bastards.

Yeah, I got the reference. Also...

*hugs tightly*

Only one day more of midterms! Wish me luck!

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2421238 fade I have a confession...

What is it?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2421454. I only had to take one midterm but I failed it.

Ohh... I'm sorry to hear that... Does that mean... :fluttershysad:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2421589 no, I passed everything. The review for the test was useless, and my dad believes me when I told him that.

*hugs tightly*

You had me worried there for a second...

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2421891 trust me, if it meant leaving this then I wouldn't be here playing around, I'd be studying my ass off for a retake.


*Nuzzles your cheek*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2422126 Faaade, my favorite MC server is down, and I'm lonely.


Aww... I'm sorry to hear that... What server is it? And more importantly, what can I do to help you feel better? *snuggles*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

I have a really freaking cool house there. It is super hidden hidden, and I have a roommate (I hope to have 2 roommates once you get on the server)

... wanna chat? or rp? or roleplay?

I'd like to see what you would be your reaction if some people that millenia ago persecuted your nation kidnapped me and wiped my memory.

I wouldn't mind chatting or roleplaying... Ugh, I just got some water into my ear... It's distracting as hell. :twilightangry2::raritydespair:

Hmm... I'm not sure how I would react myself. How do you plan on introducing Shade to this information?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2422859 badly, just as she finishes up with the griffon mess (it doesn't go great) she is told by her communications officer that the Allthing needs to see her.

They tell her, and use inteligence reports to reveal who has her. A third of the room clamors immediately for war while a fourth argue that it is time to come out of hiding in force, but not to commit to war. the rest want to stay in hiding and try to extract me in other ways.

Hm, how much does Vinland know about Equestria, given how much time has passed?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2422966 they were almost put to the sword, they never forgave or forgot

Vinland is actually just to the north east of Equestria, they are hidden by a techno-thaumatic shield that acts as a giant "notice me not" spell, it also shields it from large attack spells.

The griffons are less affected by the spell, and with their recent increase in naval activity, they are beginning to stumble upon Vinlandic waters inside the "veil".

Vinland is space age+ and has one or two colonies, but millions still live on the homeworld, and almost a third of the homeworld's population resides in one huge Megalopolis named Aurora-Folk.

I meant, do they know how much Equestria has changed in that time? Do they know how much their military has changed? Technology? Politics? That kind of stuff.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2423083 spies, spies everywhere.

Also, the population is only 2/5 human, 2/5 are different degrees of anthro, and the other 1/5 are 3/5 pegasus and 1/3 earthpony. Only about 3 unicorns.

With Equestria's weak internal security, a agent only has to cross the veil and then they are in.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2423083 also, spy satelites watch from above... they have settled 2 other worlds, spying on their own planet is rather easy in comparison to fending off space pirates and slavers.

kk, that's essentially what I was asking.

So, interspecies breeding is possible in this lore? Alright, that explains a bit...

Huh, looks good, I like it.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2423146 the lighting messes up the detail, but I'm glad you like it.

I just need to name and map the two colonies to finish, then make a world map of Equiss...

argg, why can't Christmas just be here already?! I want to play MC with you!

Ugh, I still have a ton of stuff to do for The Chronicles... So much...

*Huggles* I'm just happy that after tomorrow I won't have to deal with school for a while... Though I still have a bunch of things to do in preparation for Christmas, but after that I should be all yours!

Gotta go now, see you tomorrow. *kiss*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2423225 tomorrow then. *kiss*


Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2424247 *huggles you tighter* how's life?

Truth be told, kinda sucky, I think I might be going deaf in one ear. You?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2425354 My ears ring at the slightest change in pressure, I know how you feel.

So, how are you doing?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2425794 I'm kinda feeling sick, but I stayed up late last night.

I also bought Dead Island.

Aww, I'm still a little sick myself, but I'm getting through it.

I love dead island! Who you playing as?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2425794 it's official... I'm sick.

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