FIMFiction UserScripts 383 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Uhm, what? What exactly would be the point of this?

Because it's no fun finding out that a blog post that you spent an hour writing has disappeared because your browser crashed. The way it is now, you have to make a new story, transfer it into that, and copy it over. That, or write the whole thing in BBcode. It's really a pain in the flank for anyone here who does a lot of blogging.

I basically want this button on the blog post maker. Is that possible?

Group Admin

I know what button you mean, and I also think it's possible. It's just that I really don't see the point. if you say you fear losing what you've written because of crashes or stuff I suggest you get a browser add-on like Lazarus, which automatically stores everything you write (except for passwords of course) for a limited time so you can recover it with two or three clicks in such cases.

if you REALLY want it though I could get around to it, though not today.

It is something that I really want, and I know that a lot of other users on this site want it too. I don't need it right this second though, so it can wait until you have the time.


Group Contributor


What's wrong with an extension like Lazarus? It'd fix the problem for every form on every page you ever visit.

It doesn't keep all the formatting when you copy it over, that is unless you type it all out in BBcode.

Group Contributor


You said you wanted import from GDocs as a way to prevent data loss. Your phrasing gave the impression that the "unless you type it all out in BBcode" was a problem because you were using some other trick like writing it in notepad.exe, not because "WYSIWYG editing" was something you really really wanted.

With Lazarus, you type into the blog form in BBCode and, at any point in time (crash or no crash), Lazarus will let you rewind to one of its periodic saves of the form's contents. Hence why, if the data loss prevention is the only part you cared about, it'd be a perfect solution.

Wait, I see. I misunderstood what you said.

2326589 What about a up vote down vote tracker? Or a way to get the group notifications working again?

Group Contributor

3258371 What do you mean by an up-vote/down-vote tracker?

3266350 Tracking people's names who downvote you. Sometimes I'd like to know why they downvoted.

Group Contributor

3266362 Ah. Unfortunately, I believe that's all handled server-side so it's beyond the realm of userscripts. Of course, I could be wrong, I know the moderators have that function.

Im posting this on behalf of my friend Sir Hat as it is like assbutt o'clock in the morning for him.

He would like to be able to hide stories on the site. If he sees something that he doesn't like, he would like to be able to hide it and then on the front page or the updated stories list to completely remove that story from view. Really that should be built into a site as big as this.

Is this possible using an existing script anywhere?


While I can't do any JavaScript programming myself, this doesn't sound like it would be too hard to make.
The only issue is, the script would only be able to hide the story; nothing more.
What I mean is, if you browse through the stories, and are on a page that displays 10 fics, but 6 of them are in your "hiding list", you'll only be able to see 4 fics on that page. You won't be able to hide them and load the next 6 non-blacklisted fics in their place.

Still, I do think it could be useful... especially for people like myself who browse in compact mode, and don't care too much if 10-30 stories are hidden.

Group Contributor

3339286 As far as I know there existed no script to do this, so I wrote my own. You can find it here.

Hover over a story listing in the New Stories, Updated Stories, Top Stories boxes on the front page, or any of the story listings in the Fimfiction search and a little red triangle in the bottom right corner should appear. If you click that it'll hide the story from being listed in any of the aforementioned places. You can then see and unhide any stories you've hidden by going to the Settings page and clicking the relevant Unhide Story button. Note, however, that I could not pull the names of the stories from their ids as it would violate one of the userscript rules for the site, but I linked the ids on the Settings page up so that you can check yourself. I'll update the script if there's any features you'd have me add/edit.


Thank you very much. I'm sure Sir Hat will be very excited for this.

Group Contributor

I'd like to see a script that duplicates the read later clock/favorite star as well as the Groups / Username / Settings / Read Later etc. bar at the bottom of a chapter, above the comments. The thumbs are duplicated down there, why not the rest of it?

Group Contributor

3398409 Something like this?

3399007 That's even better than I had imagined it. There are more useful things in the content box that I hadn't thought of.

That said, would it be possible to tweak it to grab the current color of the user toolbar and apply it to the clone?

