FIMFiction UserScripts 383 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Userscripts are custom Javascript code executed by the Firefox add-on Greasemonkey (or its Chrome version, Tampermonkey) on special pages and allow you to customize it to your needs (for a collection of general Userscripts, check out the collection website,

So, pick the version that matches your browser, click on the Greasemonkey button's arrow, select "New Userscript" upon which a text editor should open up, and copy/paste the raw code from the forum thread's Pastebin links. Then, hit save.


Queuefka Palazzo
Group Contributor


And be sure to vet the code before you install it. Just because some of us are trustworthy doesn't mean all of us are trustworthy.


2319023 Okay, so I am technologically inept and cannot figure this out for the life of me. I've installed Greasemonkey (can't get the pony version of Facebook without it.) but I cannot figure out how to do any of these things. I've found the raw code, but this

click on the Greasemonkey button's arrow, select "New Userscript"

I cannot figure out. Sorry to trouble you, but there are some things you created that I would really like to implement.

Queuefka Palazzo
Group Contributor


1. Find the script you want and copy it to your clipboard. That means highlighting the entire script with your cursor and then pressing "ctrl+c" on your keyboard.

2. Presuming you don't have an exotic Firefox skin, there will be a picture of a monkey in the upper right hand corner, and there will be an arrow next to it. Click the arrow, and a drop down menu will appear.

3. Among the options of the menu you will find "New User Script". Click it, and a window will appear.

4. At the bottom of the window will be a button, which says "Use Script From Clipboard". Click it and the script of your clipboard will be copied to a text editor. YOU MUST HAVE A SCRIPT IN YOUR CLIPBOARD OR THIS OPTION WILL NOT APPEAR.

5. At the top of the text editor you will find a button labeled "save". Click it.

6. You're DONE, boyo!

2321266 I see it now. Danke!

Group Contributor

What version of Greasemonkey are you guys using? Mine says 1.12 and the "New User Script..." dialog is quite different. (I don't need help. I just want to make sure the instructions are as robust as possible.)

Group Contributor

Also, it might be a good idea to endorse a pastebin like GitHub Gist where, if you fill in a filename with a .user.js extension, then that will be preserved in the Raw link so Greasemonkey knows to display the "Install Userscript?" dialog when people click the Raw button.

Here's a demonstration with Selbi's Show Like/Dislike Percentage script to show that an account is optional.

...though I'd highly recommend script authors use a GitHub account (no cost) when using GitHub Gist. Non-anonymous pasting has the following benefits:

* You can post updates to existing pastes and anyone who goes to the old URL will see the newest version (but with a "Revisions" button on the side)
* You can comment on pastes
* You can "fork" someone else's paste to make a new version of it and anyone who looks at the original will be able to get a list of all the forks people have made.
* You can star pastes to build a faves list.

Group Contributor

or you could just use

To add to the instructions provided:

userscripts can often be made to work with a really wide variety of browsers.

Take a look at the instructions I put on one of mine:

This script is tested compatible with Chrome 23, Firefox 16, Opera 12.11, and Safari 5.1.7
It should work without modification on Chrome 10+, Firefox 10+, Opera 12.10+, Safari 5+, and IE 10+
It should be possible to make it work on older versions of all of these browsers (except IE), though you will need to use one of the alternate CSS rules, and installing it may require some hacking.

Safari 5 users will need to install the NinjaKit extension; IE users will need Trixie.
Firefox users should already know what they're doing, but if they don't, Scriptish, Scriptify or Greasemonkey will be needed. Chrome installs the script with no issues as an extension, if you first save it to disk, and then drag it into Chrome's extensions manager.
Opera users will need to go into settings> advanced> content> javascript options, and select the folder where the script was saved to.

the script in question was actually really simple in its final form, but it started out ambitious...

Group Contributor


True. I assumed there was some reason that option wasn't already being recommended and suggested a good alternative. If it was just ignorance of the pros and cons, I recommend too.

Queuefka Palazzo
Group Contributor


If a script isn't in your clipboard then the button won't show, at least that's how it works in the latest version.

Group Contributor


Ahh. Probably a good idea to mention that in bold in your instructions since people generally assume that all conditional buttons will be present but disabled.

That actually traces back to the origins of the GUI concept itself. It was invented to make interfaces more discoverable than the old command-line ones were... and a magically-appearing UI element is not discoverable. (It's also why all this work to kill off traditional menus in things like Windows 8 and Firefox Australis is ill-conceived. Gestures aren't discoverable. Panels full of icons have no place to indicate that a keyboard shortcut is available for a given action. Clickable icons and text without any kind of border or underline or other "indicator of interactivity" aren't discoverable.)

Queuefka Palazzo
Group Contributor
Group Contributor

It would appear that has fallen into disrepair recently as the owner seems to neglecting it. If you're looking for alternatives, here are the ones I know of:

- Greasy Fork
Fairly recent, but being developed by a previous admin for of 8 years.

- Open User JS
Built using Node.js if that what floats your boat, other than that, not much else to say.

Group Contributor


Other facts about Greasy Fork:

1. It's run by the same guy who runs (Which explains why it's ugly but the functionality is solid. I recommend the Hitchhiker theme userstyle to fix it.)

2. Like, it has automatic safety checks. Given that this is Javascript, the site can't do as much static analysis, but they do ensure that scripts can only @require from a whitelist of known trustworthy places like Google's AJAX CDN.


I need help.

This is what my screen looks like:

And this is the tampermonkey box:

Any help?

Group Admin


You need to follow the Chrome-specific instructions here. Specifically, you have to use the alternate scripts, enable the flag it tells you too, and restart Chrome.


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