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I guess I've always contemplated this, but will we ever give up our dominance as the most evolved species on in existence?

Take X-Men for example, the humans in that sought to exterminate the mutants because they were considered dangerous and unpredictable. And to give credit where credit is due, yes, the majority of them killed and became evil. However, is that reason to exterminate their entire race?

I mean in that universe, mutants were higher along the evolutionary chain, yet we (the humans) still relinquished giving up the dominance over all living things, so much so that we sought to commit genocide. In regards to the majority argument, most of them waged war on humanity while a good number of them simply desired peace and tranquility. Similar to the Germans of World War II. The Nazis were eventually defeated, yet we spared the rest of the German people for their innocence. Yet, the humans of the X-Men universe sought total annihilation.


Because it's a comic book and fictional univers--

There is real psychology here!

It was due to the fact that we feared the unknown. We did not know if the mutants would rule as 'well' as we did, or what they would do with their new found power over all other living things.

Then why, if a new, more qualified and evolved species than ourselves were to rise, why would we suddenly become violent and terrible?

It is in our nature.

But if is up to us, as the human race to know when to step down and obey. The vanity of our actions in the past and even in the present has shown we even crave power and dominance over even each other! Through wars and deceit and manipulation.

And as the record stands now, we would most definitely eradicate any life form that challenged our 'right' to dominance regardless of its ability to govern all life, be it better or worse.

So, I submit to you: How vane are we? How truly engrossed within our own delusions of self grandeur and righteousness are we? And above all: How far are we willing to go to ensure our dominance?

Just some food for thought:derpytongue2:

That is all. Equestria is ours.


A very nice meal, quite thought provoking.
Plus it's free!:ajsmug:
And as an answer to the probably rhetorical question: We are willing to commit mass genocide to ensure our dominance. Very willing. But then again, who isn't.

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