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Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2023397 (( I meant me!)
yes *I whisper again, softly* what do you do to bad (boys/girls)?

((I honestly don't have any preference for that, I'd like you to be what you'd like to be, but I'd just assume this was M/M))

Around here... Bad boys get spanked... *I whisper as I gently caress your cheek*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2023689 *I suckle softly on your ear as my response*

((Sorry had to switch to phone))

((it's okay))

*I moan quietly hand travels from the seat of your pants to your zipper as I set to I unbuttoning your pants.*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2023807 *I pull back a centimeter from your ear* what happened to spanking me? * I ask huskily*

*I grin* Shouldn't I get your pants off for that? *I ask as I continue lowering your pants down to your thighs.*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2023836>>2023851 *With only loving grin, I retake my position at your ear, nibbling and sucking on your sensitive edge. My hips even raise a little to make you job easier, but I would still have to dismount your lap to get them all the way off.*

*Feeling you continue to nibble on my ear drives me to stop taking off your pants and slip my hands under your underwear as I tentatively grope your rear end.

((I'm sorry to have to do this, but it's getting a little late, could we put this on pause for now?))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2023922 ((*presses the sexy pause button.* love you.))

((*hugs* Love you too. Goodnight :pinkiesad2:))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

((*glomps* yes I'm here!))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2027755 *I squeak into your ear as you grope my roughly* th-that's nice.

*I squeeze you flesh tightly* Is it now?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2027920 *I coo at the feeling, and return to resting myself against the crook of you neck* yest it is. *I raise hy hips up and my pants are around my knees. Your legs are between mine and block the way,* m-maybe we should change position first though.

*i begrudgingly release my arms from around you and let you get off of my lap* Y-you're right...

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2027981 *I slide my pants down the my ankles, then struggle to get them off my feet* stupid elastic!

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

Here, let me help you. *I lower myself down and pull at each side of your pants*

((Sorry, busy))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2028110 ((aww, was hoping you'd use the pants as ad hoc restraints, ohh well.))

*I tackle you to the ground just as you stand and wrap my lips around yours. my body tenses up as I enjoy your body heat and muscles more closely*

((Eh... Sorry :twilightsheepish:))

*My eyes widen at the sudden attack as I am forced to the ground and assaulted with your lips. I press my hands against your chest and moan happily as I grow accustomed to the situation*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2028182 *I grin joyfully and you feel something hard down below. Devilishly I purr and nuzzle your neck*

*I sigh warmly as your soft skin rubs gently against mine. I wrap my arms around your waist and squeeze tightly, enjoying every moment of us being together like this*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2028463 hey, why do you like me?

Because... I just do. Why do you ask?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2028550 it's just. I always kinda wonder how much of this is roleplay.

Well, I honestly don't know... W-why do you like me?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2028571 I might, then again it would be a emotional attraction and not probably a physical one. I-I just don't know. I think we would have to do more real world communication to know better, but we should probably wait for that if ever.

Yeah... You're probably right about that. I think for now, we're fine just being internet friends with benefits.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2028612 *kisses you softly across the lips* want to enjoy some of those benefits now?

*Blushes a bright red* W-well... Maybe... *pulls you into a soft kiss* W-where were we?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2028697I think I was being a very naughty boy, and you were going to punish me *I suggest cheerfully, but with a nervous edge.*

That sounds about right... *I say as I squeeze your ass cheek firmly yet tenderly*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2028744 *I rest my chin on your shoulder* how would you like me?

Well... If you'd like to be punished, you could always start by bending over *I say playfully as I gesture to the nearby couch.*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2028841 *I roll off of you and sit up. After a quick stretch I saunter my way over to the couch, and bend over just as ordered.* r-ready *I may have asked for this, but my words still stumble slightly as the pass out of my mouth. Scary was scary even if it was sexy.*

*I chuckle lightheartedly at your nervousness as I make my way up off the floor and up next to you* Now... Would you like it soft... Or rough? *I peck your cheek as the words escape my lips and flow through your ears*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2028970 I-I-I don't know, *I admitted, a little scared to try the hard again, but tempted. I never had the soft before from fade..*

*I take a second or two to think. I don't have he paddle on me like last time, so if I wanted to do rough again it'd probably end with both my hand and his rump red and swollen.* Would you like me to do it soft this time?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2029009 *I nod, tonight was too sweet to get that rough.. yet*

*I smile as I kiss you once more. My hand slowly drifted down your backside, stopping as it reached your fleshy ass cheek. I caress it for a few seconds before giving you a light pap square on your buttocks*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

*I moan softly as a little jolt tingles my backside*

*After the first strike, I begin relentlessly slapping your ass cheek, flicking my wrist light with every strike*

((Imma be getting off pretty soon... Got someplace to be tomorrow))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2029079 ((night then *kisses you softly in passing*))

((Goodnight... :pinkiesad2:))

((*nuzzles* Hey... You there?))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2033595 ((I am now *nuzzles back*))

((*kiss* Alright... Want to start us off?))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2034061 *I smile brightly at you with a little "ooohh" or "aaahh" with each tap.*

*After a few slightly rougher paps I lean in and plant my lips lightly on yours*

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