Group Contributor

3399016 Sure, I've updated the script to do that now.

3399033 That's the ticket. Thanks!

Might just be me, but after the bar being a different color on every page load at the top, it felt weird to see the clone one as white.

Group Contributor

3399049 Just discovered a problem, the duplicate favorite button at the bottom doesn't seem to work. I just get "Error creating new favorite". The one at the top works fine, though.

Firefox 30.0, Greasemonkey, also using Fimfiction Advanced.

Group Contributor

3399137 That's odd to say the least. I believe the issue is with the pulling of data from the second favourite button, but as it is an exact duplicate of the top one, I'm not rightly sure why this issue is arising. I'll look into it further, and if anyone else has any ideas as to the cause I'd be appreciative.

Group Contributor

New Request:
I'd really like to get the 'total story views' statistic back.
(It's no longer on the user page.)
Now, I know it wouldn't be possible to put it on the user page without running extra queries on the site, which would be against the rules, so it can't be there...

But it perhaps could be put in the 'view all stories' page. Since all the stories by that author are visible at once, and since the view count on each one is visible, it should be possible to have a script dig out all those numbers and then give a total at the top of the page somewhere.
(Maybe while you're at it, also give a statistic for total words written?)

Ugh... maybe I should learn java myself. I could easily do this in php, but that's not the language for the occasion.

Group Admin

Should work. Give me a few hours.

Group Admin

Done. I didn't know what the best place to put the information was, so I just put it below the count of displayed stories.

Just two things to note:
• This script only works when you have "List View" enabled
• It will only be able to count the values for the total stories that can be displayed at once, which is 60.


Group Contributor

Have I ever told you how awesome you are? :rainbowkiss:

(And only doing it for one page is fine. It's a rare user who would require manually adding up more than one or two pages in order to get the total for all their stories.)

I have 15 pages. This might take a bit
I know a guy who has 3000 or so favorites. He's having a bugger of time sorting them. (aka he's not)

Group Contributor

Oh, this isn't for tracking favorites, this is for tracking stories by one author.
And authors with more than 60 stories are pretty rare... ones that have so many that they would make this script very tedious to use are rarer still.

The most prolific writer I know of, Regidar, only has 134... which would be 3 pages. Not too difficult to add up 3 numbers.

Group Contributor

Okay, I've got a really big, complicated request this time.
By no means should anybody feel obligated to take it on... I know I request a lot from this group without being able to contribute...

But here it is:
A re-working of the new 'Add to group' dialog.
When you click the little icon of two bubbleheads (formerly a folder icon) at the bottom of any story, you open up a dialog to add the story to groups.

Now, the old (before recent update) system for this worked okay... and the new system has certain advantages, such as loading the group icons and number of stories in the group.

But... The functionality of the new dialog box is very tedious for large numbers of groups. Because every time you click on a group to add the story to it, then go back to the main dialog, the list of groups scrolls all the way back to the top.
When you've got nearly 1000 groups to scroll through, that's a downer.
There is a bit of a shortcut in being able to do a ctrl+f search for the group you just added to, which returns you to the same position on the scrollbar, but still, that's a tedious extra step in adding stories to groups.

So, I'm wondering if anyone can rework it so that you can click on a group in there, expand the folders and post the story into folders, then collapse it again, all without losing your place on the main scrollbar of the groups list.
Ideally, this could work by putting a little [+] icon next to each group, which would display the list of group folders when clicked. Then you could add the story to folders in that group with one click each.

Or, at the very least, keeping it exactly like the current system, except when you go back to the list of groups, it automatically scrolls down to the one you were just in.

Optionally, it would be nice to filter out all groups that have 0 folders (or 0 stories), which would declutter the listing some and reduce the need for scrolling.
Another fantastic option would be the ability to sort the list of groups by number of stories, rather than alphabetically.

Group Admin

I know I request a lot from this group without being able to contribute...

Actually, seeing how you aren't an unknown face around FIMFic, you can contribute a lot to this group than some other people by simply promoting it and generally telling people about its existence. The best userscripts are worthless when nobody uses them, and I personally smile every time I see our member count increase. :twilightsmile:

But here it is:
/* words */

Hmm, that does sound like quite the challenge. I hope you don't need this script instantly, but I could try to scramble something together over the next few days. There are already a few approaches forming in my head, but it'll take some time either way. But hey, I like a good challenge every once in a while! :pinkiehappy:

Any chance of someone getting rid of that hazy effect on the popular stories list? In addition to just not liking it, it covers the last story on the list once scrolled all the way down. Seems kinda weird to me.

~Have a good one.

Group Contributor

Another new request, an easy one this time:
Can anyone help make the difference between a read and an unread PM in the inbox more obvious?
Sure, there's a slight color difference now, but on some monitors, that's pretty subtle. And sure, they're bolded, but that's also pretty subtle.
It would be nice to instead have a dramatic difference between read and unread.

Thanks for considering it!

3768844 It's extremely easy in pure CSS. But since I assume you want this as a userscript, it's far more complicated.
If you want the CSS, I can give you that now.
If you want Javascript, I can't quite get it to work. Using javascript to modify HTML elements is something I'm not very good at. :twilightsheepish:

3768844 This script should hopefully work.
EDIT: Quickly fixed a weird glitch.

Group Contributor

:rainbowderp: Oh, sorry. I didn't even notice this here.
Gotta make sure you tag me, so I get notified of the reply!
Anyway, sure, I think I could blogapost about it. ^.^

And, yeah, that's a hell of a project to work on, I know.
But the dialog for adding stories to groups is horrific now! :raritydespair: It may look nicer, but it's a hell of a lot harder to use, especially when you have a lot of groups to contend with.
But yeah, that's a big request... and don't feel rushed at all! There's no hurry.

Group Admin

I kinda work on motivation, and I know this project will take a lot of time. The Comment ID fix was simple, so I did it quickly, but this thing will at least take a day to fully refine. I will do it whenever I get the motivation (coding is like writing; without your mojo you can forgot about it :V). So yeah, thanks for your patience. :pinkiesmile:

I would love something that would allow me to view a group of stories in alphabetical order.

Group Admin

Unfortunately not (really) possible, because the FIMFic staff banned scripts that sent off more user actions per click. Therefore, this would only work on story groups with few enough stories to have them all on one page.

Something else I was thinking would be kind of cool, is if someone could make a UserScript that could give an author's overall thumbs-up/thumbs-down ratio - you know, something that would automatically add together all the thumbs-up a person's got compared to all their thumbs-down and translate it into a percentage, that way we could easily tell if a writer is new and not very well known, or not very good and not worth our time.

Request: I'd like to see a script that moves the "featured in" (groups) block (back?) up above the "related stories" block. I don't like having to scroll down that far to find it.

3855556 (and anyone else reading this)

So, I was able to do this, but it's such a small thing that I'd rather not go through the process of setting up a greasyfork account just for it. If anyone else wants to properly host it, please be my guest. As for you, m2pt5, if you're not familiar with adding userscripts in manually I'd be happy to explain it for you. But it won't be hosted at all and couldn't be easily fixed if something went wrong (hence why I'm offering it up for someone else to host).

Without further ado, here is the script code and the @match:

// @match http*://*

$(document).ready(function() {
var groupBoxObj = $("div.right-inner").children("div.groups");
var relatedBoxObj = $("div.right-inner").children("div.stories");


Yeah, I can do manual script installs. It works fine, thanks!

3856846 You're very welcome! :twilightsmile:

I'm glad that I was able to help.

Majin Syeekoh

Hey, I was wondering if someone could create a userscript that totals all of the upvotes/downvotes that your fics have? I'm just asking because it's a real bitch to count them all up by hand.

Thanks for your time.:twilightsmile:

I really have to get to learning JavaScript.

If anyone's still interested in taking requests: what about one that makes the off-site images in blog posts behave like the images in comments (that is, displaying the URL and not loading them until they're clicked on). Some posts have hundreds of megs of gifs and whatnot, and on a slow or capped connection where you're mainly trying to chat in the comments section, that's a royal pain in the butt.

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